
Democrat Immigration Policy Has Fascist Characteristics

Donald Trump is a moderate Republican, not an inventor of fascism as was Mussolini. In 1807 the United States outlawed the importation of slaves. The nation has always sought to make rule of law the law of the land. Federal regulation of immigration has existed for most of U.S. history. The president’s job is to enforce federal law and border security including preventing the illegal entry of aliens.

Some Democrats feel the United States security policy should resist illegal entry with less protest than that of a multiple orgasmic slut to intercourse. That attitude is ubiquitous in Democrat Party leadership. Years ago when I worked at a Taco Bell in Texas the Haitian manager said that America is a spread-legged woman. Democrat Party leaders seem to lust after illegal aliens and hate President Trump for not sharing that viewpoint.

Those Democrats working for de facto open borders are closer to the fascist demeanor of Mussolini. They just run over opposition in the way as best they can and keep on rolling. Only if the Congress passed laws with the consent of the governed supporting very high- 2 million a year, immigration numbers equal to the present probable number of aliens arriving annually through illegal entry, would the policy of working for letting a couple million illegal aliens enter annually not be of a fascist disposition.

Dictator Kim Jong-un Executes Diplomat for Failure of Nuke Talks at Hanoi

North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un has executed his lead nuclear arms elimination negotiator for the breakdown of the summit with President Trump. Four other officials were also executed or put to hard labor. The prerogatives of a dictator liberally allow execution-of-others-for-themselves.


The fat-headed dictator apparently wants to have his nuclear cake and eat it too with sweeteners provided by the United States in return for more good photo ops. The summer construction season is at hand; the dictator refusing to get rid of the nuclear tool kit is missing out on the easy to start  businesses of industrial infrastructure with joint partnerships from South Korea.

Apparently the dictator is unaware of the quality of pastry shops that could be built in North Korea by German pastry experts if a free market economy were allowed. North Koreans probably could be put to work right away building computers for a fair wage. It is possible that bullet trains from Seoul to Pyongyang  would be on the post-evil communist nation agenda. 

The Dictator gets the worst possible deals for his people (North Koreans) with the best leverage anyone could want. Possibly political inbreeding of dictators has created a dynasty with blue-blood communist problems wherefore the fearless leader is just stupid. He could get some Swedes to help him design a mixed socialist economy if nothing else. As a dictator it's pretty easy to change if one has a functioning brain.

Big Banks Jeer Executive Branch Decision to Tariff Mexico for Illegal Mexican Migrants

Some big American banks have jeered the Executive Branch decision to charge Mexico something for sending a couple of million illegal aliens north over the border annually (maybe half are caught and released). Those are big banks that should have been allowed to fail in 2008-9 when they received Executive Branch bailouts for their global financial perfidy. They think nothing of subverting wages and good jobs for the poor Americans outside the federal reserve-big bank axis of back-scratching.

A 5% tariff on Mexican imports should continue until the number of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican border annually is fewer than 50,000. The United States isn't a lawless slut without civil rights that lays down for the machos from anyplace with token resistance. The United States has always had laws and sought to do politics lawfully including regulating immigration. The U.S.A. banned the importation of slaves in 1807. Without laws concerning immigration people could have imported slaves until the civil war.

President Trump should disregard the slimy global bankers that ridicule the effort to secure the U.S. border from unfair labor practices that benefit the rich and harm the poor in the United States. One can understand why the Jacobean reaction followed the French Revolution better if one compares those aristocrats of yore to Wall Street and Big Bank aristocrats.

Step by Step, Inch by Inch, Chess Ratings Increase

I play on-line blitz chess casually and enjoyably. I learned the game so far as that goes, six years past. It was only last night, the first warm night of 2019, a night when forest fire smoke drifted over from Canadian infernos, that I felt nauseous and had dreams of a transparent chess board with piece notations floating above and the words table base draw written over, ethereally across the screen.

I studied the board in my mind searching for the many pieces that I deduced were invisible. The game notation of the pieces above was a hoax-there were no pieces on the board- it was a smokescreen hiding something deeper. I am not sure what that was.

My ratings on line fluctuate wildly according to server speed, and for blitz at least, there seems to be algorithms that one cannot defeat, a priori, like when a gambler knows the roulette wheel is fixed, or the deck marked. At that time one may lose nine of ten then switch to a different chess provider on-line and resume winning ways.

One just wants a better chess tool kit to play more interesting games. It is easy to discern one’s own chess skill limits. (i.e.) Some players actually understand the Sicilian better, pronounce the Pirc defense properly etc.

Einstein said that chess enslaves the mind. I comprehend that better now. Keep struggling to reach the blitz summit of whatever rating. It’s worth it. Then again, I saw a government commercial where some kid from the mid-west talking about addiction said; “And they put fentanyl in my heroin!


Should Starlink Satellites Be Painted Black?

Starlink satellites designed to support a global Internet capability for a Musk business present a problem for astronomers and night creatures used to a darker sky. Starlink sats are bright objects. Twelve thousand of the Starlink points of light may change the view of the night considerably. 

Maybe Elon Musk should think about painting them black. He also might support a dark side of the moon general purpose astronomy facility to alleviate worries astronomers have about the view being degraded by space junk orbiting Earth. At least Mr. Musk could co-ordinate an International viewing platform center on the dark side for staging radio telescopes, infrared and optical etc. Everyone wants a clean, unobstructed view from the dark side of the moon of the galaxy and points beyond. All of the automation and drones should make controlling them from Earth stations easy.


Is it Time to Build a Tram on Mt. Everest?

With eleven deaths on the high slopes of Mt. Everest in the last week it may be time for Nepal to consider building some kind of tram nearly to the summit. There must be a pot of investment capitalist willing to build a costly ride most of the way up  within a few hundred feet of the summit. It would save lives and create a revenue stream.


Constructing some kind of a power line and oxygen recharging stations; if not an entirely enclosed, oxygen pressurized lift might be the better way to accommodate the thousands or tens of thousands of glory seekers striving after their place at the point on the Earth highest above sea level (Mt. Chimborazo is actually the highest point on Earth from the center).


A Mt. Everest power lift should create hundreds of jobs with perhaps a restaurant at 20,000 feet or so. There might be some kind of ultra-light launch pad built as well.

A Short History of the Bible

Biblos means little books. People often wonder about how the 80 books of the King James version (1611) of the Bible came about. Probably there the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) were collected in various parchments, scrolls, scripts from a number of sources and collated by Moses. As a son of Pharaoh he had the education and means to gather his Jewish brother’s and sister’s tribal history records. Yet there were probably others in Israel and Judah that kept records. Moses probably invented the alpha beth as a phonetic upgrade over the Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Moses prophesied himself that there would be a Jewish leader who would devote himself to working on all of the material of Moses. He was probably pointing to King David. David probably commissioned the formal construction of standardized, collated Old Testament Biblical material of the day and the work likely continued into the court of Rehoboam his son.

Biblical scholars have found that the book of Genesis was worked on at different times by four writers known as the J, E, P and D writers.
The earliest is the J writer. He or she probably was the first and worked for David or Rehoboam.

The Court of King David was circa 1050 b.c. Moses was circa 1450 b.c., and Abraham about 2000 b.c. So one can see that a thousand years passed for the material to gather. The Hebrew language was only started around the b.c. 1400s. Before that maybe oral poems recorded social and religious history. It is no wonder then that King David wrote the psalms as prose-poem-song lyrics.

The last book of the Old Testament is that of Malachi written about 425 b.c. The final book of the New Testament is The Revelation believed written by John sometime in the first century a.d.- about 500 years after the book of Malachi.

http://jesusalive.cc/ques272.htm Old Testament chronology
The oldest complete New Testament is the Codex Siniaticus from the 4th century a.d. (300s). There are fragments from the 2nd century a.d.

I put together a free book that goes over some New Testament material that is interesting regarding the writers of the New Testament.


The Problem With Consequentialism

One may define morality as the parameters that people use for permissible social interaction. Some people have constructed moral theories that society could choose to use. In that sense philosophical moral theories are something like political theories for building an ideal state.

Utilitarianism was constructed by British empirical philosophers like Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Consequentialism was a latter offshoot of utilitarianism. Each of those two moral theories have fundamental flaws. The obvious problem is that people disagree about what the good is.

An example of utilitarian and consequentialism applied in Nazi Germany. Adolph Hitler and Eichman believed that the greatest good was in eliminating Jews, Homosexuals, gypsies and whoever in order to construct an idea state with perfect morality. The greatest good for the greatest number of Germans was regarded as having a pure Aryan nation.

The problem is obvious. When one uses a moral system and the consequences of acts to decide if a choice was good or bad morally speaking, the system becomes sort of meaningless. Consider a logical formula in the abstract that has undefined variables that remain undefined. Yet when the variables or literals are given concrete expressions (such as paragraphs about an act or even) the philosopher in evaluating the morality of the acts decides the concrete data can be used to evaluate the moral system itself. The moral system is forever self-defining. It is a tautology itself.

One could of course form a Venn Diagram kind of logical test with various acts pre-determined to be good or bad and then placed in the right circles, then determine if an act as a consequence has a majority of those good or bad marks, yet of course that is just a kind of utilitarianism with the marks arbitrarily defined by the ruler of that logical universe.

One solid objection to consequentialism is that it arms political lunatics to commit any number or sort of crime with the reasoning that the consequence sought is the necessary justification. In other words it is the familiar end justifies the means way of thing.

Americans Sabotage American National Security Better Than Russians

With the Mueller Probe concluded the former F.B.I. head spoke out a little about the investigation. Attorney General Barr just closed shop so Robert Mueller apparently felt the time was appropriate to reflect upon his task. He made two salient remarks. One was that he never considered charging a sitting President because it is not legal to do so. The other was that there was an effort by Russians to influence the election.

Evidently Robert Mueller understood the first point while much of the Democrat party belligerency did not. The second point about Russia makes plain the fact that Facebook and other social media venues have foreigners working them. Why not try to influence U.S. elections- it’s cheaper and safer than investing in large weapons programs to attack the U.S.A.

Most of all though, in retrospect, the Democrat Party intifada that started before the election of Donald Trump is set to go beyond the 2020 election. It is Americans that work most to sabotage the integrity of the electoral process, of respecting the results and getting on to the nation's business concerning public affairs the Congress must address. Americans sabotage Americans better than anyone else, in a variety of ways and means, in order to force their will upon unwilling compatriots.

During the Obama administration security and classified material leaks were something like a flood. President Trump has slowed that down somewhat, yet the belligerency is clamoring for more and better leaks  up to yet not limited to publishing classified material from the Mueller Report.

Japanese leaders mentioned to President Trump that the Democrat Party (of America) has a death wish. Unlike Japan that secures its borders against illegal entry Democrat Party airhead leaders support mass illegal migration to the U.S.A. in order to supply cheap labor and to undermine the citizens that vote for Republicans. A viable Leninist-Maoist style plan strategy would be to flood America with illegal immigrants, increase the anti-Republican, anti-citizen voting block of Christian conservatives that vote Republican, and isolate the rich Republican corporatists politically before taking over permanently to redistribute all national income to Democrats. That could work. Dope, abortion and homosexual empowerment seems to be tools to lever the open borders required to fulfill the death wish for the nation that Democrat regard as utopia.



21st Century Objectivity

Since Quine's 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism' outlined the troubles with empiricism concerning science the epistemology of popular philosophy has tended to move toward a more reflective and wholistic point of view. Language was brought into the mix; especially logic and language and the way propositions are constructed. Then one has the examination of the relation of words to objects, what objects are in-themselves, where qualia of descriptions of objects lie on the spectral color chart of meanings. Besides that the entire quantum viewpoint from physics and the uncertainty theory appeared to make epistemological uncertainty return with a Socratic solidity. 

Maybe pragmatiism and language meanings or lexical sets that have utilitarian kinds of function worked best in sing verbs and nouns to describe reality and common experiences. Kripke and Quine investigated realism and nominalism for word-values. Did the meanings of words have a platonic realistic realm of forms quality or were they just phenomenal meanings that worked temporally, nominally, superficially? I believe people grew to understand the differences and issues about reality as noumenon or for-themselves and phenomenon as objective appearances. 

People learned about colors, the electro-magnetic spectrum, subjective interpretation of light quanta with eyeballs and so forth. People learned about the Universe/Multiverse or simply the verse of experience commonly encountered by human beings as space and matter-energy/motion. People learned they exist within that decohered from all-possible-locations quantum field.

President Trump Should Add Religious Freedom to Trade War Reasons Why

Americans should expect President Trump to add religious freedom for the Chinese people to the list of conditions that need be required to end the trade war. Every Chinese citizen should be free to own a Bible and to attend a church of his own choosing according to the beliefs of the members concerning its theology and doctrine.

How can the United States giver preferred trade advantages to U.S. Corporations happy to have godless atheists for their senior partners and to open their technological books to the communist party in exchange for cheap labor and sales access to the large Chinese consumer market?

US Grant's Battle of Vicksburg- a 20 Minute Video Review

U.S. Grant's battle at Vicksburg in some regards determined the fate of the civil war. The tactical difficulties of the assault is under-appreciated by most Americans. A video review of the battle and its course complexity shows Grant's military skills at their best.



House Demos May Lynch/Impeach and Innocent President

House Democrats in the majority may decide to lynch (aka impeach) President Trump. With the power to impeach needing just a majority vote by the House there is a very good chance that will go ahead. After all Democrats didn't get much satisfaction from the years-long Mueller Report.

With NBC's The Blacklist done for the season there isn't much worth watching on television this summer. Football and The Blacklist are gone for the summer so a good political lynching may be all there is for the mob to watch. That could take a few months at least.

What About the biggest Hollywood Stars for impeachment doing a Trump-hating group rap song sing-a-long? That might help to require equal time film-making with pro-Trump action stars.

Since the Senate won't convict on the bogus charges it's all in good fun and will keep the country off the dreary subjects of good ideas for Presidential candidates and good legislation in the House; neither really exists any way. Hopefully President Trump will find some way to get in new buzz phrases for the nation to mirthfully use.





Silence in the Deep (a poem)

Silence in the deep
over a motionless span
relativity is special and general
warping shapes and appearances
passing through
growing apart space expands ephemeral
though in situ motionless
honeycombed membranes of virtual fields
spark’d with a breath exhales the real

First breath and last
filling echoes with worlds words
mathematical constructions, chains of circumstance
curved filling slots with zeros and ones
others with something sharp
musically chorded ones
molecular symphonic combinations begun,
woven across abyssal plains

Pieces traveling like ships-
knight, kings and queens
bishop pairs viewing the long diagonals
of marine phytoplankton from a distance
like virtual particles
in all positions over the verse-waves
that could be or become and were
after silence shared the void.


Demos Won't Deal on Disaster Relief Bill

House Democrats could easily persuade the lone Republican who voted against the disaster bill to change and vote for it. All they would need accomplish is add 2 billion for border security disaster relief to the bill and he would likely sign off on it.

Democrats would rather have porous borders than compromise a little. Disaster relief is less meaningful to Democrats than creating national emergencies with mass illegal immigration.



Special and General Theory of Relativity Conundrum

When people explain special relativity they tend to say that the effects are mostly illusory. That is, neither individual in the twins paradox experiences change subjectively, though comparatively one ages slower than the other as he travels near light speed.

Yet when the special theory is given flesh and blood in the general theory, an individual should experience mass as virtually increasing towards infinite as he approaches the speed of light. It should be comparable to the way a bicycle rider experiences increased resistance when he rides into a headwind as he pedals harder.

I may be way off about this. It may be that I have too much general theory and quantum cosmology stuff in mind. I should say that occasionally I write science fiction, so I am trying to be correct about that. I cannot find anything about it.

For some reason I got the idea that traveling faster through the fields of the Universe- including gravity and electromagnetism- made one experience those fields faster with increasingly shorter intervals-My understanding-that may well be incorrect, is that if a Lorentz invariant is “a temporal separation between two events”, then a traveler crossing through different elements/spaces of a field such as may exist in the Universe containing all other fields the Higgs perhaps) would encounter the strength of those field elements closer together with increased speed, temporally, and approaching the speed of light, the virtual addition to the traveler’s mass would be infinite.

That is why photons need be massless to travel at light speed. Gravity waves travel at light speed too. Steady state, decohered quanta approaching light speed have a ‘virtual’ mass increase that is added to them by virtue of traveling so quickly through the field. I thought the general theory added empirical content to the special theory among other things.

China Busy Destroying Earth's Ozone Layer

It is remarkable that a problem believed solved by intelligent humanity in the '70s has resurfaced; large scale release of gasses that attack the world's ozone layer.


One hopes the Communist, atheist Chinese leaders get some sense and quit releasing mass quantities of very dangerous gas into the atmosphere. The gas trichlorofluoromethane aka CFC-1 is illegal under the Montreal Protocol that China signed and dishonored. In the old days people used chlorofluorocarbons as a propellant in deodorant spray and air-conditioning coolant (Freon). It is possible the Chinese are secretly manufacturing the gas to sell to third world countries for hard cash, that may not know any better. Some Africans may want air-conditioning and don't have an E.P.A. Easy people to dump cheap, dangerous gas on. Some Chinese atheist leaders are dangerous red-necks.


On Morality...cont.

 In post-Calvin Geneva some of the pastors were described by outsiders as Socinians. They were unhappy with that. Socinians had taken the trinity out of theology and some of the churches promoted reason over scripture. Much of the American church has gone that way. The Unitarian Church of Transylvania apparently were Socinians and the left wants to make the Protestant branch a cuddly promoter of all leftist platform ideas. That can trick people of course regarding true doctrine and scriptural interpretation. The trouble is that the Holy Spirit does allow people to interpret scripture for-themselves and their understanding. Because of reformation tolerance or even accentuation of self-interpretation instead of Catholic authorities the rise of fake Christian churches was inevitable. Within those structures the left can claim whatever they like as righteous doctrine including murdering the unborn. Plainly from the life of Jesus while in Mary's womb there was implicit recognition of the sentience of the unborn, although for Jesus the sentience range was increased.

 One shouldn't forget Marcus Tullius Cicero's 'On Natural Law'. It is an argument that nature itself has an evident preferred moral behavior- such as parents don't eat progeny. I took a course on-line from Yale/Coursera recently on everyday morality. It was interesting to learn what they think in academia. They tend to write-off deontological ethical systems, including that of Immanuel Kant and his idea of the categorical imperative. There is a kind of list of moral values that people select from, and the left tend to value individualism and freedom from harm as about it, while conservatives also include a few others like honor that is lacking in the left. Morality can be defined in several ways, objectively. The easiest way is to regard it as social behavior and norms that people actually have in fact, and then describe that as their moral system, rather than describing some ideal way they might say they have or aspire to. The left also want to find a primitive morality hard-wired in babies. Calvin believed that God communicates basic moral values through conscience, and Christians go farther through the Holy Spirit toward realizing what right behavior is. Here is more on that topic--Searching for some sort of innate morality in babies that could be taken as a cognitive characteristic such that people are hard-wired to certain behaviors that he can regard as moral seems sketchy.

Morality is an ability to differentiate between abstract values rather than natural behavior for-itself. The difference between defecating in public or in a toilet stall is a moral and legal question perhaps, yet a dog or a baby defecating on the floor isn't taken to be a moral question they have flunked.
Moral philosophy isn't about unavoidable deterministic behavior. Animals pursue with personal egoism perhaps, things that are good for them, or that they believe to be good. An example would be youthful alcoholism. maybe a child discovers that drinking gin and orange juice or whatever is good, or tastes good, so they continue even though it is bad for their health. If creme puffs were actually poisonous and bad, people would eat them anyway of they didn't know better. The pursuit of what is thought to be the immediate good is not a moral question.

Socrates wanted to show that human children may have innate knowledge in one part of The Meno in a famous passage of 1900 words where he interviews a slave boy. Cicero wrote a discourse On Natural Law. The babies interpreting fair distribution or unequal distribution were not perhaps showing a moral sense. They have have transferred their own worldview into the two characters and preferred a balanced rather than an unfair or unequal distribution for-themselves. The babies may have liked or disliked a triangle shape more than a square, or alternatively have required more time to understand a complex image in regard to a triangle and sphere vs a square and sphere in motion. A triangle has slope and a square has only angles.

While morality may be what people actual do. It is a culturally based social dialect and an evolutionary praxis of change. Its realm may be stretched and broken as a society expands or is broken, so chaos and moral breakdown occurs.

One should not overuse moral reductionism to posit that like a Universe expanding from a singularity, the moral state of mankind is a kernel within babies that grows into adulthood. While some adults are simplistic regarding moral behavior and world view, and some societies are simplistic in behavior and world view in some historical periods, in the modern world, given the possible ranges of freedom of motion and action of human beings as a physical being, moral values are chosen, accepted as true dogma, and so forth, intentionally rather than automatically.

Anyone can understand that putting a hand on a stove burns. Babies vicariously understand that about others. Adults often lack that capacity and willfully persecute others at a distance with modern tools of they can on the basis of rumor. The gang morality of organizations and collectives for pursuing people to victimize is an exaggeration of the profit motive or pursuit of the good narrowly that is expanded into mass organizational moral values.

Organizational morality can have good or bad values, and designate those values like algebraic literals wherein one drops in the meaning such that it supports organizational goals.

On the Right of the Left to Murder the Unborn on Fake Christian Grounds

In post-Calvin Geneva some of the pastors were described by outsiders as Socinians. They were unhappy with that. Socinians had taken the trinity out of theology and some of the churches promoted reason over scripture. Much of the American church has gone that way. The Unitarian Church of Transylvania apparently were Socinians and the left wants to make the Protestant branch a cuddly promoter of all leftist platform ideas. That can trick people of course regarding true doctrine and scriptural interpretation. The trouble is that the Holy Spirit does allow people to interpret scripture for-themselves and their understanding. Because of reformation tolerance or even accentuation of self-interpretation instead of Catholic authorities the rise of fake Christian churches was inevitable. Within those structures the left can claim whatever they like as righteous doctrine including murdering the unborn. Plainly from the life of Jesus while in Mary's womb there was implicit recognition of the sentience of the unborn, although for Jesus the sentience range was increased.

Police Facial Recog Systems May Identify Wanted Criminals- Democrats Hate That

Police use of facial recognition systems are coming under some media and civic attack- such as San Francisco where they were banned, because they potentially can recognize wanted criminals, illegal aliens and fugitives from the law that might otherwise pass unrecognized by a patrolman. The expert systems are an upgrade to fingerprint and I.D. scans that policemen can employ to verify that a possible suspect is or is not already wanted.

With so many tens of millions of undocumented people in the United States the possibility that a policeman will remember the face of some hundreds of thousands of fugitives from the law when encountering one is non-existent. Facial recognition systems are about the only way law enforcement people can sort through the bins of billions of individuals that live in or may travel through the United States each year.

Lawless cities that would prefer to allow terrorists and law breakers of various kinds to drift through the masses incognito are not helping to secure public safety at all in banning face recognition systems.



Certainly democrats could abuse the system and track people as ruthlessly as corporations track smart phone locations and with rtf scanners and sales record follow the location of many citizens already. It is the private sector corporate world with the use of face recognition system that has the greatest capacity to abuse the data. While law enforcement agencies use the technology to sustain public safety the corporate world already has the ability to use it for whatever critical collusions or scientific purposes they like without public review. Public review of law enforcement uses of face recognition technology should exist in camera each year to confirm that it isn't being used with nefarious application as might a zodiac killer use the technology to sort out and track his victims, or a very old and rich University study society to learn who it prefers to delete economically.


Every Citizen Should Care About Public Debt

Classical virtue is relevant even in an era of mass media social conditioning and commercialism. If one learns anything from history it is that societies function best with virtuous citizens. One should work for the ideal state regardless of one’s personal longevity or lack of. Socrates didn’t fear death, he was concerned about acting without virtue and truth. Public debt is not good though many would rationalize it away.
John Calvin, the reformer, acquiesced with the idea of loaning money, yet felt that interest should only be charged on the rich that can afford it. The public cannot well afford vast public debt one-third of which is held by foreign entities. It is the poor that lose out to pay for the debt. The British American Revolutionary war loans and interest thereof were not paid off until nearly the start of the 2oth century. Social spending in England was minimized to pay the debt down, and Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in those poor English circumstances.
Though one cannot accomplish construction or maintenance of the ideal state alone, citizens should work as best they can toward those social ends that best serve the people, the democracy, and the well being of others. Concern for others as well as oneself are not only Christian values they are classical values that pre-exist even Hellenic Greece.
To live a life without pursuit of virtue or truth if one can, is in a sense to fail at life Being a good citizen and human being concerned with working for virtue in even a small way may not get one to heaven, for one needs the Lord to enact that, yet it does make humanity itself a little better, and human works brighter and more honorable.

Send Your Name to Mars on the Mars 2020 Mission

N.A.S.A. is placing anyone's name that cares to on a chip aboard the Mars 2020 mission. The little Rover will see the sights and report.

This is the website... https://mars.nasa.gov/participate/send-your-name/mars2020


Isn't It Time to Rethink Shoes

Isn't it time to rethink shoe manufacture in the United States? American shoes for ordinary people have been made in China, Thailand or elsewhere far too much since the end of the Sally Fields-Paul Newman era. Bring shoe manufacture back to the United States with three-part designer print on demand shoes.


Every shoe-store and Wal-mart could have print on demand three part shoes made for the customer live. It would end the need to send so many jobs overseas.

Store shoe production could have pre-fabbed mesh with spray on materials. There could be air-filled inner soles. Modular pieces could snap or lock together, perhaps be removable-even transformative. Innumerable ways and menus for custom and standard models could be selected by a customer.

For Democrats It's 'How Do I Hate Thee Trump, Let Me Count the Ways'

The title holder for that dubious honor must be Abraham Lincoln. He might have been qualitatively hated as much as quantitatively. After that maybe people thought rudely of Herbert Hover. President Trump is hated by Democrats, yet that is very partisan. They hated Richard Nixon equally well. George W. Bush was badly thought of by many Democrats and even some Republicans.
People even hated Ronald Reagan. Riding a Greyhound bus from Reno circa 1981 I remember a guy with a Bohemian accent saying aloud the first ten miles- “Ronald Reagan, Donald Duck, Ronald Reagan, Donald Duck…”

Can Pres Trump Fix the V.A. or Would House Democrats 'Gin to Spite Him?

Why the V.A. hospital system doesn't work is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. Various Presidents have appointed generals to lead it that work and drift to retirement without making it resemble any sort of state of the art facility. President Trump might be the right guy to fix the system yet House Democrats might vote against any sort of upgrade of the system just to spite the President.

Why the system is broken at least is part could be something related to the inability of administrators at particular hospitals to hire and fire their own people to work there. In the private sector hospital administrators can hire and fire people without concern for civil service and union sorts of things that make personnel choice non-discretionary for the administrator. Maybe President Trump could design some kind of work around so hospital staff can be improved in quality.

Not all V.A. staff are over-promoted bureaucrats by any means. Some are quite good. Often they soon move on. Why? That is beyond my knowledge. With all the money they need apparently, the hospitals just don't have a good patient trough-put rate at least for dentists. Maybe the President needs to find some highly qualified hospital administrator and systems analyst to discover why individual hospitals cannot be upgraded in efficiency and patient satisfaction.

US Bridgework Outreach to Former Foreign Allies

China routinely hates on America but loves the way capitalists are fulfilling Lenin’s maxim about selling us the rope we hang them with. Mexico has tended to be an adversary as was Canada yet the later was on the allied side in WW II, so we forget that war was only necessary because of our blundering into the first war.
Switzerland has been a good ally receiving deposits of rich people that don’t want to be traced. Australia is sometimes a friend for practical reasons concerning China and England. Poland is and ally because it is obsessive about Russia. Germany is like an ally because it declared war on us in the Second World War yet graciously lost so became good friends. The same applies to Japan I guess.
Eastern Europe is a good place to look for allies. Transylvania should be skipped perhaps since it is probably a Democrat stronghold.
Iran was a friendly nation; mildly, until the C.I.A. coup to get rid of the Prime Minister and restore the Shah in 1953. The Iran parliament had nationalized British oil fields so the fear of communism led to the paranoid response. The Saudi did the same later and no coup was launched. After the next conflict with Iran is over and the dust settles maybe Islamic radicalism can be overcome and a new age of decadence be constructed, some would think destructive, in Teheran.
France is a good ally because its women sound so nice speaking that language. The guys should speak German perhaps to sound more macho. France is more of a neutral in military affairs, yet is wedded to the European Community these days while England is in the midst of a sloppy, contested divorce with that clan.
Building bridges to those people will have to wait until the bridges are paid for in Afghanistan and Iraq where our new friends are, if something less than allies.


Make the China Trade War Become a 50-Year Trade Ban

American farmers had plenty of customers before the China trade took off. There are still plenty of hungry people on Earth, so the China trade war may actually be a blessing in disguise to American farmers as it may require some intelligent political work to provide some cooperative leadership making adjustments.

China is a large market as well as producer, so taking it off-line from the United States can only be for the good for Americans concerned about getting global capitalists to locate state-of-the-art manufacturing technology in the United States if they want to sell to American consumers.

Nearly fifty million Americans have less than a half of one percent of the national income. Wealth is largely concentrated in the United States in the hands of a small minority of the people. 

What I mean is that there are perhaps one-hundred million citizens that could use a pay increase, stable employment with benefits and good wages. The 1% that own everything have gutted benefits and job stability in the midst of all of their outsourcing and downsizing. They have let the national infrastructure decay and failed to invest in America. They have even had vast tax cuts in order to invest in China. They hide behind the middle and upper middle class in order to prevent tax increases for themselves too.

The most wealth have transferred so much technology to China as well as manufacturing that the United States is losing its creative edge. America has some of the slowest internet and train speed in the first world. There is vast public debt- 22 trillion dollars of it. People would like to see the United States actually get better technologically, economically and environmentally becoming leaders again in mass social improvement. Quitting the China trade could help accomplish that. Hopefully the trade war will escalate to a trade ban for half a century.

Why Should Congress Be Free to Use Tax Returns to Harass a President?

Should a party of losers (the Democrats) in the last Presidential election be free to demand the President's tax returns in order to have more material to harass him with? If there was anything criminal in the tax returns the I.R.S. should have caught that the past few decades. Exploiting tax returns without plain evidence of a crime is a fishing expedition to harass the President and to try to do him financial and political injury while they can.

Sure the most rich should pay higher taxes. Using the President's tax returns to learn his business practices better and to have material to use against him in the 2020 Presidential campaign is simply hitting below the belt.

Democrats in Congress have shown a lack of class and integrity in pursuing the President through any and all means after the Mueller Report was not able to recommend some sort of indictment or plain proof of Donald Trump working with Russians through some illegal means to snatch the job of President from Hillary Clinton's outstretched hands.

 The talk of impeachment before an election is even worse; there are no impeachable offenses, or a single impeachable offense that anyone is aware of. Democrats just don't like President Trump. Democrats were the party of slavery, and the master mentality seems to infect the party leadership still such that they feel a right to have their way all the way to hell. Impeaching the President not for getting blow jobs in the Oval Office or lying under oath to Congress, but for defending himself lawfully against a year's-long Democrat hate party seeking to cut off his nuts politically with the full mob leadership mentality of the broadcast media (though not 100% of that group), is the work of a desperate party without good ideas that would get them elected for-themselves,

Salt and the Confederacy

Salt being necessary for preserving meat was important to the southern forces. Before refrigeration curing meat meant salt. Mobile troops required transportable preserved meat.

Before the war the southern states imported most salt from the Caribbean. It used vast amounts of salt- 450 million pounds annually according to one author.

The Salt Wars

During the war a Union naval blockade stopped that. The south had to scramble to keep the food supply viable.

Florida was a slave state that contributed 15,000 troops to the war effort. The state with several salt works produced much southern supply. The largest salt works were at St. Andrews and Apalachee Bay.

The working conditions at salt works was often very hard. The confederates employed slaves at some sites in harsh conditions. Many died on the job. Alabama had an especially cruel salt works.

Alabama Civil War Site: Bon Secour Salt Works

Another important salt works was at Saltville VA. Union General George Stoneman twice attacked it. In the second battle he tore up the works and railroad tracks and took out the production a couple of months. The damage to the tracks lasted longer. It was the main eastern producer for the rebels.

Salt in the American Civil War - Wikipedia

I have wondered if one of the causes of General Lee’s starving troops was the damage to various salt works and the broken supply lines. Some confederate soldiers of the Army of Virginia went barefoot toward the end while thousands of pairs of boots were in warehouses in North Carolina that capitalists would not surrender to the war effort. Mass quantities of salt and food production sights, hog farms and so forth became scarce toward the end perhaps, comparable to Nazi production and supply attrition.

Democrat Candidates Seek Formation of Fake Christian Left

Some Democratic Presidential candidates are seeking to establish a fake Christianity for leftists that is non-trinitarian and basically Socinianism with worldiness substantial enough  to normalize favorite Democrat Party sins.

The problem of fake version of Christianity that allow sin as doctrinally hunkie dorrie is that the followers may well be, and most likely are lost. With universal literacy it would require fake Bibles with fake gospel to support homosexual marriage and abortion as sound doctrine for anyone to avoid knowing that the Christian left doctrines are godless.

Socinianism formed about the same time as the reformation and accepted the outward forms of Christianity stripped of the Trinity. It promoted reason over Biblical common sense interpretation. The pastors of Geneva took it as an insult to be called Socinians during the 16th century. Later of course, even the Unitarian Church of Transylvania accepted Socinian doctrine. The evolution of the Democratic Party faithlessness toward expropriating and gutting sound Christian doctrine is a logic progression.


Put Economic Sanctions on China Permanently?

There are some solid issues that need to be resolved regarding China trade policy. It is unfortunate that a trade war was needed to get the attention of the Chinese Dictator for Life.

There are short, middle and long range repercussions for failing to solve unfair trade practices and bring them to an honest and balanced footing. A Business Insider article said there were three primary issues of the trade war; intellectual-property rules, government subsidies, and enforcement mechanisms.


One cannot just ignore the corruption of China’s communist party permisiveness for disregarding patents, copyrights and so forth with lax enforcement or support for illicit use of proprietary material. There is a great information transfer going on from the west to China. That is all good for China and not so good for western producers of proprietary material. If that situation continues it is a reason to stop doing business with China and instead work with just Taiwan and Vietnam.

American businesses that want to produce in China are required to have a majority Chinese partner and open all technology accounts to the Chinese. It is a forced technology transfer in effect. That Communist redistribution rule is the cost of doing business in a Communist ruled nation. If China cannot bring itself to respect property rights of intellectual products the Trump administration might need to simply ban doing business with China eventually.

China also has government subsidies for business and that is unfair for western corporations. Honestly though, that is what communist or socialist governments do so it seems irrational to expect something else. American businesses want the cheap Chinese production costs and access to the large and growing Chinese consumer market for sales. President Trump has noticed that China isn’t willing to budge on just doing business western-style without government support for business (although America offers subsidies to businesses with (for example) the oil depletion tax allowances that are perhaps a form of back-door subsidy. A proper Confucian rectification of business would eliminate both Chinese government business subsidies and the oil depletion tax allowance.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...