
Universal Basic Income Should be a Doge Priority

It might prevent a lot of crimes and costs of incarceration. It could replace unemployment compensation, food stamps, etc and enhance efficiency. Should phase out at a third of the average income so people have a motivation to work.

Maybe it would make it easier for vets to transition to the civilian economy. It could nearly end homelessness; a million people were homeless in 2024.

Some people on S.S.I. that could work won't look for a job because it can take a long time to get it, and if a job ends for whatever reason they won't get the S.S.I. again since they showed they were able UBI would stop that cycle.

So many government programs cost a lot to operate with staff that could be reduced with UBI. Consider how many hearing officer bureaucrats that are well paid to adjudicate claims that could be eliminated.

Some Americans would rather not let people they don't like work because work and earnings make for a better life. They know cheap illegal labor and foreign college educated people cacan be imported so they couldn't care less if people are unemployed. UBC would let discriminated citizens have more lateral mobility to explore for a break in the maladjusted insider network defenses that exist to prevent people from working

Faith vs Original Sin/Matthew 18:2-3

 Sin means to miss the mark of.

The famous analogy is that of an archer missing the bullseye.

Humanity is in a containment facility for the sin of the first people. They came to reach self awareness and were as little Gods. That is the learned the difference between good and evil unlike animals that simply kill and eat without sin. Humans were given a temporal existence with brief life spans. God did not want people to live forever with their willful disobedience.

Children are born with original sin and are in the thermodynamic field inputting energy to exist. Most perped sins besides the original are related to that.

Children though have naive trust in their parents and faith in them (unless the parents are wicked, abusive or neglectful). Becoming as little children probably means having true faith in Christ-regardless of what sophists and scoffers say.

Matthew 18:2-3, which says, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”. 

Salient Wars of Democrat Presidents Since 1960

 The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was the upgrade to real war.Vietnam was a Democrat war. Eisenhower had only sent military aid with 700 soldiers to field it. Then he left office. Kennedy sent 16,000 advisers and they incurred the first US casualties. Then Johnson, another Democrat, sent a half million with more than 58,000 becoming dying there.

There is a bit more to the history of Democrats and war since Kennedy. Carter was different through. As a nuclear engineer on a submarine with ICBMs he well understood the need to avoid war. Clinton though bungled the end of the Cold War and took Ukraine away from Russia. Good historians noted that would be a problem for the future. It was the seed sewn for the present Ukraine conflict. He encouraged expansion of NATO instead of better relations with Russia.


Clinton also involved himself in the Balkan conflict and the US went to war with Serbia. That tilted the balance toward Muslim terror expansion.

President Obama was a coordinator for the Syrian Civil War that cost more than 600,000 lives. He was an organizer and financier besides providing weapons and training. The he took a Kinetic Military Action, as his SecDef called it, against Moamar Gaddafi’s Libya who had signed a treaty with the Bush administration. That brought chaos and a haven for terrorists after the death of Gaddafi. He isn’t responsible for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars that he inherited.

President Biden has rejected every opportunity to find peace with Russia and has applied every sanction possible on Russia. He has allowed US missiles to be launched into Russia, has contributed 174 billion dollars in weapons and finance to Ukraine and may be behind the sinking of Civilian ships of Russia transporting oil and technology. He is also providing intelligence to the Zelinski regime that has stayed in office beyond his elected term of office by suspending elections. Zelinski is lowering the draft age to 18 to force another 500,000 Ukrainians to the front lines. Russia is a nuclear state and forcing the war to continue instead of settling in in place runs a good chance of developing a nuclear war.

If Russia were losing ground and or NATO attacks Russia people will use nuclear weapons to stand. Biden has given Ukraine another 3 and a half dollars worth of weapons this month. World War 3 is not acceptable and normal relations should be restored with Russia asap to make for a better economy and work for a peaceful, verdant world.

Build A Baseball Hall of Deplorables Annex

Create a Hall of Fame Annex for deplorables. It could have all the stars banned from the side with those that would be welcome in the Harper Valley P.T.A. I saw Rod Carew steal second, third and home; he could be an honorary member.

Shoeless Joe Jackson, Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens; without those players in the Hall the math doesn’t add up.

News of the Dog Star Cult

 Transcript from the Dog Star Cult. “When the Big Bag spilled it’s guts and hyper inflated a split second later faster than light because the field expansion was quicker than particles of it tangling themselves up with mass confusion in a manner of speaking the swag was glommed up in fields breaking apart with traceable elements relativity detectives could use to trace the heist. Nobody in the unbelievers mob thought any big brain intelligence spilled the beans of the Big Bag and were unconcerned with police finding the m.o. or pros that took it for themselves”.



Metaphysics expressed with language should be descriptive and construct images or portraits of the structures that it posits as meaningful or actual. The parameters could be like those of Ortega y Gasset's 'Some Lessons in Metaphysics' that might be described as existential realism, or extrapolations using synthetic considerations about deeper insights into being. I think the criteria for validity is the focus on meaning rather than disapprobation of another point of view on Metaphysics. The quality of insight is what should be regarded.

I have thought about some of the issues concerning scientific proofs of God that some atheists regard as necessary for themselves to believe or for believers to have valid defensible parameters for faith. I won't digress into the philosophy of history and the validity of the Bible and archeology or for them as scientific evidence. I'll continue toward the challenge to find absolute values from within the 'set' of being. Philo of Alexandria described an interesting theology yet realists might ask for a bridge of construction-for Gauss to show how he solved challenging problems, instead of a revealed structure such as Plotinus provided in The Enneads.

Apparently one cannot mathematically process infinite sets of real numbers regardless of Cantor’s diagonalization argument and comparative cardinality. Because God entails all infinity it will be difficult to mathematically ‘prove’ elements one regards as qualities of God. It might also be difficult to create a theorem, as if it were string theory being worked on 30 years so far without end, to make a theory explaining all of God rather than an ‘observable’ portion of God, or an wholistic portrait of God caught in time, like how He was when the wave function collapsed.

Determining the location of one quanta by collapsing the wave function wouldn’t not be sufficient to determine the location of God. For that, if it were possible, it might be necessary to collapse an infinite wave function product of all possible quanta of the universe.

Then, if God as spirit is actually quantifiable as a waveform and that waveform is synonymous with the quanta from the unified field that the universe theoretically stems from the collapse of that wave function could only result in the number of 1 I would think, or perhaps cancel itself out to zero since the summation of locations of the universe content reduced from itself would be nowhere.

There is the additional problem that a wave function can’t be defined for an infinite region of space. Hilbert space allows infinite dimensions yet that won’t transcend the criterion of the former. For an infinite number of quanta and field across an infinite spatial area- even of nothingness, calculating wave functions for an infinite number of quanta wouldn’t be probable.

A while ago the question arose. I will repost the matter for it supports some of the issue of defining 'empty space volume with no borders'. defined because:

The elements of the sets are infinite in number and uncountable, so “adding” them isn’t straightforward.

Even if we attempt to define something like , this wouldn’t “cancel out” infinite quantities but rather produce a value based on specific rules.


Your intuition about symmetry between the intervals is valid when considering their measure (length). However, in the domain of cardinality or infinite sets, subtraction doesn’t yield zero due to the unique properties of infinities in set theory. Let me know if you’d like further clarification or a specific framework (e.g., measure theory, integration, or set algebra) to explore!”

Theory for Reducing Cost of Pharmaceuticals

 Reforming the patent system might be the simplest way. The USA produces 74% of the worlds new drugs so we shouldn’t do any harm to the profit incentive. New drugs are costly to invent and exclusive patents keep the cost of new drug sales high. Letting new drug patents become public domain after ten years so generic production would make the drugs cheap, yet 10% of sales price would go to the patent holder would lower the cost and keep the profit motive alive.


Some Want Scientific Proof of God

The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God ( a paraphrase). I suppose confirmation bias works for atheists in seeing no evidence. Jurors have different opinions about evidence. People definitely have different opinions about matters as present and objective as political matters like the history of Russian ownership of Ukraine or illegal migration. Cosmology definitely has different opinions. Just last week some decided that dark energy doesn't really exist and instead the expansion of space is an apparent effect of time and relativity.

One need have faith in order to interpret evidence in a particular way. It might be comparable to conspiracy theories that happen to be true yet are discounted and even ridiculed by many.

There is also the problem of the indeterminacy of translation of scripture written thousands of years ago. Many people today also have a particular concept of Genesis and what it means that is the standard metric for disbelief, and it to may be wrong.

Toynbee thought that Cain killing Able was a representation of technology of metallurgy and farming killing of the herding migratory political economy. There are lots of interpretations possible that those demanding scientific evidence aren't aware of.

  There are also personal experiences of life situations were one feels the work or grace of God. It is challenging to persuade people that it wasn't evident to them.

Science aka knowledge has developed numerous systemic approaches for inquiry about reality and empirical affairs. Most of that is irrelevant in regard to the Bible. After the Scopes trial evolution became an atheist doctrine, yet Genesis itself could have been describing an evolutionary approach when it was written on the Pentateuch 3000 years ago.

Science in a sense examines what may be observed and what is evident  it is a microscope while at the macroscopic level amorphous clouds of unknowing prevail. Extrapolations about Universe of infinite number and theories about recycling universes and  space-time origins and histories are without limit or proof of validity beyond a certain finite scale. Even at the quantum level scientists can have no certainty about what gauge bosons are made of. Knowledge exists in the midst of a 12th century map of the world with cloudy borders and inscriptions of 'there be dragon's all around.

 I like science yet it just a temporal interest. The eternal things of God are far more valuable to me.

Apparently one cannot mathematically process infinite sets of real numbers regardless of Cantor’s diagonalization argument and comparative cardinality. Because God entails all infinity it will be difficult to mathematically ‘prove’ elements one regards as qualities of God. It might also be difficult to create a theorem, as if it were string theory being worked on 30 years so far without end, to make a theory explaining all of God rather than an ‘observable’ portion of God, or an wholistic portrait of God caught in time, like how He was when the wave function collapsed.

Determining the location of one quanta by collapsing the wave function wouldn’t not be sufficient to determine the location of God. For that, if it were possible, it might be necessary to collapse an infinite wave function product of all possible quanta of the universe.

Then, if God as spirit is actually quantifiable as a waveform and that waveform is synonymous with the quanta from the unified field that the universe theoretically stems from the collapse of that wave function could only result in the number of 1 I would think, or perhaps cancel itself out to zero since the summation of locations of the universe content reduced from itself would be nowhere.

Happily nowhere in old English or some equivalent means Utopia. Ram Das I believe it was, wrote some small book of a size comparable to Roderick Chisholm’s ‘Problem of the Criterion’ named ; ‘Be Here Now, Now Be Here, Now Be Nowhere’ that describes the place fairly concisely.

There is the additional problem that a wave function can't be defined for an infinite region of space. Hilbert space allows infinite dimensions yet that won't transcend the criterion of the former. For an infinite number of quanta and field across an infinite spatial area- even of nothingness, calculating wave functions for an infinite number of quanta wouldn't be probably.

Stars Through Night Air (a poem)


Shadows of days disappear
families of forever silhouette silence
softly changing from being too past
outlines of darkness
in a veil of deep cold

Stars are loyal lights in the night
sky of oxygen and eternity
while life runs its course
children gazing in wonder at bright constellations
rediscover them again when old

Memories are visions
when the stars’ breath was mystery
and life was life, not history
fire of the sun placed to grow grass
lain upon after twilight

Stars remain forever
thrown across the Universe
like beaches of diamond worlds
joined with atmospheric heaven
in the smell of Earth’s moist lome

It was there and always shall be
a world without end
for a moment seeming personal
remembrance an old friend
others already gone away
where future too does send.


Awareness may be a holistic kind of circumspective thought within which ideas or ratiocination occur embedded in awareness. Awareness is a meta-thought containing all others that arise. Awareness is the cap on the volume of mind supported by and reaching into the subconscious. Does that sound plausible?

Free Will in Relation to Consciousness and Subconsciousness

Will is contingent upon consciousness. If one has consciousness one may choose to act or not. Some say conscious decisions to act are not made by consciousness, instead they believe conditioning subconsciously determines conscious decisions.

The will exists in the sub conscious and it is free. Otherwise there would be a lower level, more primary set of instructions controlling the sub conscious and a superfluous deceived consciousness.

Consciousness exists supported by the subconscious. It is not possible for human consciousness to keep all of their experience, memories, judgments and history active in conscious thoughts. Instead there is an innate middle ground of intellect that retrieves data from the subconscious in accord with conscious thought and the lesser intelligent yet active and closer related to emotion will.

Will exist as a modified reflection of conscious thought that needn’t be mentally, internally expressed in order to be present and act. It can retrieve subconscious information for consciousness and may also join with conscious thought and be directed by it. An aware mind freely chooses to act. Thought is in harmony with the will and subconscious usually, yet on some occasions they may not. An example may be a conscious choice to act peacefully while the will is to punch an offender as memory informs the mind of dire consequences of taking the latter course

I have heard a song or thought of something I can’t recall like the title of that song, and directed my subconscious to find it. Some time later the right idea appears in my conscious thought.

A human mind is a continuum of conscious, will and sub-consciousness that each have intelligence. Will and subconscious work for the conscious mind. It is a trinity that works.



Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC

I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from the past. I wouldn’t suggest people can’t learn from the past- 

Agriculture developed when hunting and gathering couldn’t sustain concentrated populations in towns. The transition period was 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. Hunter-gathering was the way of economics before that going back to when people started eating meat as the human line may have evolved from rodents circa 65 million years BC (Adam and Eve were spliced in to an existing human line).


When people sustained with agriculture could sustain civil organizations with rulers organized wars began. Raiders had something established to attack and civil wars could occur as well for regime change. Organized wars started during the late Neolithic Age too.


An excavation of Cohokia in St. Louis showed that the preceding ruling dynasty members were ceremonially killed when a new ruling family took over. So it’s an American tradition too.

Metaphysics; What It Is

Metaphysics is an activity. It can use many kinds of tools. It is bigger and smaller, simultaneously, than a bread box while being for-itself.

Free Will; A Binary Question

To be or not to be; that is an example of a binary absolute.In logic and programming there are disjuncts. A logic gate tests for a condition to be on or off. Schrodinger’s cat could live in a state compatible with life and death simultaneously, in theory, until collapse of the wave-function, however that super-position status doesn’t work for all mortal philosophical questions. Either/Or, Neither,/Nor are disjuncts of a sort. One shouldn’t expect philosophy to invariably provide weak, vague, uncertain answers and represent them as Truth because political correctness suggests that constructing ideas that will appeal somewhat to everyone returns the most demographic support.

Free will seems to be a question that cannot support affirmative and negative conditions on the same level, or on all possible dimensions.

It is also the case that people want to defend what they believe and sometimes strongly when they don’t realize they are wrong and are duty bound by themselves to defend their wrong, godless atheist opinions.

Marxism; Good Revolution Organizer for a Bad Economic System

Marxism is a practical idea for organizing revolutionaries that are from underdeveloped countries with concentrated wealth. The masses are led to class consciousness as oppressed, exploited people and brought to revolution with the belief they will share equally the wealth of the ruling class when they are deposed. That idea of upward mobility supports the revolutionary esprit. With victory the economic revolution following becomes a challenge to make productive. Alec Nove wrote a book named ‘An Economic History of the Soviet Union’ decades ago that examines some of the problems for Lenin and Stalin.

Marx had good sociological understanding of wealth in England that was his model. He had poor development of post-revolutionary economic models that would work. That sort of economic theory development has always been troublesome. China for instance is a work in progress that has used much of the economic structure of the West retrofitted onto Maoist socialism.

Sports as War Training and Gambling are Still Socially Ubiquitous

Gambling seems to be taking over sports. Betting on events on-line at a profusion of new sites is all over the internet People need on-line electronic gambling machines from international sites. Competition is part of the human condition from wars to martial arts. If WW 3 occurs soon because of competition to own Ukraine and for economic hegemony over the world, that’s because competition is more highly regarded than pragmatism, realism and cooperation.

Sports were developed as training for war. Competition among men to see who could throw a rock or spear farther, and the prestige of skill in hunting and self defense were important to tribes. Warrior and hunter were the original male occupations globally.

I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from the past. I wouldn't suggest people can't learn from the past- that's silly.

Agriculture developed when hunting and gathering couldn't sustain concentrated populations in towns. The transition period was 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. Hunter-gathering was the way of economics before that going back to when people started eating meat as the human line may have evolved from rodents circa 65 million years BC (Adam and Eve were spliced in to an existing human line).


When people sustained with agriculture could sustain civil organizations with rulers organized wars began. Raiders had something established to attack and civil wars could occur as well for regime change. Organized wars started during the late Neolithic Age too.


An excavation of Cohokia in St. Louis showed that the preceding ruling dynasty members were ceremonially killed when a new ruling family took over. So it's an American tradition too.

V Frankl Thought People Seek Pleasure if Life Seems Meaningless

 Frankl was profoundly influenced by his time in. Nazi concentration camp. He developed theories about recovery and finding meaning afterward.

Those finding life meaningless may not be able to afford pleasure. Such people may feel that without pleasure, life is meaningless.

This prompts me to mention Huizinga, a ubiquitous citation reference in the field of education who was an historian regarded as a quintessential humanist. I don’t find Huizinga interesting or a meaningful philosopher as others have yet he did rather invent or popularize the notion that play is the creator of culture. It is understandable that teachers regarded Huizinga as the greatest scholar of the last 25 years of the 19th century. I thought Sartre and the Apostle Paul distant runner-ups to what Jesus said.

The death camps were unthinkably bad and existential crisis for sure. Europe has a great history of pathos and stupidity concerning conflict and with President Biden’s help is experiencing a Renaissance of pathos in the Ukraine War.

The meaninglessness of pathos may transform the USA, Europe, Russia and China into Ukraine s in the fires of the future. Pleasure is kinda expensive for many of the poor who need satisfy themselves for meaning with observation of the Democrats leading the charge to apocalypse or large waves of disaster scheduled tentatively for 2025.


Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reasonably well.

Thermodynamics for living beings compels the input of material for existing. Accumulating capital is natural. Food, shelter, clothing, defense weapons, tools etc- people built up as much as circumstances allowed. Socialism requires more cooperation than capitalism as well as sophisticated governance. That part often fails.

In primitive societies where things are shared and tools are simple even knives are given to another if they ask for it to prevent jealousy. With such a simple tool kit everything a tribe has is more or less interchangable and of the same quality.

More advanced forms of capitalism with low taxes on the rich can concentrate wealth and stifle competitive capital accumulation by the masses, and that poverty can nip inventiveness and progress in the bud unless the ideas trickle up to the rich.

Social governance implies management by uninventive bureaucrats leading to another form of mass social repression that fails to maximize social potential.

There real isn’t a substitute for good political sense that assures universal basic income for enabling initial capital, environmental economics sustainability, great human relations on international concerns and progressive taxation to let creative and productive entrepreneurs prosper yet not concentrate social capital so much that the political economy can’t evolve and adapt to emergent coefficients of adversity.

The Problem of Evil, Omnipotence and a Level Four Multiverse

 Dr. Degrasse Tyson was credited with saying that God can’t be omnipotent and let evil exist at the same time. There are numerous theological responses yet I like this one using physics.

If there is a level 4 multiverse individual minds switch to the appropriate universe with each decisive thought; without being aware. Minds switch between Universes in that Tegmark theory. All of the Universes already exists fully actualized. That is sentient minds follow their own free will world line.

God is good and without sin. If people are willing to have faith in The Son he can save them with the atoning sacrifice. Otherwise people forge their own path to eternity without God that evolutionly becomes hell.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson isn’t a theologian and doesn’t talk about the numerous varieties of cosmology enough. He could even provide a review of good new cosmology books for non- scientists with new theories each year so people would know what to buy.

Religious Historical Research is Millennia Old

 People have researched the origin of particular religions for more than 2000 years. That sort of scholarship isn’t anything new. It is wrong to conflate their separate histories for that does lead to the construction of neo-modern myths in replacement for sound scholarship.

The origin of Manichaenism differs from that of Zoroastrianism and Islam. Many haven’t even read a basic scholarly text like Berhof’s Introduction to The New Testament. I have a free summary to save the cost of buying that public domain book published in 1915.


One may read the history of Asian religions and the origin of Hinduism and Buddhism and the way it traveled Eastward as the Mahayana and Hinayana, proliferated and differentiated into Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Soka Gakkai and other forms

It is a mistake to conflate Taoism and Shintoism or Roman and Nordic paganism with several varieties of aboriginal American ideas of belief in a great spirit.

One may believe that Middle Eastern and fertile crescent religious practices and beliefs had a common origin yet they did not. Marduk, Enlil and the tale of Gilgamesh didn’t have the same origin as Osiris or middle African religious complexes.

It is important to differentiate and learn in depth and detail the several systems independently and with understanding so far as possible, as it is with numerous philosophical and cosmological systems rather than glossing over and making summary judgments that are dismissive or in some cases, affirmative. Good scholarship leads to deeper understanding and may reaffirm faith in the one true God or not as the case may be. A path to God is probably made by God for an individual if that is what the spirit wills.

One should have enough respect for scholarship and investment of life's work that has been invested in research, as well as oneself, to development a sober understanding of field studies.

Avatar Drones Casing New Jersey Joints?

 If you have ever taken a programming course you might learn of the criterion of writing specific instructions in algorithms to accomplish particular tasks. There are test conditions, loops, etc that can be used to send a robot named X to go somewhere, do something and return. That sort of program would be on the very low end of programming algorithms today. Especially if compared to AI. One will need to get new software for home burglar alarms down the road to guard against sophisticated robot thieves with programming to pick locks, bypass alarms and accomplish particular criminal tasks. Maybe avatar drones are casing the joint of New Jersey for future adverse missions.

Quantum Entanglement and Consciousness

 The hypothetical unified field includes space-time. It may all be one kind of thing at T=0.

Energy is defined as the ability to do work rather than a substance. Work coheres in space-time. The prospect of a wave function at singularity is something to consider as if it could be bound to T=0 null space-time.

I tend to believe consciousness is a definite locality encountering experience, at least for human beings. Space-time is experienced as a locality. There isn’t a universal time as I understand it. Time is bound with space locality and change of an observer from point a to b. If it is considered as a substance that seems more logical. There is much to think about in regard to space-time.

There may be a continuing primary field from the singularity hosting the basic fields and space-time that remains in existence. That might help explain inflation and gravity.

I tend to like the idea of quantum entanglement with consciousness since 3D matter is enabled by massless particles entangled on the Higgs Field.

Kingdom of God and The Realm of Forms

 The realm of forms was an idea held by some philosophers of The Academy yet not ordinary people. I don’t believe Socrates believed in a trans-migration there, although he believed in God. Instead it was an inference of logic. Plato may have regarded humanity generally as living like prisoners chained to the cave floor while alive on Earth. The realm of forms wasn’t heaven.

For early Christians the kingdom of heaven is with Jesus Christ and God in a real place unlike the realm of forms. That place is more like an expression of the power of God to create anything as the author of reality, than a warehouse of forms or prime patent designs for everything that exists.

History is Written by More than Victors

 History is written by any interested party these days. Actually there always were people unaffiliated with winners that wrote history. Procopius and Solzeshnitsyn wrote enfilading histories of their own oppressive rulers. It is also hard to say that the Christian gospel narratives of the disciples of Jesus were written by victors in a military or political sense. There are numerous examples of history written by third parties. History is written by the defeated too. Trotsky was writing a history of Stalin from Mexico City when he was killed by an assassin putting an ice ax in his brain in the middle of the eleventh chapter I believe it was. It is an excellent work of history that has survived.

British Philosophy Isn't Simply Dry Scientific Empiricism

 It was Russell that got Cambridge to award a doctorate to Wittgenstein for the Tractatus; sort of the Finnegan’s Wake of epistemology. Russell was Wittgenstein’s faculty advisor.

David Hume is hard to regard as a scientist though his negation of cause and effect except perhaps as descriptions of proximal phenomena has some practical empirical utility. I don’t consider Bentham and Mill scientists either in their development of utilitarianism although it is an empirically and objectively applied ethical governance.

Bishop Berkeley’s development of ideaism can’t be classified as scientific and Hobbes’ The Leviathan and even Marx’s Das Capital, written in London while Marx worked as a librarian are not very scientific.

President May Change Name of USA's Tallest Mountain to McKinley

 When the Dena’ina tribe arrived in Alaska between 500 and 1000 a d. Some continued southward to become Navaho. Navaho call themselves the Dine’ pronounced de nai, phonetical about the same as that of their northern kin. Neither group anticipated their tribal name would become a political football interchangeably with that of dead the President McKinley during the Obama administration.

The Trump administration could sell naming rights of the tallest Hill in North America on eBay or just change it back to McKinley. Since the next Democrat President will probably revert it to Denali or ‘the Navaho people’ selling the space for five years might be practical.

Athabascan Indians arrived in Alaska about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago yet others passed long before that are lost to history. No one knows today who the actual first people were as their coastal tracks were submerged long ago with sea level rise during the end of the Wisconsin Ice Age. Still, the Tanana Chiefs are an ancient lineage and so McKinley-Denali should be renamed for the with Tanana or Tenados attached to the northern summit.

  There used to be 27 names for the mountain that could easily be found in a Google search. After politically correct purging just two names turn up. One is the name of a race and the other is that of an assassinated President. Mikhail Tal was history’s most exciting chess player. If it can’t be Tenados or Tanana let it at least be Tal.

Ukraine Top General Syrskyi Sends War Bloggers to Front Line

 Ukrainian military commander Syrskyi becoming tired of the Ukraine Top war reporting web site named Deep State that published daily accounts of losses of the armed forces of Ukraine terminated that situation by sending the bloggers of Deep State to the front lines in the infantry. The life expectancy of soldiers of Ukraine on the front is not good. The bloggers will perhaps be killed in combat.

Future Democrat administrations in DC will may learn and apply the Zelinski-Syrslyi method to get rid of troublesome conservative  bloggers.


The Problem With Democrats

 The present administration has a cognitively challenged, declining war monger escalating toward nuclear war over a nation he would not share with the proper historical owner, and avoided the media, slathered pardons on felons including his son, gave hundreds of billions of dollars to an unelected foreign president and colluded with social media to repress conservative free speech it could be an improvement- except that the opposition party burned fossil fuels too and their candidate supported fracking, ran up public debt, would not tax the rich when they had both houses of congress and were godless atheists besides without rhyme or reason in foreign or domestic policy. They were simply sure of immoral issues and concerned just with homosexuality, abortion and not disturbing the concentration of wealth.

Cosmology and Physicalism

 Shannon entropy entales the conservation of information in some respects; that is, it is comparable to entropy and thermodynamics. Information overall cannot be created or destroyed. Physicalism could be regarded as the structure of everything that exists whatever that may be at the fundamental level of substance. One need not be offended by the word. It could be replaced with a generic word such as substance without changing the meaning.

  If information is conserved and existed in the singularity in some way as well as substance the bootstrap start and hyper-inflation could be an act of spirit manifesting itself through relativity with pre-emptive text in a manner of speaking assembling all of the quantum shells where and when they need be to appear to sentient beings arising in the information of the unified and diverging field as physical structure.

A mind may be 10% of an individuals thought apparatus supported by 90% of the subconscious. The two do exist separately. Conscious mind may ask the subconscious to search for the name of a song title conscious forgot and the answer will eventually pop up on thought. A human mind exists in a physical brain as part of the quantum fields comprising the physical universe. The information may be conserved by God. Information is the foundation of all quantum field phenomena; datums in space-time that could be a form of information too.

One Can't Subtract Infinite Series Very Easily

 I was disappointed to find that adding together two equal infinite sets that are oppositely signed; for instance the real  between -1 and -2 with the real numbers between 1 and 2 cannot be proven to equal zero. Common sense indicates it does.

ChatGPT said that the math is improvable presently. Someone should fix that since it seems like common sense.

ChatGPT -“Ah, thank you for the clarification! You’re asking about the intervals and , both subsets of the real numbers . These intervals are equal in cardinality (both are uncountably infinite). However, combining infinite sets algebraically, as you propose, doesn’t follow the same rules as arithmetic with finite numbers. Let’s explore the idea in detail.

ChatGPT -“Ah, thank you for the clarification! You’re asking about the intervals and , both subsets of the real numbers . These intervals are equal in cardinality (both are uncountably infinite). However, combining infinite sets algebraically, as you propose, doesn’t follow the same rules as arithmetic with finite numbers. Let’s explore the idea in detail.

Cardinality of the Sets

Both intervals and are uncountably infinite and have the same cardinality as the real numbers , denoted by (the cardinality of the continuum).

A bijection exists between these intervals (e.g., maps to bijectively), confirming their equivalence in “size.”

Algebra of Cardinalities

In the algebra of infinite cardinal numbers:

\mathfrak{c} – \mathfrak{c} = \mathfrak{c},

Measure Theory Interpretation

If you’re thinking about summing or subtracting these intervals with respect to their measures:

The measure (length) of is .

The measure (length) of is also .

In this case:

\text{Measure of } (1, 2) – \text{Measure of } (-2, -1) = 1 – 1 = 0.

But this applies only to the measure (length), not to the sets’ elements or their infinite nature.

Infinite Sets and Summation

If you’re suggesting that the “sum” of elements in the intervals should cancel out, this operation isn’t well-defined because:

The elements of the sets are infinite in number and uncountable, so “adding” them isn’t straightforward.

Even if we attempt to define something like , this wouldn’t “cancel out” infinite quantities but rather produce a value based on specific rules.


Your intuition about symmetry between the intervals is valid when considering their measure (length). However, in the domain of cardinality or infinite sets, subtraction doesn’t yield zero due to the unique properties of infinities in set theory. Let me know if you’d like further clarification or a specific framework (e.g., measure theory, integration, or set algebra) to explore!”

Post-Modernism and Free Will

 Many post modernist behaviorists claim that free will doesn’t exist. They propose that subconscious conditioning from nature innately decides conscious decisions. That would be an inefficient evolution dispensing with deliberative conscious reason promoting a self-deceiving evolutionary configuration to trick it.

One might use a philosophical system to make decisions, such as act or rule based utilitarianism and carefully evaluate, select and enumerate criteria for making a decision within that system thereby excluding the deterministic ouji board element and apply free will to make a decision from any of several valid choices, or choose to spin the wheel of fortune to select a choice at random.

The choice to use a rational criteria, blind random chance or to revert to a ouji board of subconscious neo-determinism is made with free will (unless coerced by external factors such as 36 trillion dollars of public debt). Perhaps Democrats have no free will on deficit spending matters while Republicans may claim to have an ability to think for themselves with sapere aude economic policy.

Woodrow Wilson Created the Federal Reserve and Segregated the Federal Government to Support Uryvnias?

 If a Rottweiler looks you in the eye then bites your wrist it’s good to go home and disinfect the wound. If a pit bull looks you in the eye then runs your way to bite an Achilles one need peddle faster.

Creating a federal reserve to back up and stabilize banks was practical yet is complex today. The Fed is worth about 7 trillion dollars today. It can loan 100 billion to banks at zero interest and banks lend out ten times that much adding a trillion dollars for the economy. Then the Fed can buy securities and Increase their worth I guess. Hard to know where all that cash for Ukraine went… Maybe to buy securities and print uryvnias. Dog food is costly.

Christian ethics are a good thing yet society is striving, hateful, envious, greedy and etc. One cannot use force of law to compel people to be virtuous, altruistic or wise. Competition in economics lead to ethics of trimming potential rivals. The world will be perfect with the Second Coming and probably not before…thermodynamics, deficit spending and concentration of wealth keep a hard edge to social reality.


 Time exists with space, aka space-time. Space-time is temporal and probably won’t exist forever. Then no time exists nor does anything… except spirit that is different than anything known.

God and Omniscience

 Some like those logic loops, tests and disjuncts for extrapolating to the unknowable. God is other than everything he created; entirely different and unknowable except through The Son.

A universal field of being comprehended before manifestation. Alpha and Omega in relation to phenomena of relative space-time transcending each point of locality Omniscience and Omnipotence complete and changeless embodying all change.

Adam Had to Find Work After Eviction from the Garden

 It is possible that the level of consciousness is what was tested in the Garden of Eden. Humanity were no longer regarded as simple animals without a sense of right and wrong. After stealing from the tree of knowledge God kicked them out of home and told Adam to get a job.


In Regard to Epistemology, Law and Philosophy Have Different Approaches

 It isn’t a terribly good idea to conflate philosophy and law. It’s a bad idea to bring psychology in as well. Law is about material relationships and violations of criminal laws one side, and of civil law and procedures on the other. It does have a foundation of naive realism rather than some kind of E8 octodimensional theoretical basis etc.

There are definite rules for evidence and other legal concerns well established with precedence and codified. Those legal procedures may improve over time with social experience. For instance lex talionis and float tests are no longer valid in German courts as they were in the day of Tacitus.

If the President's Mind has Been on Vacation Who has Urged Sending Billions and Billions to Ukraine for War?

 President Biden’s brain has been challenged to be competent the past four years while the Ukraine conflict has steadily escalated. Recently Joe Biden signed off on letting Ukraine attack Russia with US missiles. Who is the manipulator behind the throne guiding the President to live on the edge of global thermonuclear war?


Open Mindedness and a Trap of Open-Mindedness

 Alan Watts was an Episcopalian minister who took up Zen. He had ideas about God and mind that are different than the mainstream. Augustine was open minded searching for the truth. He was  neo-Platonist before becoming saved. One’s position on learning differs among individuals. One need have a capacity for critical evaluation as part of learning. Having particular ideas can be a part of faith. Advocacy for open-mindedness so far as to preclude doctrine that is true can be a ploy against faith.

E8 Crystal Theory and Physicalism

 Physical is a term for things that exist based on naive realism. People don’t yet really understand what basic quanta irreducibly are yet, and may never. Physicalism is the term for people that regard everything that exists including mind as physical stuff. Yet that's something of a circular definition since nobody really understands what the substance is that comprises the smallest quanta of the enigmatic and theoretical unified field that provides looping about itself subtantiality for entangled quanta.

An interesting theoretical account of a way of considering substance is E8 crystal theory,

Physical is a term for things that exist based on naive realism. People don’t yet really understand what basic quanta irreducibly are yet, and may never.

https://youtu.be/PKXJb4Ok9hQ?feature=shared  E8 crystal theory

Social Media Would Have Censored Socrates' Right Wing Political Preferences

 Socrates might have been to the right of Trump and Musk. Russell called Plato a fascist because of the Republic, and the desire of Socrates to restore the oligarchy and admiration of Sparta with philosophers kings showed his preference for plutocracy and deprecation of the demos.

Socrates wouldn’t have said like Musk that Congress wanted a 40% pay increase when it was just a 3.8% cost of living adjustment. Socrates was not that excitable and prone to errors. Instead leftists working against conservatives in social media would have censored him and declared his language hate speech.

A Summary of the First Europeans to Reach North America

 I believe the old story was that the Vikings were. predators chasing after the Irish that had gone before them to Iceland. Actually the Irish monks of the island were slaughtered as at Lindisfarne. Fishermen with boats fled.

Erik the Red was unwelcome to live at Iceland after a land dispute and murder If I recall correctly. At any rate the initial voyage to Greenland lost 70% of the ships. East and West Bygd Greenland were settled obviously, and they have have driven out Irish fishermen who went farther west to Newfoundland.

Fishing quality was a main stimulus to go farther west. Some of the Irish may have traveled over North America at 54 degrees n latitude using a back staff and leaving penance huts and spiral petroglyphs on the west coast.

Life Erickson was a hard man like his outlaw father Erik the Red. They were thrown out of Iceland and had to go to the West. Tough people for the Newfoundlanders to have run up their shore.


Slavery and The New Testament

 Paul said that he was a slave of Christ Romans CSB 1-1″1Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle and singled out for God’s good news”.

John 8:34-36 CSB

Jesus responded, “I assure you: Everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin. 35 A slave does not remain in the household forever, but a son does remain forever. 36 Therefore if the Son sets you free, you really will be free”.

Life was nasty, brutish and short in the first century c.e. Jesus Christ was not a political revolutionary. He was here to save those of faith. Life is an eye blink of eternity; he was here to free the slaves of sin. For the Son of God saving people was what mattered. Even so he addressed slavery… Ephesians 6:5-9

5 CSB “Slaves, obey your human[a] masters with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as you would Christ. 6 Don’t work only while being watched, as people-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing God’s will from your heart. 7 Serve with a good attitude, as to the Lord and not to people, 8 knowing that whatever good each one does, slave or free, he will receive this back from the Lord. 9 And masters, treat your slaves the same way, without threatening them, because you know that both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.”

A Simple Way to Repair Social Security

 Reform social security by continuing to collect if from earnings yet pay it out to retirees only until the recipient reaches the average American income. Social security should be a safety net rather than treated like a 401 k.

if Americans don’t need it they shouldn’t get it. Government benefits the wealthy too much.  Prosperous Americans feel they should get out of social security what they put in and that’s just wrong. Life is a risk and social security covers the risk of poverty in old age. It’s a kind of public insurance program rather than a savings account. The advantaged need to have some patriotic sentiments and not just lever mercenary opportunity for greed. Casinos can’t  pay out to everyone and make a profit.

Medicare is in a similar situation; it ought to pay our just to the poor while everyone prosperous should carry their own weight and pay for insurance themselves

Reality, Science, Metaphysics and Epistemology

 Epistemology differs from metaphysics. A description of reality that is the best available would probably need to combine a theory of knowledge with a theory about the greatest physical or spiritual description of reality. The two fields need to share the credit for how and what people perceive.

Science examines quanta these days and tries to make sense of fields and space-time when each are temporal and contingent upon some other things that aren’t know or possible even knowable. Science is good because it has practical applications otherwise it might be of interest only to philosophers. Science with technology can discover a lot about what is manifest in the steady state of entangled 2-dimensional particles that are elements of fields presenting massless quantum to appear as 3-dimensional because of the Higgs. That’s all god stuff and very phenomenal even so.

There really isn’t much opportunity to ever know an ultimate reality unless God decides to disclose that, and judging by the Garden of Eden He apparently doesn’t want humans to become very smart, immortal and quite sinful and willful. There are various mathematical theorems that inform us that that there are always going to be stuff beyond whatever model we can make of the Universe or reality. Its always possible than several true models, accounts and explanations for observable reality could exist at the same time.

One has Godel’s incompleteness theorems and Greg Cantor’s set theorem

“For any set X, the power set of X (i.e., the set of subsets of X), is larger (has a greater cardinality) than X. Cantor’s Theorem tells us that no matter how large a set we have, we may consider a set that is still larger.”-


The Malament-Manchak theorem suggests that it isn’t really possible to know the global shape of the Universe after all. That shape would include space-time. Many would be initially unhappy yet realize later that the facts are good and better than the happiness of believing in Big Bang Theory if that is false. https://aeon.co/…/scientists-are-no-longer-sure-the…

https://www.sciencedirect.com/…/abs/pii/S1355219808000580 Malament-Manchak theorem. God is eternal and one may believe or not that he could initiate waves or particles to appear to exist for sentients perceiver with a temporal beginning and end of experience. Phases of being may exist replete with space-time.

Some discount the Bible and its history summarily. That’s always a sorry sight though. Its like dismissing general relativity by saying its just a bunch of numbers that could mean anything. It is very difficult for a human to know more than one academic specialty very well in a lifetime and most don’t even try because pay is related to a career with fairly narrow focus.

On Free Will

 Sometimes one is compelled to be conscientiously free as thousands of choices need be made continuously for-oneself. It is a hard thing to say, for example, that one is not free taking a small skiff miles through wind, cold water and large waves from variable directions  Sometimes one survives because one is free rather than an automaton wondering if one has free will.

Each of thousands of free will decisions are then not actual decisions because there is a meta-decision negating the choices in a post hoc ergo propter hoc sort of way?

Each of those ‘contingent’ decision are reactions to emergent challenges of waves and wind.

Choices must be made that are the best among dozens of possible courses to take in response to the waves and position of the skiff and each of those choices are made with self-aware free will.

The choices are not made by the general present motivation of survival. Survival compels decisions to be made yet does not make them itself Instead they are specific decisions not made by an overall survival requisite although that is a present motivation.

Best choices are made by evaluating options among potential courses logically, instantaneously for hours.

Though one strengthens legs it is free will that chooses how to use them. Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies are common misunderstandings… after this therefore because of this.

Legs enable one to walk, or ride a bike, make karate kicks or climb Mt Everest yet they do not compel one to do so.

Regard politicians that don’t believe in free will and further that their minds don’t really exist except as delusions so 37 trillion dollars of public debt is only an illusion too.

Thought isn’t something like a feedback loop with inflexible conditioned beliefs about percepts and the complete complex of compresence such that ratiocination is impotent and controlled deterministically. I am surprised that people would like to believe the subconscious makes all of the decisions and that intentional and extensional thought in consciousness are non sequiturs.

For those that believe in evolution or God they should not wager that God or evolution has made a self-deluding mind for humanity. Quite the opposite; a humans mind is the tip of the spear of reason seeking to realize itself in history. Conscious thought is sharply presented to comprehend mind and its place in nature. And for believers God said early on that humanity had become like little gods after eating of the tree of knowledge. Humanity my find ways to dumb themselves down, yet that’s not a good idea at all.

A society where many people hold such irresponsible beliefs probably would be doomed to fail since the populous believe their intentional thought is incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial. A political party of such would be like Democrats without even trying.

Some would vigorously defend the proposition that mankind doesn’t have free will. Slaves don’t have free will in a political sense yet may be free in a Christian context of free will with The Lord Jesus even so.

Some mean that human thought is not free and is entirely deterministic. I believe that was B.F. Skinner’s opinion in behaviorism. They tend to regard conscious volition as presenting an illusion of free will. Dictatorships would love the masses to believe they have no will of their own and only a dictator- a Leviathan has free will in a Superman paradigm ala Nietzsche.

The need to defend against free will moral, political and social self-determination tends to run strong through the Democrat Party.

Post-modernism did lead to a compilation of skepticism and moral relativism in various elites while some of the urban masses packed into the feelies social environment of Huxley were willing to dispense of their will and even mind with dope to love the one their with in a physicalist sense, with an ecstasy pacifier hanging round their neck and a little silver coke spoon in a pocket. They hated the idea of sin existing to disturb their dogmatic slumber.

Philosophy is not about ad hominems. Rational discussions cannot be advanced with personal attacks. Political philosophy does not require that one switch to political ad hominem mode. The consequences of a political party that has advanced post modernist moral relativist positions going so far as to say that truth is completely subjective and applies that sort of outlook to the national political system can have devastating practical consequences.

Philosophy is not about ad hominems. Rational discussions cannot be advanced with personal attacks. Political philosophy does not require that one switch to political ad hominem mode. So you accept that free will does exist. Good. That is the point of the OP- to confirm or deny the point. The consequences of a political party that has advanced post modernist moral relativist positions going so far as to say that truth is completely subjective and applies that sort of outlook to the national political system can have devastating practical consequences.

The competition for political power is strong. Those that have no concern about reality in politics and only about subjective concerns like abortion, homosexuality and legal dope disregard real economic challenges and other interests that should be of concern for a democracy. Democrat politicians seem to be concerned mostly with enriching themselves. That party forgot largely about environmentalism and peace the past four years. There were thousands of ways to get the environmental bill passed while Democrats had both houses of congress if they actually cared about the external world. Democrats did not protest the Ukraine war or find a way to settle that land dispute nor even express an interest in doing so. The default from the abandonment of reality in politics leads to plutocracy or worse. I am a political independent and support quality ideas for political planks in the real world. The inward subjectivism of atheist, hedonist post modernism seems to drive people away from concerns about the real empirical world where everyone exists. That is one of the reasons why I am unhappy with that trend since it leaves politics to the rich since they are concerned about reality. Democracy in the blind trust of the rich doesn’t make for a great country, yet it is better than just letting it fall apart going to seed.

Ideas Some People Care About

 Some beliefs may cause actions that harm others. Politics has many ideas that can harm society as does criminality.

People are free to think whatever they want although the ideas may be harmful to themselves.

Consider terrorists that think the USA should be destroyed, or people that believe humanity is a parasite and should be eradicated, or politicians that don’t believe in free will so their minds don’t really exist except as delusions so 37 trillion dollars of public debt is only an illusion too. People care about such ideas.

A Reply to an Attestation of Doom

 The controversion of Adam and Eve as real people because of evolution theory began with a certitude regarding who and when Adam and Eve were and that for some unexplained reason, states they didn’t exist because evolution theory was created by Charles Darwin. So many unreflective atheists with superficial knowledge of the Bible assume its content is simplistic like their understanding of it.

Adam is from the same root word in Hebrew as dirt. Man evolved from dirt at the hand of God in one sense. Yet Adam and Eve may have been the first humans to discern the difference between good and evil or right and wrong. Animals and prior hominids did not have that capability. God noticed the change in the garden of Eden that may have existed in Saudi Arabia during the Younger Dryas or a few thousand years before when even the Sahara was a grassland with large bodies of water.

There are other theories about Adam and Eve as well as Cain and Abel. Toynbee believed Cain was the first blacksmith and killing his brother who was a pasturalist was an historical reference to the evolution of society from herding nomads to settled life with metal working.

Some regard humanity as existing and Adam and Eve were outside of space-time and only cast out of the garden into the general population after stealing from or eating of the tree of knowledge. It says they were thrown into the temporal thermodynamic order in part to stop them from eating from the tree of eternal life.There are several possible ways to interpret what Genesis means because people don’t know what God’s purpose was in having it written. The linguistic values of Genesis are subject to what Wittgenstein called ‘the indeterminacy of translation’ since the exact material that went into its composition and origin of that material are not known, besides being attributed to God general through prophets, scribes and oral histories from thousands of years ago.

Yet since atheists feel better with a completely worldly explanation of creation and want to acquire themselves of original sin by negating the truth of the Bible on the foundation of their own badly informed and commonly ditto’d superficial ideas they plaster social media with incessant attacks. Besides feeling sorrow for the spiritually dead and lost faithless followers of nihilism or the devil or their own devices, i.m.o. Christians don’t regard the superficial attacks as more than attestations of doom.

One is a flowing process though the river remains the same, reaching a destination in the desert where it disappears into the ground. The water of life rebirths in spirit.

Secular Science and Prayer

 Prayer is a way of communicating with God. Some would seek a secular examination of its value. That would be comparable to explaining the value and purpose of a phone call without believing the call goes anywhere besides the mind of the user of the phone.

Is a Stable Base Required for Confirmation of a Truth Theory?

 If one falls from an aircraft door without a parachute and contemplates actions to take making a supposition that a parachute would evolve the situation positively, then sees a parachute trailing behind him, apprehends the chute to put it on and test his theory then the truth test occurs when he opens the chute though neither a stable base or a table base were present to enable the truth to be put on the table. Confirmation that the parachute was a true supposition was apprehended when it slowed the descent toward chtonic depths of 40 trillion dollars of public debt.

Synthetic Life and Gravity as a Self-Tightening Lock Nut

 A kind of asymmetry seems to exist in nature, chirility, that affects particle-anti particle pairs. Even in cellular micro-biology the phenomenon exists such that a handedness exists differentiating left from right. There are various rotational symmetry breaking relationships that could entangle mass to mass or even make a particle have no mass in select directions. That could be a reason why mass is self-tightening like a lock washer as it were.


Rotational asymmetries relating to particles of fields and or quantum superpositions and entanglement could ineluctably draw mass together.

Scientists are developing synthetic life and within a decade may create synthetic bacteria that, Nobel winning scientists advise, may end human life. It’s not intended to be a way to save on federal Medicare. 

Rotational asymmetries relating to particles of fields and or quantum superpositions and entanglement could ineluctably draw mass together.

Scientists are developing synthetic life and within a decade may create synthetic bacteria that, Nobel winning scientists advise, may end human life. It’s not intended to be a way to save on federal Medicare. 


God Allows 'Imperfect' Beings to Exist

 The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anything at all to exist, much less the Nous and Realm of Forms, since He is perfect and complete with the answer to every question part of His Being a priori. If it seems imperfect for anything to exist besides God, perhaps then it is a calculation, or an effect of internal thought processing. Maybe it is every possible quantum calculation being reflected as Universes. God queried Adam and Eve, found the consistently imperfect and placed them in a temporal containment algorithm just Jesus Christ could overcome.

If perfection requires omniscience and omnipotence, every possibility of being actualized with individuals believing they are free and self-reflective need be imperfect when actualized as they are apart from God. Human politics aren’t perfected. 


If perfection requires omniscience and omnipotentence, every possibility of being actualized with individuals believing they are free and self-reflective need be imperfect when actualized as they are apart from God.

God is the sole perfect being and through the Son the elect are with God for eternity. Omniscience may be cognizant of every deviation from perfection, of every wrong answer as well as right and of the iterations leading to error. Though aware of the problem of evil He may have a trash file for broken and wicked will files that are inimical and counter-productive.

Maybe there is another answer, and like AI developers trying to put AI on laptops locally, the One continues development of humanity as a venture within infinite considerations.


Building Large Salt-water Filled Irrigation Canals for Evaporation-Condensation Fresh Water On Mex Border is Better than a Fence

 Build large irrigation canals like the California Aqueduct along the Mexican border instead of useless expensive fences.  Fill one of two canals with Pacific Ocean water piped to the Continental Divide with solar power and fill one canal, with locks, and use solar energy to evaporate salt water and capture fresh water for farming.

Someone in DC must have a brain that works periodically, and when that happens border. Security canals for desalination should go ahead . There can be some fencing to protect the canal zone. Water could be sold to Mexico too since the desert there is fairly dry.

Do Humans See Real Objects?

 Photons bouncing off objects reach the optic nerve. The photons are not the things in themselves. Invisible man suits can also present images of things they aren’t.

People see representations of objects that reflect select wavelengths of light in a particular way. That reflectivity matrix is an attribute of an object rather than a thing itself; the phenomenal rather than noumena.

Congress Should Make a Law to Require that Undeclared War Funding Be Matched with Charitable Giving

 There needs to be a way to slow lunatic war monger Presidents from funding undeclared foreign wars. Requiring that war spend be equally matched with peace spending abroad would halt war mongers in their tracks. They are more callous and miserly than Scrooge Von Mortal Kombat. Congress should get that law for funding undeclared wars passed directly.


Keep life Natural as Possible

Transhumanism shouldn’t be a goal. A human body filters input in the universe for mind. Removing much of the body detaches some input into the body-brain-mind phenomena possibly devolving the conscious experience of being. If life is a spiritual proving ground and opportunity for salvation transitions away from natural being should be minimized; especially if there is a surfeit of naturals suffering the panoply of challenges of poverty.

With a human body being such a complex and wondrous blessing it is rash to willfully stray from the given human natural form and sin, or miss the mark of remaining the perfectly adapted form and choose theoretical gambling with life.


Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anything at all to exist, much less the Nous and Realm of Forms, since He is perfect and complete with the answer to every question part of His Being a priori. If it seems imperfect for anything to exist besides God, perhaps then it is a calculation, or an effect of internal thought processing. Maybe it is every possible quantum calculation being reflected as Universes. God queried Adam and Eve, found the consistently imperfect and placed them in a temporal containment algorithm just Jesus Christ could overcome.

If perfection requires omniscience and omnipotence, every possibility of being actualized with individuals believing they are free and self-reflective need be imperfect when actualized as they are apart from God. Human politics aren’t perfected. 


If perfection requires omniscience and omnipotentence, every possibility of being actualized with individuals believing they are free and self-reflective need be imperfect when actualized as they are apart from God.

God is the sole perfect being and through the Son the elect are with God for eternity. Omniscience may be cognizant of every deviation from perfection, of every wrong answer as well as right and of the iterations leading to error. Though aware of the problem of evil He may have a trash file for broken and wicked will files that are inimical and counter-productive.

Maybe there is another answer, and like AI developers trying to put AI on laptops locally, the One continues development of humanity as a venture within infinite considerations.


Turkey Exerts Control of Syria While Biden Snoozes

Turkish fuhrer Erdogan is expanding Turkish poeer over Syrian regions while threatening Israel that has moved into Southern Lebanon. N.A.T.O. has this opened a two-front war of expansion on Eurasia, and President Biden just keeps sending weapons and cash to Ukraine.

The US should support an Israeli, Kurd, Druze alliance in the former Syria and send the 101st airborne to secure the Free State of Izkurdruze’s borders against Turkish invaders asap. Joe Biden should wake up and stop the Kurdish war monger


The Lock Nut of Concentrated Wealth in Capitalism

 Capitalism is a way that includes most people in America. A cash economy that has a price on everything. Poverty is the most grave social sin. Even the middle class and illegal immigrants may be derisive of poor Americans. It is inefficient in many ways, and wealth is assuredly over-concentrated in the U.S.A. to such an extent that Americans are on parity with Mexico now. People have written about the inability of the Earth to sustain so many people at the present levels of consumption for more than a half century, yet there is little ability politically for people to change the way things are. Ecological economics for sustainability would require smarter politicians than the U.S.A. elects. Capitalism is a self-tightening lock nut concentrating wealth because capital grows faster than wages.

Creating some kind of basic income so no one is mired for decades in poverty would be helpful in a compassionate conservatism sort of way yet ideologues are against that seeing it as communism or socialism. When wealth is overly concentrated stagnation sets in to an economy as fewer than 1% own the majority of everything in the corporate world. People are promoted as they are of value keeping the 1% wealth structure intact. Individuals like Jobs, Gates, Buffet and Musk were/are symbols of capitalism with good P.R. value. 

Entertainment people in the 1% of 1% comprise 5% of that group. They usually support the system with good P.R. value keeping the public from being politically restive or increasing taxes on the rich. Capital increases faster than wage labor so concentrated wealth is a self-tightening lock nut; one gets some sort of plutocracy running things.The media becomes controlled by the 1% and the public become bound to paying off public debt owned by the 1% and global elites who pay fewer taxes. Yet that situation reflects human nature, the bad side, where public commons go neglected and social insecurity compels greed in micro-economics lest one starve or freeze in the winter. Humans presently can’t really do much better.

It is possible that in the future some kind of technical progress will assure that everyone has a fairly comfortable experience of being alive on Earth and that resources from the other planets of the solar system will provide enough for people on Earth after having achieved a stable and sustainable population level globally. Maybe the planet will have some kind of basic income for all and capitalism will be limited at the high end in order to prevent overly concentrated wealth as a percent of national income and social capital.

The Biden-Harris administration and others never use the word poverty these days except as it applies to foreign countries. Spending a half trillion on the Ukraine war instead of developing water resources and sustainable agriculture in Africa was unthinkable yet that happened. Such changes over-all are decisive in the long run. One need invest wisely in peace, education and ecological sustainability instead of conflict yet even that simple prioritization is nearly impossible to achieve in U.S. politics.

A practical step to make earnings opportunities more egalitarian and to accelerate the pace of economic invention and progress would be to reform the patent system to limit the period of exclusive patent ownership to three years with 5% of sales royalties going to the patent holder from users of an invention after it goes public domain (in three years). Because the pharmaceutical industry requires so much time and capital investment to develop new drugs they might be treated somewhat differently and given exclusivity for 7 years after which 5% sales royalties would go to the patent holder as the drug reaches the public domain. There are a lot of inventors that cannot afford to participate in the patent process unable to gamble several thousand dollars on an idea. Thus ideas tend to trickle upward to concentrated wealth and that is bad for society especially in an era where ecosystem and species decline in quality and quantity are facts of life.

Scripture and Writing Misc History

 Deuteronomy 32:8-9 is “When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance,

when he divided all mankind,

he set up boundaries for the peoples

according to the number of the sons of Israel.[a]

9 For the Lord’s portion is his people,

Jacob his allotted inheritance”. That could be a reference to Jesus for Jacob was renamed Israel.

There is speculation that Avrm may have understood cuneiform as a scribe in Babylon. Moses knew hieroglyphics . Between the two there is a prospect that written material was carried forward.

I believe that Moses may have invented the aleph beth for he was well educated and had the time to do so. Oral histories were a parallel data mode merging eventually with writing. Scripture material as prophesied was gathered by King David into the Pentateuch. The J writer history is interesting. At some point during Solomon or Rehoboam’s court the material was collated.

It’s worth noting the destruction of Jerusalem as a religious center by the Babylonians during the Prophet Jeremiah’s day. Certainly Israelites were not always on the same page of devotion to God as one sees when the golden calf was poured in the wilderness. The Old Testament has so many warnings to Israel about being reprobate it need not be commented on.


Degrees of Infinity and Unbelief

 It is comparable to flat Earthers I guess. People can’t believe that some infinities are greater than others. They dismiss the idea and say there is only one kind of infinity and that people worshiping math can’t see the wood for the pulp. One might rely to such incredulously…

People are worshiping math? That’s a startling development. Might have developed from those cardinal numbers and sets with some being greater than others. Cantor’s theorem undermined the Pope of a Largest Cardinal number. Here is the heretical theorem; “The cardinality of a set’s power set is strictly greater than the cardinality of the set itself”. That means there are an infinite number of degrees of infinity. The smallest infinity is subversive and known as Aleph-null.

There are infinities besides mathematical degrees of infinity such as physical and metaphysical. The metaphysical infinities cultists don’t worship degrees of mathematical infinities unless they have no choice. Instead they surge religiously into physicalism and prostrate themselves toward tax cuts.

Georg Cantor showed that some infinities are bigger than others. It’s a fascinating matter to consider -useful for contemplating cosmology in addition to Godel’s incompleteness theorems. https://www.transfinite.com/content/transfinitenumbers

Georg Cantor was brilliant and infinities were a topic mathematicians were recalcitrant about facing. He was oppressed by regular academia, although his work is accepted now. Wikipedia notes that he was “a mathematician who played a pivotal role in the creation of set theory, which has become a fundamental theory in mathematics. Cantor established the importance of one-to-one correspondence between the members of two sets, defined infinite and well-ordered sets, and proved that the real numbers are more numerous than the natural numbers. Cantor’s method of proof of this theorem implies the existence of an infinity of infinities. He defined the cardinal and ordinal numbers and their arithmetic. Cantor’s work is of great philosophical interest, a fact he was well aware of.[2]”

https://www.transfinite.com/content/transfinitenumbersI suppose that infinities in extra dimensional spaces are greater than those with fewer dimensions. Cantor’s theorem would still be valid. Pythagoreans would need to add a metaphysical liturgy to the mysteries.

I suppose that infinities in extra dimensional spaces are greater than those with fewer dimensions. Cantor’s theorem would still be valid. Pythagoreans would need to add a metaphysical liturgy to the mysteries.

As a practical matter and with math there are different places and kinds of infinity. One may of course refer to the greatest infinity holding all others- one containing the yo yo universe and all others theoretically even though God may not sponsor such a place because he is spirit and also can’t be defined in terms of distance or scale.

One might want to know if there is a finite or infinite number of regular polygons for making three-dimensional puzzles or for manufacturing containers.


An equilateral triangle, square and the regular hexagon can fill a plain with no gaps, an infinite one, yet nothing else can. Infinity is an attribute that may be applied to some sets with real applicability. In exploring the shape of a structure or universe calculations for geometry and quantity may involve infinities of scale.

The Universe may have an open, closed or flat shape gravitationally speaking. If it is flat, the most popular model, it extends into infinity perhaps because there isn’t enough gravity to collapse it to a big crunch nor too little such that it would fly apart in expansion. Why could it be balanced just right if it is expanding from a singularity? One might think that  to be perfectly flat the universe should always have existed infinitely: and that is counter-intuitive to observations of a thermodynamic universe and general relativity.

There is a difference between physical and mathematical infinity. If quanta were infinitely divisible that would create issues. Maybe fields are infinitely divisible yet if so the field overall should lose strength as it subdivides. The system may conserve energy yet monism becoming pluralism may have a cost.



Theological issues concerning infinity differ quite a bit from space-time concerns about infinity. They are different reference frames. Space-time of this observable universe according to the prevailing theory had a start at time=0. So if it is infinite is that way in one direction like a vector that has not yet achieved infinity. It is just 13.2 light years old and 93 billion light years in diameter. Space-time isn’t empty it is a field that expanded from T=0 in the current model. People have wondered about a theoretical empty volume containing matter at least since Heraclitus and Parmenides.

I think Giordano Bruno was burned as much for real politics as theology. The Inquisition was in full force in reaction to the half millennium war against Muslim invaders of Europe. The ruling powers were Christian and wanted any 5th column Muslims to swear allegiance to European values. Spain was only retaken in 1492, and Muslims attacked Vienna in 1529 and 1683. The Muslims m heresy problem and even the Orthodox Christian schism remained challenges to Habsburg authorities. If Europe was placid I doubt that Bruno would have burned. Science is a bit narcissist on that point in recent media. It was about secular political control. People still want secular political control…look at Ukraine.

First Cause of a Universe Misc

 Entropy requires existing things to run down, so that’s a non sequitur so far as causality goes for this poor Aquinian inquiry. David Hume made a good point about causality in dismissal of the relationship with effect. Generally one single item is not the sole cause of anything, except God perhaps whom cannot be said to have a necessary relationship in a physical sense to anything He wills to be. God is spirit and matter is substance, and the substance at its foundation is rather enigmatic rather than a matter that’s ineluctable.

Fields and their content are secondary phenomena of massless field particles entangled in the Higgs field. Entropy is the disassociation of order in that field; a unified field suppositionally that emerged through various phases. Wheeler wrote about retrocausality at any rate and if that exists it could be an amusing attribute for God.

A mind doesn’t seem to be a reflection of nature at all. Instead it is entirely different than matter in-itself and interprets sensations from nature or the state of the fields in which people cohere. People and minds add more to nature than exists in it. Nature is insensible generally with some life forms rising to awareness, Matter and the fields comprising; it unless God concerns Himself with it in some way, is completely dark noumena without rhyme or reason. A mind is not a reflection of that.The values of different points of view are determined by individuals.

Because people do not value all of those viewpoints equally some politicians are elected while others aren’t. That is democracy and market forces apply even concerning viewpoints. For example, Einstein’s viewpoint about relativity was more valued than Irwin Corrie’s generally. On truth theory, there is a social context for truth. One person communicates something to another and what they say should be verifiable as how the state of affairs is. ‘Reality’- a concept, is not so involved as is accuracy of language in communication.

Words can be used to describe nature, and people might agree a statement about it is true yet they all might be wrong about it. Human and social ideas about what is true or false may be wrong. Consider the diversity of opinion about global atmospheric heating or the seriousness of US. public dent reaching 34 trillion dollars. Sartre wrote about social reality in Being and Nothingness and The Critique of Dialectical Reason and noted that colonialists and various power groups sometimes have their own proprietary vocabulary and interpret reality-social reality differently than non-insider groups such as proletariats.

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