
Crimean Independence and the Newer World Order

 The new world order of 1991 is evolving structurally and ethically. Apparently self-determination important then and now works even if new nations choose not to be part of the European Union. The Russians of the Crimea have voted to align with the Russian Federation.

With Crimeans voting for independence the post cold-war premise that republics and oblasts of the former Soviet Union have only the option of joining the west rather than Russia has been overthrown. The new world order seen by president G.H.W. Bush, or at least mentioned nominally as a symbol with potential content filled in later is malleable. The N.W.O. may having moving parts.

Self-determination was an important political point used by the west during the cold war over and over. In retrospect it seem that the Clinton and Obama administrations did not believe that principle applied to Russians too. Traditionalists respect ancient boundaries and areas of influence along the principle of letting sleeping dogs lie. In the era of communications globalism and jet travel corporations and networks have immense advantage over traditionalists. What might haven been regarded as sedition or treason formerly is hardly even noticed. Sometimes now. What nations might be next in forming new alliances for seceding from oppressive ruling classes one might wonder? What national formations could arise to offset the accumulation of wealth and power in the hands of above and beyond national laws elites?

Even if the eastern Ukraine votes to rejoin Russia and the traditional stability of the region returns global muppeteers of finance may seek low hanging fruit from the planetary inventory of nations and regions to subvert and secure for economic input. Nations however do not need to be sedentary or quaint anachronisms seduced by N.W.O. carpet baggers. They may seek new alliances where none have gone before. Italy could become part of the U.S.A. along with Peru and Bolivia if the people wish. Argentina and Germany may unify at last. England and India may completely merge and the future King of England sit on a throne in New Delhi. 

The completely hypothetical conjectures above could develop as nations adapt to the reality of globalism to enhance their personal advantages in trade, streamline government and promote the general welfare of the masses of citizens that they increasingly cannot with the encroaching power of the communication, transport and crowd-sourcing power of the 21st century.
In theory there is nothing that prevents temporary national configurations if government management work may becomes modularized and digitalized for sharing between aligned nations. Such arrangements may arise in order ton share public debt or trade debt off in exchange for use of natural resources or human technical skills that are comparatively in abundance. Nations and voters do not have to be obsolete targets of takeover by global financial sophists transforming them into checking accounts.

If a drowned in debt U.S. Government one day relinquishes New England to England, Canada or China when it goes out of business one may understand the desire of a future U.S. Government to recover it except for Boston.. For a contractual price it may be possible to rent a nation or merge a nation into another completely for ten or twenty years in order to provide comprehensive civic upgrades on the principle of comparative advantage.

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