
Where is the Outdoor Chinese Solar Lamp in E-Shipment

  I am not sure of what e-shipment is. The term shows up occassionally when I buy something from e-Bay. Innumerable cheap electronics and solar products are made in China. One should orde solid, low cost wind generators from Missouri Wind and Solar, however for practical, small, cheap solar light with leds China is the source of the bulk. And they sometimes are sent e-shipment.

E-shipping can deliver packages in fewer than five days or out there a month, if I am using the right terms.



Initially one might think, upon encountering the term, that the CHinese will 3d print something in your town with an internet command. Yet that technology is a bit in the future still. Apparently e-shipments are some kind of coordinated on-line inventory and logistics system. Maybe they keep truckloads in New Jersey and with an order have a machine pick out an item from a warehouse and mail it. Main freight above might work it something like that. It would be possible to avoid having to keep too much product abroad-perhaps replacing stock when items go out.

Still, I am not sure how that system works for ordinary people. That is, is it a practical way for anyone to sell things very cheaply abroad? Do the Chinese allow bourbon whiskey to sit in truck containers in Shanghai awaiting orders?

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