
Virgin Chinese Economy May Renormalize After Trade Warn

Trade wars are a part of the old west. They have been around nearly as long as shooting or spearing wars. Trade wars and sanctions have helped stimulate economic innovation and adaptation for hundreds or thousands of years. Thus the impending trade war may shake up overly ossified elements in the Chinese and American economies that are favorites of bureaucrats that view institutions and corporate ossification as too big to fail benefactors of bureaucratic inertia.


One can never predict where war will lead. I suppose that applies a little to trade wars though the analogy of war in two such different arenas is only as useful as three wheels on a car instead of four. Maybe the Trump tariffs will rectify trade at a level and in a form more ecospherically efficient (some humor is o.k. in a brief essay).

It is remarkable to consider the tonnage of human consumption on both sides of the Pacific ocean and the continuing decline of raw materials to support the rise of consumption. At some point new ways of viewing the value of the wild for-itself should supplant the purse demand for surplus consumption.

President Trump could escalate the trade war and bring more forces of battle to bear until the Chinese and Russians agree to stop all non-litoral North Pacific salmon fishing for seven years and provide war ships to halt anyone else from doing so (along with the U.S. Navy). It would be great to have large chinook survive all those drift nets of the international fishing fleet catching the fish in their years at sea. If that were to occur then something good would have emerged that could be said to be better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

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