
Obama Gives a Wedgie to European-Russian Economic Relations

Driving Europe and Russia apart is a traditional policy of the United States. John Paul Jones may have served in the Russian navy yet that was about the last time high-level Americans understood that country. The American cold-war establishment requires conflict or antipathetic economies to divide, conquer and exploit yet its an obsolete practice.

Oceania and that other world Empire were always at war in 1984, and we might take that paradigm as fundamental in global political-economic configuration and get jiggie with it a little. Keeping Europe, America and Russia close to balance the rising mega-power of China is just good sense, Washington wimps need a cold war to stimulate defense and oil industries however and it is to such works the U.S. economy continual drifts. Lee helm in Washington D.C. brings the ship of state to look backwards toward the crude economy.

Global warming and cold war relations with Russia go hand in hand. This is the rhetoric tried and true that Americans have been schooled in. Creative thought and intelligent leadership are rare exception rather than the usual practice. As a stinger instructor said in a class on identifying Soviet bloc aircraft in late 1989-everything's all f****d up!.
So taxes are cut by a Democrat President on the rich in a pure act of treason to the Democrat Party that made Edward Snowden seem like Snow White. Taxes of at least 60% on the top tax brackets-the one's made to fund the government instead of predicting the N.C.A.A. basketball winners during Mad Tax Figuring March, are needed to keep Democracy free from imperial and oligarchic hegemony . The purpose is not to redistribute wealth so people don't need to work. The purpose is to keep full employment and break up concentrated wealth and power and  let economic diversity evolve in independent corporations and small business rather in networked through Wall Street oligarchy.
Taxation to control the accumulation can be spent on educational vouchers and space exploration, planetary missions and funding of new space transportation systems research as well as restoration of the Earth ecosphere. Traditional political economy of a kind of evolutionary capitalism leading to concentration of wealth and power in networked gridlock is counterproductive to the prospects of human survival in the ecosphere of this world and to freedom of spirit.
Intelligent political leadership ought to recognize that it is the west and even the United States (sending troops in the Bolshevik - 2000 I believe, to the resistance in the Russian civil war on the White Army side vs. the Red) that have invaded Russia and the Ukraine for centuries. The land grab after the cold war was just the most recent Western effort to plunder a Russia weakened by the west. It is implicitly destabilizing and puts a superfluous wedgie in the economic status quo. I cannot believe that  President Obama isn't once more puppeteered by Wall Street-Harvard martinets to do their short-term profit bidding.
The United States needs to be a leader in the art of new creative politics that fundamentally transforms modern capitalism down-sizing it to a human scale that lets democracy exist. Corporations should be limited in size with just 5 or 10 thousand employees max. Individual investors should be allowed to own stock in no more than three corporations and tax breaks for leading a field in reducing materials production entropy accumulation should exist. Ecological economics is important. Starry eyed politicians in high places haven't any capability to reform capitalism or think at all about it. It is not wrong to overestimate the ignorance and unwillingness of U..S. politicians to reform capitalism or defend civil liberties from the encroachment of networked power and too large of government. Each are equal dangers.
The Obama administration in putting a wedgie in Euro-Russ-American relations is simply giving the advantage to the Chinese and bringing the world ecosphere closer to the edge of breakdown.

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