
Ukraine as Corporatism's Object for Creative Destruction Morphing to the Practico-Inert

The Ukraine historically is unstable. It was an object of hostile takeover from being a part of Russia by great invading and deal-making powers. Ownership has changed hands innumerable times and after the resolution of then current transitional crisis it is likely to change again. For the globalist Obama administration seeking to enrich the rich with tax cuts and free trade deals as well as bring atheism and homosexuality to traditional cultures the Ukraine is a juicy target for takeover by proxies.  It is said that 70% of Americans use illegal drugs. The other 30% use the drug of greed. Stability in national affairs is not a blip on their radar screen. They have entered the Twilight Zone of globalism.


The Obama administration has another military occupation to run from later this year in Afghanistan. Thereafter a better Al Qaeda training camp than Osama Bin Laden had is likely to evolve from the American trained Afghan military. Afghanistan may develop better terrorist training infrastructure with I.S.I help than Iraq got after the U.S. admitted it bungled Iraq’s occupation and reconstruction so they ran away as in Vietnam-at least which is probably the common kitsch point of view in the world of global terrorism.


The U.S.A. has excellent weapons yet is deficient in political reasoning diplomatically speaking. While it’s military can win its politicians will lose the victory failing any sort of competent criteria for how to arrange things with real politik. Perhaps that’s a result of then post-World War Two success; European reconstruction was incredible and the United States took much of the credit with then unfortunate result that it brought a delusional mentality of competence at political leadership. From Korea to Iraq the results are manifest. Maybe Ronald Reagan was the sole exception to the rule.


The Democratic Party in the United States has a history of fomenting civil wars at home and abroad. It prefers to indirectly procure properties and power with creative destruction. The Ukraine may itself experience the phenomenon of the creative destruction of civil war. Even in Iran the left supported the overthrow of the Shah and the rise of the Ayatollah Khomeini. As in Iraq after Sadam Hussein’s takeover the left was deleted.


Corporatism is the west these days the Ukrainians look to. The west though is Wall Street and the other global trading floors including the Red Chinese. So Ukrainians want to be taken over by globalists to be indoctrinated with atheism, have their Internet and public communications censored by corporatists and to move homosexuals into prominence in their government and military. Even with cool hip hopping music something really bad would the environmental transformation to large corporate farms with vast wheat farms instead of small, private holdings that follows corporate takeover.


The west is evolving-it’s not your mom and pop west of Roosevelt and Eisenhower any more. It is becoming more like the evil empire with a concentrated wealth imperialism finessing peons of nominal democracy with bread and circuses that can’t even win the Olympic Winter Games. Where you might ask are real winter sports like a mile snowshoe run,five-story, free-style rock climbing  or bicycle racing on packed snow and ice?


The United States since the end of the former Soviet Union has taken a turn toward deregulation and irresponsibility in business speaking. The post-ideological pseudo-reason is that Adam Smith’s invisible hand of sub-conscious market guidance will be the adult regulating political affairs from a cloud even if the cloud is owned by stock owning networks of the 1% trading at speed of light in dark pools globally.


American leadership seems unaware that nationalism evolved to take down imperialism and that nationalism is still and important political balance to various trans-national evolving forms of corporate imperialism. While the United States may use the rhetoric about democracy of the cold war in practice democracy in the United States is becoming comparatively incapable from drowning in corporate power. Like the decadent over-extended Western Roman Empire the United States will piss away its own national economic and political sovereignty.


If the Ukraine is independent that is not too bad. If Russia owns the Crimea or an independent Crimea emerges that is good. What would not be good would be to make a weak Ukraine under corporatist power flooded with Muslims, atheistic and state imposed homosexual hegemony over public affairs including the degradation of marriage. The creative destruction of traditional values including family farms, church and marriage are real goals of the modern corporatist power that trust is scientific atheists as Zarathustran managers of then human herd. Instead, a Muslim takeover of the former Soviet Republics of the south and the Black Sea littoral will develop. Russia was a traditional defense against Muslim invasion from the south and East. Russia absorbed the brunt of oriental assaults on Europe serving as their Eastern front security force. Those with a Jim Crowe era view that white racial Europeans, Slavs and Jews that look European are the problem tend to support the present move toward global imperialism through corporatism. It would be an enslaved atheist, queered up pig farm with bread and circuses scientifically controlled with just those nasty Muslims, Christians and religious Jews in opposition.

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