
President Obama's Minimum Wage Jingoism in the Democrat War on Straight Men

Supply and demand are factors independent of Presidential ideas about increasing the minimum wage to benefit women workers. Women are said as a gender to earn just 70% of the wages of males. Seven dollars an hour is a weapon of the war on women evidently. That statistic may be skewed by the high income of 1% males while there isn't so much disparity the farther one moves down the earnings bracket toward the poor and even unemployed. Increasing the minimum wage will increase the unemployment rate for male laborers  even if some female office workers get more pudding, starbucks and bcp's. The President has used the minimum wage as a tool for developing the concept of a war on women (wages).  The opportunity to organize women as partisans with jingoism to chauvinist conflict overlooks the truth of the condition of American labor.  Labor supply and demand doesn't ever vanish.

Nothing will ever be said in defense of the war on straight white male workers. Democrats oppose them as a class of Republican symps, Republican leaders oppose them as a matter of managerial principle and the broadcast media is owned by the rich-they are not interested in reinforcing straight white male wages.

Even the American Civil Liberties Union is opposed to civil liberties of individual business owners to have religious freedom over their workplace. If the government passes a law requiring all employers to buy a ham sandwich every day for all employees then a Muslim must do so or go out of business. Class interest of Democrat insiders takes precedence over all else. While the word 'gay' implies approval of homosexual lifestyle it became anathema in corporate internet to use political terms of reproof for perverted behavior. Offenders against religious freedom for employers claim they don't want to be extinguished as individuals-as if they were natural end of the reproduction line fagots for themselves if they don't have birth control pills-confused logic a little? The ACLU will help to extinguish religious freedom of anyone to form a workplace environment in conformity to their religious beliefs-corporate wouldn't like that.

Corporate has little sympathy for straight while male workers.  They have been downsized and work outsourced or taken over by machines for 45 years. A feminized workforce is easier to manage and less revolutionary for incipient global oligarchic imperialists. There were no female signers of the declaration of independence or the U.S. Constitution-discrimination perhaps. If not repressed by straight white males they would have revolted against the horrible British aristocrats themselves.

Temporary job agencies basically charge temporary employers 150% of what the worker gets  paid hourly in order to make a profit after paying for overhead, insurance, worker's comp, training, equipment,payroll, federal withholding and so forth. One over forty worker with a few nagging injuries getting 10 dollars and hour would cost an employer 25 dollars per hour to hire.  Even at 7 bucks an hour it's still costly. Home Depot putting together a new store might find it necessary to get temporary help legally to put up shelves yet for thousands of temporary employers getting help to build and addition at home or paint a shed it's more cost effective to hire eight illegal aliens at 3 dollars an hour to do the same work and a little more.

Across America illegal alien workers have fanned out to metropolitan areas to stand on street corners, abandoned gas stations and in Phoenix a specially built illegal alien work center awaiting temporary employers to drive in a pickup for a minute, get a load of illegal trabajadores/workers and drive out for a day. If the legal minimum wage goes up fewer American workers will get work from temporary employers and millions of new illegals will arrive over the porous border to take jobs freed up by democrats. Since women generally don't do construction kind of laboring work the Obama administration couldn't care less. Democrats view illegal aliens as the next generation's Democrat Party voters.

The United States needs practical job policies that put people to work from the bottom up. Middle aged and older workers don't need to be informed by bureaucrats that they need high tech skills that are unrealistic goals. Neither are all young people interested in becoming hennified office workers, flam rave telemarketers, financial service workers servicing Wall Street bank policy agenda.

Office workers don't don heavy lifting even so they deserve fair compensation for sucking up to corrupt and oppressive management dull as nails and without a spark of creative thought who steal there ideas from banned inventors and innovators. As Wall Street skims the work of world laborers and builds up foreign investments in productive infrastructure Americans may be pacified with feeling good psychological controls instead of objective and material independence. One would expect nothing else from a nation of drug using entertainment watchers and thrill seekers. If they need the promise of a minimum wage that would enable them to afford two pieces of pink slime meat on a sawdust bun instead of one who can deny the need without experiencing a feeling of pathos? Even so building a border control zone along Mexico to forestall global warming and desertification of the S.W. with desalinating water-evaporation fresh-water producing saltwater control canals  would make a lot of construction and park employee jobs for a decade or so.

Some people want honest and plain material work without corrupt or degrading venal human circumstance. Not every unemployed American can work on a Communist Chinese pig farm in the Midwest or an Arab railroad crossing the nation. Yek hope must exist someplace even if it seems purged from present possibilities. If people were paid for work production on a piece work basis with equal opportunity for all to be productive there would be more truth in male vs. female compensation. Yet that couldn't ever be for then the corrupt and unfair concentration of wealth would be minimized and b.s. would not be the main component of American labor compensation in Federal policy.

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