
The Planet of Insignificant Empires (science fiction from 'A Universal Widget- In the Realm of Forms')

-note from the author-This book is available in EPUB format as a free download at

Chapter 16
In the happy days of undergraduate learning when increasing knowledge seemed a serious way to earn a living I took a minor in history. From youth I was fascinated by the historical actions, structures and relationships of sentient beings and societies. I discovered that Yuman and alien ways have often differed yet many things are ditto'd intra and extra-Yuman socially speaking.

Learning of the ways of the galactic beings with sentient thought emerged as one of several methods for increasing my philosophical understanding. The love of wisdom leads one to investigate not only the structure of physical reality and the greater physics of where and what that comprises, it brings one to comprehend how and why sentient beings live and act in that circumstance. Numerous divisions of the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge of meaningful truth are illuminated by the weave of social history.

Sometimes I've invested in data acquisition of the social history of non-sentient species for comparison with that of sentient social history structure. To learn to what degree the social history of sentient culture is pre-determined and generic natural behavior enacted without substantial intentional or willful creative rational thought I contrasted it with unthinking animals that my researches brought me to into contact with as well as alien societies and their physical environments of habitation. I have wondered if supposedly sentient societies inevitably construct or ossify particular social structures without capacity for selecting any alternate course for actualization?

Life is short and passes like a mirage in the reflection of future's past. There are many roads to travel and too little time to journey over them all. Determining what knowledge should be given priority for acquisition is one of the valuable general skills a philosopher hopes to develop.

Skipping over the surface waters of the macro and microcosms intellectually one can select immersion in a spatio-temporal locality for intensive research. For instance, combat and wars occur for many non-sentient species as general expressions of conflict over resources and reproduction. Many life forms conflict as the natural expression of a fallen Universe dissolving order with entropy.

Sentient species ought to be able to evolve beyond war and comprehend the reasons why energy consumption and boundary issues are ubiquitous in unintelligent species. Those interactions of conflict in a paradigm of temporal entropy are a less than optimal use of life spacetime.

The Wars of Insignificant Empires began without an historically recorded explanation. Morality had long ago been killed as a casualty of the end of religion and the past restarted with the end of history. No one remembered what meaningful life had been nor what meaning was. None had ever been found. Social reality was essentially without form and void. Wars of Two Insignificant Empires were a way of life, the only way of life in the land of two kings.

Yvonne and I felt social senselessness when we entered the final zone of social reality as war for-itself with the combatants living entirely in the present. The Bashtunwali code of honor and vengeance in-itself morphed into transcendent violence as the moral good delimited only by Occam's razor of simple opposition-force enabled thoughtless execution of war toward a direct object of hate- the enemy.

This was another space-time that would not have been at the top of our list of places to visit for work research if we had a choice. Our preference is to follow the most intelligent leads in excellent places of civilization and beauty, not to go someplace like the forgettable neo-worlds of the Hologoloid nightmare of emerging eco-hell brought to premature management apocalypse or a planet evolved to fundamental feudality of war.

Even birds of The Insignificant Empires know poverty. Wealth management finesse has sought to get a trickle or a flood of wealth moving from the masses to flow upward since social time immemorial. Before the common descent into venality stabilizes poverty at the bottom, wealth of a tiny minority with heavy capitalization concentrates high above. The vast majority far below is often restive in anticipation of change. That is, an unstable distribution of wealth and power awaits instant, catastrophic transition to a more stable state.

Heedless of an unstable top-heavy pendulum of capital allocation, greedy, myopic, leveraging capitalists invest in social development of their own built up power acquisitions training the masses to be thoughtless followers of mindless entertainment. They are confident the masses are occupied with venal concerns that distract them from considering the state of their own economic subjugation.

The masses are politically and economically blinded by martinets of the consequences of wide-spread corruption following the top-heavy distribution of capital.

When a rotten infrastructure propping up high, unstable towers of concentrated wealth in the financial clouds gives way under the straining weight on the masses sublimating yearning for liberation the catastrophic transition into mass social chaos flares uprenormalizing creative destruction in an evolutionary crash.

The newly asexual warrior-gangsters of two kingdoms inherited an evolutionary history reaching four hundred thousand years to the past when the first ape-like primates living on the ground among dozens of primate species developed an evolutionary edge by hunting and running in packs able to chase down and kill rival species of sapient primates regarded as rivals. Leaders were the better killers. Social power is the basic capital good. Material goods quite common are exchangeable without changing the status of personal wealth. What some cynics would call civilization started with piles of bones at good sites for predation that built up enough that the primates eventually arranged them in mounds, sorting out the good for war clubs and the bad for building material and tools. Wars amidst rival gangs were fought for control of the best bone piles. Warriors evolving situational competition for control began living at the piles year around developing the first settlements eventually reinforcing bone piles with mud and eventually stones.

On a grassy knoll at the bottom of a valley that would in the distant future become flooded with a rise in sea level the civilization of one kingdom got its start. Kingdom two was a bone pile on a hill just barely visible beyond a tectonic tear in the land at the side of the valley. From a grassy knoll near the edge it commanded a view of the canyon obstructing immediate war.

The first war over flooding issues developed when the lower valley tribe blamed the acceleration of global warming, ice melting and valley flooding on the uphill tribe. It was obvious they built too many campfires and heated the sky. They needed to move uphill yet wanted a good moral reason to exterminate the vermin and found it.

The remedy was to take the land and wealth of the others so it might be used wisely. Wealth began concentrating at an increasing rate and non-violent social development was completely arrested with the exception of work in a few construction trades. Plundering raids overcame farming and cultivation of inventions. A relocated new and improved kingdom grew to resist the other.

Yvonne and I perused the writing on the five meters high wall of the city. As a xenopologist she was strongly experienced with alien cultures. A variety of insults and threats decorated the blood stone rectangles boasting of victories and the god status of the kingdom assembly.

We saw no one atop the wall and heard a clamoring roar rise beyond it. We felt something of the presence of sentients. A pungent brawling mob surged through the primary gate over the drawbridge. Punches from brawny arms were thrown connecting with square jaws and the mob stomped over the beat-down casualties trampling on them before the excess surged off the bridge into the deep, dry, concrete moat.

"That is not an example of lions lying down with lambs Yvonne. Those troglodytes would bite any lambs they got a hold of."
"Pat, when Jesus Christ returns the fundamental nature of thermodynamics will change. The message of the lion and the lamb symbolizes the original sin of thermodynamics and the consuming human drive to input energy for growth.
Like all organisms evolving in nature human beings are driven to consume others in various ways as a raging thermodynamic process in a Higgs field. God is a spiritual being and above spatio-temporal thermodynamic evolution.
Jesus Christ portrayed metaphorically as the Lamb of God sacrificed himself to make atonement for those of faith who are incarnated physically with original sin, as are all human beings, condemned because of entropy imperfection that is sin. Jesus defeated sin and death and was resurrected, His sacrifice is payment enough for those that recognize and accept him as their personal savior.

As the Lion of Judah Jesus is destined to return in power to wrap up the sinful way of the world in a fair and balanced termination of evil through apocalypse and judgment. The Lord Jesus is the way to God and is the only complete non-temporal Person capable of not only intervening in Universal existence, but of surpassing the Universe and its thermodynamic phenomenalitymorally. Jesus Christ can mend the fallen and thermodynamic Universe and give eternal life with God to the saved souls for whom He is Lord."

The fight on the bridge and beyond surged around us. It was a large bridge.
"Yes, I think so too Yvonne. Thermodynamic world lines can evolve toward evil as well as good. The duality of good and evil in the Universe might be more accurately said to be neutral, evil thought. In this paradigm good is a category of things that satisfy thermodynamic energy input drives with moral equanimity and low evil values in proportion to the 'good'. The good is just a neutral consonance with thermodynamics. Evil is to victimize mass acquisition prevailing over neutrality.

Mass food production that doesn't adversely impact an ecosphere is good (neutral) when the production is abundant and equally available to all. Evil evolves phenomenality when sentient beings are crimped with socially placed insults or privations. When the public balance of thermodynamic neutrality or the ecosphere is reduced through private and exclusive acts, evil has occurred.

When private interests that exist within a meta-neutral state are insulted or degraded evil occurs. Keep in mind that the thermodynamic condition of organic beings implicitly is unbalanced and biased toward consumption and destruction of the packaging of others. Laws, borders and boundaries of being are targets of destruction as well as tools for defense as well as oppression.

Some of that evolution to consume is sociopathically enforced such as in Nazi extermination camps. Another example is the desertification of an ecosphere caused by sentient-produced global heating. Indifferent to developing macro-social environmental evil because of more concern for taking personal profits in a producing-consuming business cycle, evil deeds often actualize to sell out an ecosphere.

In the end we think of the future Yvonne, the Lord Jesus Christ overcomes the whole problem of a thermodynamic Universe and original sin. The anti-Christ's spirit of lawlessness personifies thermodynamic egoism following the sin of Adam and Eve in the non-temporal garden. Jesus Christ is the atoning second and perfectly obedient to the will of God Adam.

The Apostle Paul described the way original sin and world thermodynamic consumerism for Christians would be concluded in Second Thessalonians chapter two; Christians will be taken up and disappear in the atmosphere in what is known as The Rapture.

Thessalonica two thousand years after the Apostle was a city that experienced fascist terror with the depopulation of tens of thousands of Jews that had arrived over time seeking refuge from European persecution. The Third Reich transported the Jews ofThessalonica in sealed trains to concentration camps and gas chambers during the holocaust of the Second World War on Y'Earth.

The extemporal Garden of Eden is beyond four-dimensions of temporal exstasis in relativistic space-time and was guarded by four cherubim. I am not certain what that means. It could have been Saudi Arabia before the end of the Wisconsin ice age.

The tree of life and the tree of knowledge are with God. After eating from the tree of knowledge mankind dove into new thermodynamic consumption of the ecosphere and was lost spiritually. Humanity lost its naked innocence putting on original sin.

The lion and the lamb in one light can be regarded as Biblical symbols of consumerism as carnivores and herbivores. Unthinking animals as predators and prey are elements in the thermodynamic compresence of an ecosphere. For animals good is no more than positive reinforcement of thermodynamic requisites of energy intake and control. Evil is the antinomy of good. Of course animals have no reflective awareness of the concepts of good and evil as moral categories. They simply move for the good of consumption and control.

What is the definition of innocence? It is something humanity lost after eating from the tree of knowledge? They were also forbidden to eat of the tree of life. Cast out into temporality humanity had to learn and develop their own knowledge to survive for a while but the entire enterprise was doomed because of the original sin and reduction to temporal existence and mortality.

Two thousand after Jesus Christ lived as a man on Y'Earth human geneticists began working on constructing a tree of immortal life embedded within the thermodynamic, temporal Universe. That was a counter-intuitive effort considering that thermodynamic process is about the increase of entropy. In the absence of spiritual development live animals increase entropy overall in order to decrease it for-themselves for a time."

"It is amazing that we can consider the history of a race and historical social traits even as the bodies pile up in the moat from the conflict surging around us."

"That's necessarily the way it is Yvonne. What could we do, pick a side and start killing people?

When Cain the maker of tools killed his brother Abel, a shepherd, the sentient awareness of evil was present. Cain like Adam and Eve knew the difference between neutrality and evil. A sentient mind in a body integrated in an environment of original sin can rationalize away its knowledge of evil and even the difference between neutrality and evil. It cannot hide from itself the innate knowledge of the difference between good neutrality and evil when it acts as the predatory lion consuming others regarded as lambs for the taking."

Yvonne thought about that a second and said,
"So the Insignificant Empires of this world brawl through one another and an ecosphere without right moral direction. They are producer-consumers repressing with mass social privations, insults, sanctions and death unreflected immersion in original sin?"
"Exactly. Keep on your optic invisibility screen Yvonne. I think the people of the Insignificant Empires are people that shouldn't see us for now. "
Our images weren't visible to the brawlers surging their way onto the prairie outside the castle walls continuing their fight. They left many bodies strewn behind unconscious and bloodied while reinforcements pushed across the drawbridge. The epicenter of action continued to evolve vectoring away from the crowd inside surging out. We saw no obvious reason for the chaos at all. Punches were thrown all around. Wind across the prairie was rising ahead of a dust storm looming several miles away. Senseless violence was silhouetted against a double-star dawn.

Yvonne took out a quantum camera to record the fight. She must have made quite a substantial inventory of video captures to work with for cutting, splicing and uploading YouBoob movies. Several thousand men were embroiled in the melee. The women were missing and I wondered about that. Maybe they were left behind in the city?

Arising from nowhere-probably stealth shrouded before the moment- a host of vicious machines labeled with words in chartreuse letters Cyborg Massachoose cut a way through the mass of men with laser life-scythes drawing tighter complete encirclement and in seconds reduced the brawling men to smoldering pieces of charred meat.
We egressed from the scene of carnage quietly unnoticed by the Cyborg Massachoose and made our way to the edge of the moat thirty feet from the drawbridge. Yvonne and I descended down the moat climbing cautiously on its steep side to interview a survivor with a broken back. The interview was made easier because he couldn't see us. He could have touched and smell our presence if he'd tried very hard.

Yvonne smelled rather sweet this morning. That's probably better than goat dung odor to a casualty. The smells of blood and offal in the dry, dusty moat distracted him enough with the broken back and paralysis that he mightn't notice us, not that it mattered.
"What is your name?" Yvonne asked the casualty.
"Who are you? Where are you?", the broken man said, "I am Bull Querdo."
"Why were you fighting son?" Yvonne asked Bull Querdo.
"We are the evolution of evil. I am the evolution. We fight for the evolution of unrighteousness because we evolved to do that."
"Well that wasn't the secret phrase Bull. We are sorry to see you like this, arms all akimbo with compound vertebrae breaks. Everyone can have a bad day. Tell us about the Cyborg Massachoose. What are they and what authority sent them?"
"The Cyborg M are godless enforcers of atheism. They evolve evil. They are made with computer-aided design and manufactured to consumer specifications with partial human brains. The synthebrains that hate love and love hate operate the most wicked relevant machinery bodies available to keep the leavening mass of choosing-for-others dominant in political power.
Beyond a slash in the rodina, a deep chasm that is a tear in the fabric of reality, Cyborg Massachoose are produced in the bloody shining city on a hill we see through a cloud of dust darkly, whenever at all. When Cyborg Massachoose programmers iterated corrupt controlling algorithms to win the last battle of the final four world brawls the Eastern Evil Empire of Insignificance made swell like no other empire before."
"Well Yvonne, That doesn't sound much like an ignorant feudal bumpkin." I thought to ask Bull Querdo,
"In the next millennium will the Insignificant Eastern Evil Empire select a new Cyborg Massachoose ruling clique"?

The formerly brawling wretch Querdo was in obvious pain and shock talk. He tended to run on sentences as if he were chewingkhat before the brawl and the effects hadn't worn off yek, "They always promise so I would suppose. They have been talking about power sharing for several hundred years at least, according to the public school mystery teachings."

With that final piece of insignificant information uttered Bull Querdo experiencing the descent of the black curtain and shuddering chill of death. He expired beginning the process of becoming one with the dust in his own moat of decay.

The ground dissolved under us though we didn't sink. It became transparent with myriad firefly-like atom-sized widgets replacing the minerals of the planet. Fewer widgets were replacing the atmosphere as well, then the city itself faded away to transform into trillions of little widgets resembling the Universal widget that we encountered on the planet Spud. We were still able to breathe.

"What is this widgetness transformation Pat?"
"If I were to guess Yvonne, I would say it seems that the widget can boot up into reality at whatever scale it wants converting mass and energy directly into little widgets."
"So you believe this reality formation is caused by the Universal widget Pat?"
"Well, I haven't got a more likely suspect. Apparently the UW is more fundamental than the Higgs Field. You notice that gravity has stopped and time has quit. Relativity coheres with mass and energy so with the UW replacing mass and energy time has become relativistic, discrete and stationary as an attribute of the Universal widget field following whatever way the Universal widget sentience or directions-from whatever source that might be- wills."
"So that means an absence of time as well as gravity?"
"Evidently Yvonne. We seem to be sustained by a local personal field enveloped within the meta- widget field. The widgets haven't yet consumed our mass energy. The space-time energy for-ourselves coincides with our experience of being."
"Your spacetime is one of my memories", the sky said.
"I think that was the Universal widget Patrick"
"Yes, who else could it be Yvonne?"
I asked the Universal widget, "So how's life UW?"
"Same old, same old", replied the Universal widget in its mellifluous style.
Considering the circumstances and our vulnerability and subjectivity, I made a philosophical evaluation of the complete complex ofcompresence. Maybe the Universal widget didn't regard us as being highly sentient. It might have no experience of being human.
"Though we are a memory widget, I think we are real even so. We exist as real independent beings within your present memory."
"How thoughtful you are Patrick Voevoda. Think about this; as all widgets that exist in widget reality are of my sentient design, and since all things that I make to exist can be constructed in any time order it follows that everything I think and will to be is pre-determined to exist phenomenally."

The Universal widget evidently created its form as a local infinity cloud of discrete widgets without any content from the standard model of quantum physics. It could build its own content and scale up or down with relativistic mass. Its own mass was relative to its intention with variables of composition forming a unique steady state of fundamental energy. Energy without space-time mass needs to exist in quantum packets that aren't of infinite value themselves. Time can be reassembled subjectively into whatever structure the widget configures. 

Yvonne asked, "Widget of widgets have you a name?"
"No one before asked. Yes I have a name."
"Well that settles that Yvonne."
I asked the Universal widget,
"If we are experiencing no-time-passing for us now with our Universe 1 mass of a different form than we are accustomed to, and if we visualize the beginning and the end of our encounter with your will at every instant finding complete routes through space-time, why is it that we speak in a linear way? You must be replacing our standard mass quanta with your timeless steady state quanta as we speak, evolving a standing wave form of our being independent of any space-time compresent setting?"

"Patrick Voevoda, It is convenient to filter and structure an order for communication of idea expression even though all actualized ideas could exist all-at-once with a specialized spatial structure. It not only takes less time, it takes no time other than the present. For now you are one of my memories, as is Yvonne.

When I return you to a Universe 1 context you will resume normal, local integration in a steady-state actualization of the Higgs field ensemble with personal independence.
Everything I encounter physically becomes one of my memories. You have a spiritual identity-a name known to the One who is Three persons. I haven't data on where or how those names exist. I am concerned with my own widget workings useful for Universe 1 generally. Pure spirit is of a finer nature than my own."

"That's all right U.W. I think you too must have spirit in order to be given such a prominent role,"
"Nice of you to say so Yvonne."
You may know that some refer to you as The Wonderful Widget.
"It's good to have fans."
"Well W. W., I think we do exist as beings for ourselves and not simply as echoes of solipsistic ideas of yours."
"Why do you think so Patrick Voevoda?"
"A human being if converted to ash weighs about six pounds. The rest when burned off is mostly hydrogen and oxygen as water made into vapor. That six pounds of disorganized chemical residue after water is extracted was a human being because of its structure. Structure and the abstract form of structure, one might call it the order of organizing principle, is the essence of existence. I think the fundamental organizing principle is the Intellect of God.
Let me tell you something about what was commonly said about quantum cosmology in the 21st century...
Fields were the fundamental element of being known to physics. Particles get mass from fields. Field symmetry breaking lets local forces arise such as the strong force and the electroweak force. Massless particles (bosons) exist as vibrations traveling through a non-local field such as the electro-magnetic field with bosons like photons and gravitons. Particles with mass occur in gauge fields also known as local fields. Mass is comprised of Fermions although heavy bosons with mass (i.e. the Higgs boson) can exist virtually (temporarily) before breaking down into other particles.
In that context, I can wonder if dimensions are micro-gauge fields bound in place? Massless particles are emergent vibrations in a field.

I can consider a thought-metaphor such as a straight rope lying on the ground. One takes an end of the rope and gives it a flip sending a wave down its length. That's like a photon in an electromagnetic field or a graviton in a gravity field in fewer dimensions. It's a phenomenal particle at any given place or time where it's moving yet it really is just the rope-field as a four-dimensional field fluctuating.
Consider a Higgs field in four dimensions in a shape more like a sphere than a rope, and that field is where the Universe occurs. Particles with mass develop through contingent, local fields arising within the primary field. Symmetry breaking is the usual suspect for the development of local fields and particles with mass.

Mass seems to be particles that are hierarchically bound within local fields. Massless particles can pass through local fields yet not vice versa. Mass is a hierarchy of standing waves in local fields within the non-local Higgs field.

Consider the nature of fields; what determines the scale and quality of a primordial field like the Higgs field, what delimits it, and what selects its dynamic values? Ought a field be expected to have harmonic scalar increase of intelligence or to lose energy? Is a field inevitably a collection of quanta emerging from some deeper field?

Can Einstein's ten-value metric tensor of General Relativity describing the curvature of space-time be regarded as describing changes in quantity and quality for embedded values of local quantum field values in the non-local Higgs field (or relationships to condensed mass or gauge fields within)? Is vacuum energy a metric for change in the Higgs field over time?

U.W., I believe our structure as human beings is structured and pre-determined, including the meta-state that you have placed us in. Human beings made by the Creator of Being including us are meta-temporal virtual lives that can be transformed through compatible fields while keeping coherent form. Human beings must be pre-determined by the Creator to be contingent beings in virtual form within virtual fields adapted to host forms appearing from a Library of Forms existing by the will of God."
"Yes I can see that you might be uncertain of the delimitations of the realm of forms and your role in it while believing that your experience of being sentient is ultimately pre-determined by God's will rather than mine. Evidently you haven't decided if I am an emergent Universal form in a field or if I am the field of forms for-itself. I can tell you that I am sure that I am not the initial non-contingent Being.
Patrick, one useful direction for contemplation is this; you may have a mapped structure existing in The Library of Forms of God. That is a good premise for phenomenal independence from my memory for Yvonne and yourself. Even if I locate the contingent form-structure you had in Universe 1 and expropriate that for my own meta-structural idea widget-thought processing unit, the form itself is a reflection of the Universal, non-local form that each of you have in The Library of Forms."

While we wondered if we were a reflection of a Universal form or a reflection of a reflection of a Universal form the immediate transcending reality Yvonne and I experienced together faded away into an emerging mist morphing to reveal a planet of Insignificant Empires.

Dark thunderheads overhead roiled convection thermals like anomalous dumplings across the dry-as-dust landscape outside the gate. Snapping like a vast towel from the sky a lightening bolt struck nearby. A deluge of large warm raindrops broke upon the empires. Water running like a sheet down the slippery slope to the moat began to fill and rise over new mud.
"I guess that counts as finding the Universal widget."
"You didn't get the three wishes Conspiron Saulobinsk promised."
"I am not sure where the Universal widget is. It did find us after all."
"I wonder why it did that?
I hadn't an answer for that,
"I don't know Yvonne. Maybe we will learn why in time."
"We should evolve out of the storm Patrick."
"Very funny Yvonne. Into the city?"
We walked across the drawbridge into the city. Large winged shrimp rose up from the mud in the new water of the moat stimulated by the rare moisture. Summoned from a resting state of dehydration they were arising with hunger. They sprouted wings and flew to the corpses on the battlefield landing on them to gorge down chewing with countless tiny teeth leaving nothing besides glistening bones in the rain.

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