
Select Regime Change Parameters in Global Plutocratic Developmental Econosystem

Contemporary regime change theory parameters entail elements of perennial modern revolution where today’s revolutionaries are tomorrow’s future bureaucratic establishment. Converging with instant revolutionary messaging and crowd sourcing of ideas spontaneous government control symmetry breaking is old hat. Instant revolutionary street movements with profusion of civil disobedience to pressurize unpopular leaders may be ordered up with the right elements of subtle provocation perhaps by foreign intelligence agency support. The motivation may be to shake down the ripe fruit of political power for the prosperity of global traders. More about the effects of deregulated capitalism transitioning nations to units of global plutocracy later.


One wonders about the Ukrainian situation. Encouraged by the U.S.A. and the incentive of financial support the over-the-horizon glimmer of hope and change becomes irresistible to the young revolutionary set. Purchase of local leaders with at least the glimmer of a future of rising to the top of a local bureaucracy isn’t new at all, yet the opportunities to control global food supplies major regions of grain production for the benefit of corporations owned by the 1% global oligarchy is.


The Ukraine and other nations have a history of post revolutionary purges that make many citizens recalcitrant about sticking their neck out in public protests. A silent majority may remain at home while radicals flood then streets as activists describing themselves as the will of the people. The Bolshevik revolution was accomplished with a similar metric of non-representationalism consistent with the anarchist principle that any change of regime is acceptable regardless of the dynamic of the subsequent bureaucrats.


Ukrainian revolutionaries seem unaware that the historical civil liberties of the west aren’t what they used to be. While internet and cellular communications popularization has radically increased the transfer of information and access to it powers concentrating wealth have benefited from that as well as the populations of formerly repressed by authoritarian nations. While the former Soviet bloc nations have been liberated in part from the strictures and repression of the old communist powers, the young modernists have failed to realize that they are stepping into the snare of a modern global corporatism that has little respect for democracy and finesses that with consumerism pacifying the allegiant. Independent civil liberty in the corporatist and networked west can be as difficult as it was in the former Soviet Union. Without being remade in the image of the beast one may not be free to own real estate or pursue enlightened self-interests.


Revolutions that simply at a nation to the roster of global corporate vassals are not really upgrading much from the ancient Soviet bureaucratic model. Each avoids reinforcing individual civil liberty and exchanges freedom for comfort, depravity and network surveillance.  The continuing elite-owned broadcast media is a tool for concentrating wealth and power through concentrated wealth purchasing political control.  A new synthetic political economy without corporate or bureaucratic controlling power ought to be develo0ped in the corrupted states where revolutionary movements are attractive. In former era Christianity was the transcending element against which change was required-at lest where the church was not imperial or ruled by imperial authorities. African development without a Christian foundation is going to be challenging to stabilize. The Obama administration supports an atheist and immoral approach to civil reform and that makes it too easy for chauvinist Moslem radicals to plunder away against the vacuum of paganism and atheist unbelief.


The former Soviet Union withered away because it was spiritually dead and its revolutionaries old bureaucrats-at least those that survived Stalinist purges. He Ukraine today needs spiritual revival orthodox, Catholic and Protestant along with enlightened independent leaders on excellent terms with the new Russia encouraging its independence and libertarian development too.


Deregulated capitalism is the perfect marketing tool to draw disaffected citizens away from a moribund or repressive government into a new world order. Citizens dive headlong into the beautiful shining sea of global corporatism only to find later perhaps that it was too shallow and they broke their political neck. I


In the planetary economy that is increasing totalized as one world order concentrating wealth through networking recruiting the poor and minorities into the service of the global corporation is easy especially of they were excluded or repressed before. Such worker-citizen-proles are unaware that they have leapt into the twilight zone of a velvet prison that in time fades to black.


Uncorrected corporatism with the concentration of wealth leads to concentrated political power in Plutocrats that are the only real global citizens. Swine haven’t any rights except for some protections by animal rights groups and some trifling governing protections, and the citizen-proles will discover that they have the same license to have no personal boundaries in the corporatist-socialist evil empire that is still recruiting and building up power.

When Africa is saturated with Internet drones Plutocratic intelligence agencies will no ever bit of information and movement the 21st century African communicates intentionally or unintentionally.
Deregulated capitalism leads naturally to monopoly or discrete monopoly via stock ownership. While the creativity of free enterprise and capitalism are the better way for creativity in economic applications it is toxic if uncut by regulation as would the intake of pure heroin be fatal. Several regulatory steps need to be taken by any nation today to defend against the planetary Plutocracy and conserve individual freedom.


Ownership of any corporation in a nation must be at held by national citizens at least 51%. No individual should own stock in more than three corporations, and the take rate on the top income bracket should be at least 51% so they do not become oligarchs. With those simple legal protections being an ordinary citizen could still mean something and not decay into and Orwellian prole status in one of perhaps two planetary corporate-socialist networks if even that much competition exists.

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