
Doesn't Self-Determination Apply to Russians Too?

Cold war rhetoric often developed the idea of political self-determination as being a fundamental right lacking in the authoritarianism of the Soviet Union. Assuredly the dictator Joseph Stalin liquidated those that expressed a desire for that. If Stalin controlled the Internet he would let anything be published in opposition to his will. What about the U.S.A. today though and the Republics, oblasts and semi-autonomous regions of the former Soviet Union that historically are part of Russia and desire to return to the emergent Russian Federation/ Haven't Russians got a right of self-determination as much as anyone else?

The Crimea and the Ukraine historically are Russian regions. If the cold war rhetoric was just a sweet sounding trick to dupe Russians into trusting the west. That is, if self-determination only applies if former Soviet republics determine to be part of the European Union and not the Russian Federation will that provide a reason for trust by any nation in the future about U.S. rhetoric?


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