
European Origins of the American Left

Classical liberalism as it is known to the west differs from and is prior to the rise of the left. The left is Marxist while classical liberalism followed Jesus Christ, Adam Smith and free enterprise capitalism for individuals.
Individual freedom and self-directed independence within a nation of free individuals without a legally superior class over them required millenia to develop. The left, and Karl Marx, saw only the hard side of English industrial capitalism with workers thrown off rural farmland and into dirty, dank, polluted factories with long hours, low pay and a vast difference between the poor and rich company owners. The urban struggle for a humane standard of living and work conditions required a couple of centuries to develop in the west. Marxist philosophy and the communist manifesto developed during that period. It was entirely unAmerican and neo-Hegelian.
Karl Marx formalized a theoretical account for human social evolution that was based on conflict and dialectical progress or evolution. Over the 19th and 20th centuries the left added whatever new idea they could to their platform, such as atheism and evolution, as a hardening of their front against capitalism.
Anti-capitalists of the Marxist variety had little experience of the United States and its foundation upon classical liberalism with properties of rights for individuals to be free from adverse interference by the state. Instead they viewed history through the neo-Hegelian evolutionary dialectical lens of class conflict. For quite a lengthy period the United States was made mostly of rural farming people. With industrialization and the rise of a consumer culture people quite farm labor and moved to cities. The American south after the civil war saw quite a number of free former slaves moving north for their own new deal (before FDR’s).
The integration movements in American 20th century culture were piggybacked with anti-capitalist socialist agitators. People like Bernie Sanders were first arrested for protesting against negro discriminatory policies not uncommonly, before any socialist agitation. Anti-war policies in the 1960s and the new left were existential-dialectical neo-utopians disinterested in the military industrial complex. Following TImothy Leary’s maxim they turned on, tuned, in and dropped out. The new left had pacific sentiments without much regard for classical liberalism which they had lost sight of in the midst of white collar conservative, big business, IBM computer, capitalist, big banked urbanism.
With the development of fast transistor chips society and communications went through several economic qualitative technological upgrades. The left were as drawn to computers as formerly were the management corp. The left saw capitalism and big business rather than free enterprise and individualism. The left regarded themselves as individualists and the urban blue collar and white collar workers as tools for the machine, the matrix etc.
Presently the left is without a solid understanding of capitalism, free enterprise or history. As an identity movement of women, homosexuals, and internal proletariats such as Hispanics, the left simply wishes to move in and take over. Socializing business from the top down. Ossifying business at a level of Marxist synthesis for a Corporatism political philosophy including the left, brings the dictatorship of the proletariat into being and eliminates individual sovereignty as the foundation of the United States of America.
Fundamentally the left as an opposition party is incompetent and unable to reform capitalism and free enterprise without socialism (or with it either). The left has no ability to comprehend ecological economics and merge it into free market practices. The left has largely killed the Democrat Party as an opposition party to Republican who are oriented toward allowing the concentration of wealth.
The left cannot bring itself to shed its Marxist orientation and simply study how to make a democracy work effectively for the well-being of all citizens. Leaving no one behind, a contemporary democracy would not hinder individuals from inventing and upgrading personal, private and public sectors investments.
Democracy has all of the tools it needs to reform economic methods and to make them consistent with a healthy ecosystem. There is no need of socialism or communist dictatorship to rectify Adam Smith’s outlook with modern reality. If the left are the Democrat Party and they have abandoned capitalism and finding its limits and capacities for making ordinary life better and survivable ecospherically, they are displacing new party formations with time consuming spoilt political philosophy. If Donald Trump was knowledgeable about ecological economics he would get 25% more votes in the next election. He is not all bad.

Air Force Bungles Base Location Planning

The Air Force wants $5 billion for flood and hurricane damage to bases. Global warming has been well known to science for decades, why can't Air Force base and runway planners factor in reasonable scientific analysis and plan ahead a little. They should build runways in places not prone to global warming or flood damage at least 100 feet above potential flood level.

Superfluous sorts of build in a flood plain federal project financing needs to stop. Global warming is a fact. Look ahead a half century at least and put private sector thinking caps on. Unnecessary financial loss by the military is a military defeat for national security.


Hopefully the dummies won't build a dike around previously flooded runways. They should reopen closed bases that are above flood and hurricane surge levels, and reduce flooded bases to temporary landing pads.

First Win vs 1800 Player in 3m Blitz

My first win vs an 1800 player in 3 minute blitz was sloppy and lucky. Even so it was enjoyable.

I played black in this game.


If Demos Promote a Pawn to Queen, Who Wins in 2020?

The Democratic Party is running at minimum five female candidates that hope to be promoted from pawns to Queen in winning the 2020 Presidential election. The question arises; who wins if promoting a pawn is the end-in-itself?

Democrats are a party of identity these days without any solid ideas that are worth taking up four years of the public's time. Not that Republicans have so many, although President Trump has a few solid ideas like getting a moon base going and a man on the moon within five years (via VP Pence). President Trump would deal with the southern border emergency better than a Queen, yet what else has he got?

Democrats have some front ideas about global warming concerns that aren't well formed or packaged. President Trump believes global warming will save on winter building heating costs if it does occur, of which he is doubtful. Neither party can be relied on for good ideas about transitioning to ecological economics. Democratic candidates are vacuous though they would like to pass major ineffective and expensive legislation of great symbolic value.

Democrats have a brave new world platform of identity politics that has all government workers being safe and secure and the public dependent upon them. It is a kind of softer, gentler, feminist communist party utopia united with Mussolini'Hitler business corporatism. It's all bad.

Obamacare is bad, invasive and expensive, yet everyone needs health care sometime. Getting rid of it is good, though Republican replacements would be bad ineffective and leave out the poor. My policy of tripling the V.A. system and uniting it with the nation's homeless clinics to provide free walk-in health care for the poor that are registered and screened by government screening agencies, is actually the least costly and most effective way to deliver health care to those that need it. My policy would require Musk hypertubes connecting cities and homeless clinics nationally so everyone could get to them for free with validated hospital or clinic visit.

It is a fact that non-profit clinic and hospital structures with quality staff (maybe free Medical School for those willing to work ten years in the V.A. system) are the best delivery systems for millions and millions of poor and uninsurable people. Democratic candidates hate a practical idea like it.

Democrats don't really want to reform the patent system so anyone can afford a patent or manufacture patented inventions after three years of inventor exclusivity (and pay the inventor 10% royalties). Democrats don't really want to provide incentives to hire those out of work longest, first. Democrats posture much and work for identity politics where qualification for politics is largely no more than being female, queer, transgender or daughter of immigrants. Democratic President candidates reflect the party's lack of ideas. 

Another Theoretical Paradigm of the Universe

Scientists have exploited Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity to develop a theory of expansion of the Universe from a singularity. Lemaitre developed that theory before quantum mechanics was developed very far. Later after Gamow, and then Guth expanded the paradigm adding inflation unto it, Tegmark decided that the entire big bang, inflation, expansion paradigm might be based in pure mathematics. Mathematics led to a theory of mind at the heart of everything with the steady state of matter decohered from the quantum realm with symmetry-breaking enabled with mind.

Sure one may postulate a universal mind that coagulates or precipitates mass in a phenomenal spot that becomes a singularity with clusters of mass and energy forming around it decohered from the perfect ocean of mind. There is a simpler way to approach the subject of how or where mass and energy appear in the Universe from virtually nowhere. One may use the General Theory parameters to describe mechanics of expansion of mass in a gravitational field given a certain endowment of initial energy poshing outward. One may also hypothesize that the quantum realm hasn't a necessary delimitation restricting it to the singularity position 1 contiguous field of being. Instead it may decohere outside the contiguous field with any topographic geometry (such as a circular) to interact with the initial Universe singularity field mass-energy.

If the all-possible world lines positions of quanta arisen from Universal Mind may enter a Universe mass-energy field at any place according to the designer’s will or intent, it would be understandable that gravity from locations beyond the known mass energy field of Universe1 could draw Universe 1 content toward it at an accelerating pace. Virtual particles decohered from any place might appear like rain soaking through a porous membrane.

Time doesn't exist in the quantum realm supporting the steady state of decohered mass Universe-clump at all, or if it does, in a one to one relative equivalence. It may enter the Universe forward or backward in the Universe 1 time without concern except for the designer’s, with it’s non-temporal super-positions.

Quantitative meta-structure super-positioned effects interacting from beyond the contiguous, physical Universe may have natural explanations too, though they arise from a mind field or field from an undefined source. It may be possible that quantitative super-positioning may displace 

The quantum realm in its own time/timeless way of change, creating temporary voids. Past Universe 1 expansion events may cause 'dark energy events' elsewhen indirectly, because of the voids created in the realm of all possible super-positioning decoherence. Virtual gravity may temporarily present.

It is interesting to think about.

All-Female Identity Politics in Space

N.A.S.A. has delayed a spacewalk by an all-female team- no transgenders there apparently, putting on hold the start of identity politics in space. It was a clever idea bringing identity politics to space. After an all-female team an all-negro team of space-walkers followed by all-Hispanic could bring in more voters to continue the program.

An all-queer team perhaps is some way down the space-out program for N.A.S.A.


If 50% of astronauts have herpes virus, the thrills of space-walking may be tempered with the sober realism of disease.

It could be that Democrat Presidential candidates have tricks up their sleeves such as all-godless atheist spacewalking synchronization teams, all new green deal spacewalking teams while Donald Trump may field an all-Christian space-walking team. What about sending lotto winners to moon-walk in space?

Fallout of the Mueller Investigation

The Mueller Investigation was a partisan effort to overturn the 2016 election results. The Obama cult followers felt entitled to continue the line of Obama programs that had been forced through congress. Hillary Clinton’s followers represented a brave new world order of x chromosomes and homosexuality that was supposed to become the dominating American way of life. It was a major split in the nation’s social fabric that will likely be lasting.


The Democrat Party became a party of identity rather than of ideas. That entailed permanent opposition to people for being straight and male, white and American by the left. Without a competent Democratic Party of ideas; good ideas, Republicans haven’t substantial competition except in the realm of identity politics. That is a bad result of the Mueller Investigation and the cult media hate-Trumpestry woven into the Democrat Party narrative.
Therefore de facto, bi-partisan policies to concentrate wealth continue unopposed except for occasional Democratic symbolic gestures. Spoiling socialism is levered with appeals to high taxation so even responsible tax rates seem socialist and undesirable. Ecospheric and ecological restoration economics are poisoned with homosexuality, socialism and globalism. In short; nothing gets done in the U.S. Congress of a scale that would address real issues. Democrat Party politics are polarizing. They show no capacity for empirical reason these days. The Mueller Report is another tool to provide political content for identity politics.


The Oldest English Poem- Caedmon's Hymn

Written between 650-680 A.D.

Nu sculon herigean     heofonrices WeardMeotodes meahte     and his modgepanc,weorc Wuldor-Fæder,     swa he wundra gehwæsece Drihten     or onstealdeHe Ã¦rest sceop     ielda bearnumHeofon to hrofe     halig Scyppendða middangeard     moncynnes Weard,ece Drihten     Ã¦fter teodefirum foldan     Frea Ã¦lmihtig
Now we must praise     the protector of the heavenly kingdom
the might of the measurer     and his mind’s purpose,
the work of the father of glory,     as he for each of his wonders,
the eternal Lord,     established a beginning.
He shaped first     for the sons of the earth
heaven as a roof,     the holy maker;
then the middle-world,     mankind’s guardian,
the eternal Lord,     made afterwards,
solid ground for men,     the almighty Lord.

Mueller Report Flop Flips Democrats/Ecosphere Recovery Requisites

The Mueller Report was a flop at proving Democrat Party McCarthists that President Trump was colluding with Russians. The report indicated there was no collusion between the President and Russian agents. After years of media accusations and smears with accelerant thrown on by the untrue blue Democrat party politicians they are left with only the hope of more phony investigations through the 2020 election.

Democratic Presidential candidates are the worst in several generations. They are air-heads with brain contents full of non-sense and hatred of President Trump as if that was all that is required for leadership, It would be shocking to find a single Democrat candidate that could articulate 15 excellent political ideas that are good for the nation and would have bi-partisan support.

Electing leaders in a democracy should be about promoting those with good ideas to execute those good ideas. It isn't about a swell with a microphone or good college gang credentials (Ivy League). The Democrat Party is brain dead and vacuous intellectually. I am not implying that Republicans are excellent here. I am simply describing democratic candidates that should be advancing the quality of American politics instead of degrading it. 

A green new deal should be created with as much attention to detail as a complex computer program. In the way 70 scholarly translators made a Greek version of the old testament from  Hebrew language )the Septuagint), a team of engineers, ecological economists and scientist under engineering management should discover and compose algorithms that would correct identified point sources of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse pollution. Free enterprise theorists, constitutional attorneys and political scholars should design modularized programming scenarios that could correct ecospheric deficiencies. When the work is done and compiled in a publishable format, then it might be possible to select elements of the program to enact in accord with the political will. Economic analysis to discovery the most cost effective means of bring economic and human habilis phenomena into compliance might be legislated or promulgated through voluntary means.

Good works require work. Simply trying to disqualify political opposition in order to promote those most motivated with a personal egoist ethics and political philosophy doesn't get it done.

F.Y.I. The late historian Arnold Toynbee in his Study of History noted that civilizations have internal and external challenges. Revising or changing internal economic and political forms that are obsolete or inappropriate evolutions, Toynbee commented, are one of the most difficult challenges for a civilization to meet. Ancient Greece could not unify its city states, imperial Rome could not get good political leadership and its business people expanded to much abroad letting Roman Italy become comparatively neglected and vulnerable. Today the United States has an economic capitalist structure unsuitable for the national and global ecosystem without substantial revision. The nation that first completes transition to a new capitalism and free enterprise founded in ecological economics will be a world leader while the others will lag behind trying to emulate it.


What the Soul Is

The soul is what anyone is. It is the identity of the individual. The soul is what God would recreate from nothing to recover an individual from nothing or death. Therefor one might say the soul is information. God has numbered the hairs on everyone's head. It would be fine to use quantum mechanics to describe a soul. The trouble is that all quanta exist in an unknown, deeper field even than the Higgs. It could be the mind of God. Time exists just in decohered mass; alternatively the quantum realm in-itself is without time. 

Matter is decohered quanta from the realm of all possible locations of quanta. Matter has had its quantum symmetry broken and is stuck together as atoms and molecules in a given form. The form is unstable and changes. Human beings exist in that space-time field in what is called the Universe. Souls aka sentient beings exist in it embedded in the entire mass and energy field of the Universe. God knows what that information is that is a person. He knows when and where it is amidst the infinite number of all possible Universes. Fortunately he is omniscient and knows where and when everything is; since he willed it so.


Liberalism, Fascism.Conservative are Non-Rigid Designators

Like Confucius one should begin with a rectification of names. Politically the terms liberal and conservative are variables that take on given meanings in different historical times and circumstances. They are not rigid designators to use Kripke’s terminology. The end justifies the means political rationale become the end-in-themselves occasionally.
Imperialists may be regarded as conservatives by supporters of the crown. Those for free trade may be regarded as liberals. Nazi political philosophy was founded on national socialism. The Storm Troopers mostly were made of former socialists and communists who believed mistakenly that Hitler would lead toward a national socialist state after getting rid of the remaining aristocrats that were deposed in a social revolution after the loss/armistice of the first world war.
Fascism is more of a means of taking political power than a stable political condition. Like Marxism it works best as a revolutionary ideology rather than a stable economic system. Aristotle preferred particulars over universals. Applied to politics that might mean than functioning egalitarian economic and political structures can be arrived at through intelligent, particular measures rather than grandiose, King Canute declarations of a topical form as the Utopian state with bureaucratic loyalists filling in the details.
There isn’t a way that stupid, corrupt politicians and legislators will bring into actuality a smartly designed governing structure nor policies that are optimal. democracy fails because of stupid corrupt leadership and collapses into tyranny (or dictatorship in the modern world). At that point liberals seeking liberty from the junta, tyrant etc. Liberal and conservative are more like verbs than nouns.

Dr Dre Donates $70 Million to Southern Cal

For a 70 million dollar donation to a University Dr Dre should get a building named for him. Even if he doesn't the donation was remarkable for someone from the music business. It wasn't spent on building Neverland II.

I took Bachelor's degree from Albany's Excelsior College for five easy payments of $19.95 (actually it was a little more) and was quite happy about it. Actually I only wanted an Associate Degree and got railroaded into getting a B.A. because I was having a hard time getting a couple of classes I needed to finish that program in Alaska, so I got the B.A. and the A.A. at the same time eventually.

In my opinion college education ought to be free. It could be structured like the Excelsior programs with passing grades counting and non-passing not. A college needn't provide all the courses itself. College courses that are accredited can be transferred in to complete the program slots that are required for graduation. The other way is a result of somewhat old program structures that arose when a college had to provide everything itself. It could not afford, nor could most students, to continue in programs in which they were failing. Those structures were unwieldy, inefficient and yet possibly necessary in order to pay educator salaries and physical plants costs (buildings and lights; not staff).

Dr. Dre's daughter was admitted to the college. Some controversy followed the Dr's tweet about her deservingness in comparison to those in the cheating scandal. College exclusivity and cost are a function of unnecessary and anachronistic, persistant college structures designed to be exclusive rather than inclusive. I got a year of college credits with CLEP tests. Any poor yet bright math student should be able to get credits by examination too-on line and transfer them about.

College costs could be drastically reduced and reformed, and exclusive colleges with deep pockets like Harvard might lose some of their gang turf status relationship to government jobs such as the Supreme Court of the United States. Law school costs could be made very low on-line for those willing to spend three years in pursuit of a traditional Cambridge civil and canon law LLD, Society could be made more efficient and egalitarian in many ways rather than dominated by corrupting cliques and exclusive gangs. If people were as publicly spirited to contribute to the betterment of society as Dr. Dre was in his donation to U.S.C. it might be possible to evolve a balanced economic edge of progress.


Why the Monroe Doctrine Is Relevant Today

The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 opposed European colonization in the western hemisphere. Military force was used to enforce the doctrine. Today the new application of the doctrine is to not allow eastern hemispheric military activity in the west.

The Eastern hemisphere has wars all the time throughout its history. That hasn't changed, and keeping the eastern militaries from causing mischief, war and death in the west is a worthwhile use of the Monroe Doctrine that Russia violated recently in sending 100 troops to Venezuela.

The western hemispheric nation just don't have as many wars or repressive regimes as the eastern hemisphere. That is because all of the nations of the west left the structural problems of the east, except for imperialism and colonialism, in founding anew in the west. The very distance from the structural problems of the east and its millennial old problems enabled revolution from those regimes. Simon Bolivar, George Washington and others led the way to creating new nations that had thrown off their colonial regressors. Russia has been one of the prime violators of the new Monroe Doctrine in the western hemisphere with its history of communist political philosophy and military support for that delusional neo-utopian vision.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been given super-powers constitutionally to administer Russian foreign policy. He lawfully has the power to veto any decision by the Russian government that he deems wrong and injurious to Russia. Yet what if the problem causing injury to Russia is himself? Therein is a serious flaw in the new Russian constitution.

President Putin fundamentally misunderstands the history of the western hemisphere and its progress in liberating itself from the corruption, class and racial supremacy and pervasive evils of the eastern hemisphere. Jesus Christ was the primary good that existed in that hemisphere and he recognized the worldliness as satanic. President Putin needn't export that satanism to the west and believe he is doing anything besides gangsterism.

Perhaps President Putin was merely sending troops to guard shipments of gold and assets that President Maduro would like to send to Russia before he leaves office. In that case the Monroe Doctrine wasn't violated in spirit even if in practice. However it appears that President Putin is simply trying to prop up Karl Marx's corrupt follower and secure itself some turf in the western hemisphere in the bargain. That is a blunder.

China did not violate the spirit of the new Monroe Doctrine principal when it bought control of the Panama Canal. Economic investment is fair dinkum. That was not a military invasion, even if it made the U.S.A. appear somewhat confused or dense regarding its own opportunity to engage the Panamanians with a new contract they would be satisfied with. Maybe the President should have sent George Steinbrenner as his special envoy to negotiate.

President Putin's Maduro Blunder

President Putin has made a tactical blunder in sending 100 troops to Venezuela. The implication of military escalation as a possibility where U.S. forces would directly encounter Russian soldiers in battle is offensive to sensibilities, not to mention the long standing principle of the Monroe Doctrine*. It is practically an invitation for regime change in Moscow.

It was a tactical blunder because the conclusion of the Mueller investigation into Russian collusion to elect President Trump meant that the President would have better opportunity to start to end sanctions on Russia. President Trump recently reversed some sanctions imposed on North Korea. President Putin should withdraw his military component in Venezuela directly. To do otherwise would influence the 2020 election to favor a saber-rattling Democratic hawk as used to exist who is willing to intervene in Venezuela to fight Russians and anti-democracy forces.

One hundred Spetznatz (special forces) can work a lot of mischief in Venezuela. They can act as enforcers that have no hidden allegiance to the Democracy forces, they can act as hit-men to liquidate Democracy cadre, and they can train and lead socialist-communist elements into jungle and urban war. President Putin has enfiladed his own true sentiments regarding political philosophy in trying to prop up a neo-communist regime that represses its people. President Putin may put on the black-eye patch and enter speak like a pirate contests after the Venezuela intervention.

With the very loud and offensive Russian presence in Venezuela to support the battle against democracy in that nation there is little chance or opportunity for Americans to recognize any Russian claims on the Ukraine- even if they are somewhat justified. With the deployment of Russian soldiers to Venezuela it is likely that any progress toward a settlement in favor of Russia such as recognizing a Dnepr demarcation line will end. The Ukraine probably will receive support for all of their claims on land filched away from Russia during the Yeltsin era. Instead war planning for Venezuela and Russia may occur to select politicians and soldiers.


*The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 opposed European colonization in the western hemisphere. Military force was used to enforce the doctrine. Today the new application of the doctrine is to not allow eastern hemispheric military activity in the west.

The Eastern hemisphere has wars all the time throughout its history. That hasn't changed, and keeping the eastern militaries from causing mischief, war and death in the west is a worthwhile use of the Monroe Doctrine that Russia violated recently in sending 100 troops to Venezuela.

The western hemispheric nation just don't have as many wars or repressive regimes as the eastern hemisphere. That is because all of the nations of the west left the structural problems of the east, except for imperialism and colonialism, in founding anew in the west. The very distance from the structural problems of the east and its millennial old problems enabled revolution from those regimes. Simon Bolivar, George Washington and others led the way to creating new nations that had thrown off their colonial regressors. Russia has been one of the prime violators of the new Monroe Doctrine in the western hemisphere with its history of communist political philosophy and military support for that delusional neo-utopian vision.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been given super-powers constitutionally to administer Russian foreign policy. He lawfully has the power to veto any decision by the Russian government that he deems wrong and injurious to Russia. Yet what if the problem causing injury to Russia is himself? Therein is a serious flaw in the new Russian constitution.

President Putin fundamentally misunderstands the history of the western hemisphere and its progress in liberating itself from the corruption, class and racial supremacy and pervasive evils of the eastern hemisphere. Jesus Christ was the primary good that existed in that hemisphere and he recognized the worldliness as satanic. President Putin needn't export that satanism to the west and believe he is doing anything besides gangsterism.

Perhaps President Putin was merely sending troops to guard shipments of gold and assets that President Maduro would like to send to Russia before he leaves office. In that case the Monroe Doctrine wasn't violated in spirit even if in practice. However it appears that President Putin is simply trying to prop up Karl Marx's corrupt follower and secure itself some turf in the western hemisphere in the bargain. That is a blunder.

China did not violate the spirit of the new Monroe Doctrine principal when it bought control of the Panama Canal. Economic investment is fair dinkum. That was not a military invasion, even if it made the U.S.A. appear somewhat confused or dense regarding its own opportunity to engage the Panamanians with a new contract they would be satisfied with. Maybe the President should have sent George Steinbrenner as his special envoy to negotiate.

Secure Border and Secure Citizenship Were Lacking in Hoover Administration

 Apparently President Hoover authorized the deportation of Mexicans that were believed to be illegals during the depression. Economic panic stimulated state and local governments to enact an ethnic cleansing policy of Mexican foreign nationals. However a large percentage (60%) were birthright U.S. citizens. Fortunately that could not recur because everyone now has good I.D. and on-line birth records.
The issue underscores the need to have secure borders and citizen ship accounts so people may know who is and isn’t a U.S. citizen. The spaced out way benefits drug traffickers and Democrats that value corruption as a normal, desirable condition.
The Mexican Government did not declare war on Nazi Germany until very late in the war. They seemed to be recalcitrant, and might have hoped that a German victory would give them a new deal for retaking land from the United States that formerly belonged to Spain. Clear citizenship would help to disambiguate issues of where people have a lawful right to live, and serve to avoid hurt feelings that can exacerbate international conflict relations.

Trump Acquitted- Congress May Quit Chasing Its Tail

With the end of the Mueller Non-Alien Probe there is renewed hope that the congress may stop chasing its tail and get its oars in the waters of unmixed metaphors (actually one hopes they will utilize a scientific approach with good engineering analysis of modular means of reducing Greenhouse gas emissions that will be published, peer reviewed and understood by the public with feedback to politicians before any legislation is packaged). Personally I am skeptical.



Windows 10, i core Gen 9 Effective Collusion (coincidence)

Upgrade and security support for Windows 7 (except for business if they pay for extended support available three more years) ends in January 2020. Microsoft could sell or contract out Windows 7 to people that would upgrade it and provide security patches indefinitely. Of course they don't want to compete against themselves. Windows 10 doesn't easily allow dual booting an open source operating system; one needs to go through bios to set it to legacy systems, and then Windows 10 isn't available; it's either/or.
Open source operating systems are actually better than Windows i.m.o., without the invasive ads and requirements for security scans and updating with the computer off. Debian, Ubuntu and Mint work quite well and are free. People became reliant on windows when it was about the sole system after it killed off Navigator. One can keep Windows 7 and dual or triple boot it with Mint and Ubuntu and just use windows 7 off line in order to use MSoffice 2010 and MSword.
Corporate collusion to force consumers to buy new computers and operating systems has most intel icore gen 6, 7 and 8 cpu chips soldered to the motherboard and difficult to upgrade. Sockets were changed after gen 5 Broadwell architecture and after Skylake, Kaby lake and Coffee lake the sockets for the cpu changed again, so one can't put a gen 9 or 10 cpu into prior computer sockets. Lenovo computers aren't bad, yet one can't buy a three year old model and put a gen 9 cpu in it. Even the communists are gouging consumers.
Major computer manufactures should at least sell computers without an installed OS for $150 less without Windows 10. Free operating systems are very easy to get and install.


President Trump's Reasonable Criticism of the Late Sen. John McCain?

President Trump recently renewed criticism of the late Senator John McCain's neo-liberal yet synthetic policies and persona. That elicited a vigorous chastisement from the media including the usually supportive Fox News. As the leading political officer of the Republican party President Trump has an implicit right to criticize what he views as fundamentally wrong political policy. The late Senator McCain was famous for 'maverick' political positions developed over a long period of time in close association with his fellow brain cancer sufferer the late Senator Ted Kennedy. The two seemed to share many positions. Senator McCain definitely did not qualify as a true conservative, except in cases of war, where he sought to enter conflict wherever possible.

Senator McCain seemed to personify the one-party state. For the senator, being a maverick seemed to mean taking up liberal causes while being a big spender on defense. Senator McCain's Cold War history led him towards finding conflict with the new Russia rather than finding or creating opportunities for increased closer ties with it. That was a huge sea change away from the Reagan years for developing increasingly closer ties.

Senator McCain received much reverence from the media for being a war hero. President Trump said McCain wasn't a hero; that being a p.o.w. isn't heroic. Yet no one would want to be a p.o.w. except perhaps if the alternative is death (unless one was a WW II Japanese soldier where the dishonor might be worse than death). That raises a difficult point about the late Senator McCain's Vietnam War record.

Some question the way John McCain became a prisoner of war. His father was the commander of all naval pacific forces. Some sailors probably hated him for that, especially draftees. He was a fighter pilot. Sitting in his aircraft on the flight deck of the Forestal a missile from a plane broadside to him launched and shot his. A firing pin was missing allowing a missile to be fired. At any rate, the ensuing fire and bomb cook-offs killed 134 sailors. McCain was transferred to Saigon to be a liaison officer.


Then he requested transfer to another carrier to fly again. He agitated aboard the carrier to fly right away before getting situated. He insisted on flying a mission to bomb Hanoi. During the mission he disregarded instructions about flight operations, about flying to low, and was shot down. He said a SAM missile shot him down though the other pilots flying with him said they saw no evidence of a missile. He broke his jaw ejecting from the jet fighter and then landed into the unsympathetic arms of his captors for the better part of the next decade. Then he returned to the United States with the war's end and was elected Senator. Is that all heroic?

The Vietnam action had a million heroes and stories. It is difficult to say that one was more heroic than another sometimes. I met a Sgt Benevidez in Texas while attending theology school. He was awarded a medal of honor and operated a garage in El Campo Texas. Carlos Hathcock was another one of those guys with extraordinary performance in battle, Unquestioned courage deserves respect. That is why some people found Senator McCain's record and description as a hero suspect.


There is no question that John McCain was a fighter; a guy that would enter a brawl to help an embattled friend. It may be wrong though to ascribe to his record such valor as to cover a plenitude of bad political choices in the Senate.


Shouldn't President Trump Fire General Neller?

Shouldn't President Trump fire Marine Corps Commandant General Neller for insubordination? The General's stupid remarks that defending the border against illegal immigration poses an unacceptable risk to the Marine Corps are nearly treasonous. He might be a fan of Beto O’Rourke who wants no border security at all so billions of people can volkerwanderung around the United States as they feel the feet move them. 

General Neller may not comprehend that defending the land area of the Unitied (crumbling?) States and the properties of rights and real property is the sole reason for the existence of the Marine Corps. Its purpose isn't to have high pay and benefits with lots of war gaming and fine equipment to sometimes go kill people in third world countries.


If defending the southern border poses an "unacceptable risk to Marine Corps combat readiness and solvency", it isn't good to consider what might happen if the Corps faces a tougher opponent.

Gold Value After Economic-Government Apocalypse

Gold is the simplest identity-value item in existence. Gold and bullets might continue to be valued in a society with complete social breakdown. Philosophical value theories (axiology) may serve to offer numerous alternative value-objects or even behaviors and constructions as valuable instead of money. In the event of economic collapse depending upon what the demographic facts are and who leads if anyone, new values may arise to replace that which formerly existed.

If the American Midwest evolves into a desert like the Sahara within two hundred years as some people predict because of global warming, water may become more valuable. If there are epidemic lethal diseases, vaccines for immunity may be most highly valued. The answers to what future value theory will be are speculation and even fiction, yet interesting to consider. They are limited only by social and individual intelligence. If people are as dumb interactively as ants and follow the meat stimulating scent of the fetish of value perhaps some ecospherically profitable variable value will need to be usefully invented so the workers accomplish something productive rather than counterproductive for the environment.


Oppophobia Hits Democrat Fellow Travelers Hard

Fellow travelers of Democratic Party antiphobists such as militant Muslim propagandists have a renewed vigor for increasing Muslim attack on American political inside-lines through the mechanism of opposition to Islamophobia. Islamophobia is a vanguard tool of the renewed post-OPEC annexation of wealth of Middle- Eastern oil fields that brought a formerly arrested civilization to a new age of expansion and attack on the dar al harb (zone of war) through a variety of means.

The western world today is supposed to have a psychological disorder if it aware of history and of Islamic history being that of a rival civilization to the Western (and now Eastern) civilization since its beginning in the 7th century. For a time, after the last Muslims were expelled from Iberia at Granada in 1492, Muslims attacked from Turkey and on a broad Eastern flank with Islamafied former horde cadres of Genghis Khan. As the west prospered and technologically grew the Muslim world stagnated. Hence Arnold Toynbee described Islam as an arrested civilization. However that status change with the billions and billions of dollars of cash from oil sales. Several Muslims terror organizations including state sponsored terrorism began a renewed attack on the west through a variety of means. Some of those had plausible deniability- while the expansion of Madrassas and mosques continued.

In spite of decades of terrorism and even destruction of the world trade center towers in New York the Muslim hegemony on the west through growth of Islamic migrants and communications, propaganda in support of Islam can claim the west has some sort of unhealthy psychological aversion to its culture, Shria (Islamic legal code) and religion. Those interested in the health of civilization would be incompetent if they were not aware of the challenges Islam presents to a decadent morality of the west, synergy with leftist polemics of attack on conservative America, and history of the liberal use of terrorism accompanying the Muslim return to prosperity and internationalism.

The left and Muslim polemicists over-use the pejorative psychological jargon for aversion; phobia. Political opposition is fine. Democrats and fellow travelers have an aversion to opposition; an oppophobia, that makes the truth harder to find and work with as it should in order to invent better social relations that respect cautiously the ways of others. That cannot occur on a one-way street. Democrats need to lose their oppophobia.

There are a lot of variables in politics. Democrats tend to like to mash them all together and say nothing matters. Politicians should address particular variables differently as they should be managed in order to work toward a more optimal line of development rather than an entropic one. Of course it is easier to just be loose and for anything politically because that requires little or no competence.


Sanders, Putin and Warren; Similar Opinions?

Bernie Sanders on socialism may share some opinions about politics with Russian President Putin. Mr. Putin may be semi-socialist as he goes about reforming Russia with a Super-Presidency invented by Boris Yeltsin. President Putin said that the U.SS.A. isn't a democracy because of the electoral college. I think he might misunderstand the way the electoral college is representative of formerly independent states that created a Union while keeping some independence in proportional representation, The system keep a heavily populous state like N.Y. or California from taking federal power and ordering everyone's resources brought to their own.

President Putin should not do as American politicians do, he should try to keep up working on the the good U.S. constitution says; U.S. politicians do not really get it sometimes. Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is for abolishing the electoral college. Hopefully President Putin is not providing collusion with or for either Mr. Sanders or Ms. Putin.

Abolishing the electoral college would allow a dominating federalism elected by a geographic minority to legislate and execute laws diverting rivers to California and natural resources from one state to the minority for disposal. That might be desirable in Russia that has a tradition of strong Moscow centrist rule, yet for the United States centricism and rule by the most populous states would pervasively corrupt what democracy still survives in the corporatist political ecosystem. The national capital could be relocated to New York or Los Angeles, or both seasonally and the government could be run directly by Wall Street-Government partnership.

Two-Sex Wombmates Balance Probably an Evolutionary Success

Recent reports have shown that female and male twins born together (one male and one female) diminish the abilities of the female twin. Evolution has found a winning formula that doesn't work so well for modern urban female opinion. The latter would think the female twin should be equal in ability and worldly success.

Male babies mature reproductively later than females, so a more stable social environment is requisite. During tough times more female babies are born. Select male advantages of sharing a womb with a female are interesting, yet the female will find reproduction easy even with lesser ability- maybe- than her brilliant twin brother.

There are likely to be numerous reasons why evolution has structured a slight advantage for male twins over their female womb-mates that will be discovered. It is an irony that what people want isn't necessarily what evolution and/or God would regard as the best course for human events. What is wisdom to man is foolishness to God.


Congress Should Establish Non-Binding National Referenda

The Congress should establish non-binding national referenda and permits perhaps three per year to poll voters actively on controversial or neglected issues.


Congress should also not try to monkey with the electoral college for it may be the most important recognition and utilitarian expression of state's rights as quasi-independent states within a national union. To alter the electoral college would in effect annihilate vestigial independence of the 50 states, and that is a bad idea, for all of the flumery and corruption by a federal authority that would be likely to follow.

Fiber Optic Skylights

Apparent skylights collecting sunshine and running it through fiber optic cable through a window to an in-room photon disperser should be available on the market sometime soon, if they aren't already, since they should be easy to manufacture and install.

Many rooms that could be lit during the day with sunshine from a skylight instead of light bulbs can't be easily retrofit with a hole cut into the roof (that costs a lot too except for do it you-selfers. With luck someone will manufacture the items and sell them at Home Depot later this year. For pull up windows there should be security screen that fits into the opening and can be made fast to the window and sill securely to prevent easy burglary access.

Fiber optic cable should be in 10, 20 and 30 foot lengths.

Home-Schooling Law Degrees

I thought I would mention that on-line law degrees are well established. One might save some of the costs of residence in a distant state if working on-line from home, while attending law school.

So many fields change. One might even imagine a distant future where 3D printing locally replaces select foreign imported consumer goods.

Concord Law School Global

Expert systems programs for legal training may evolve to bring down the cost of legal education leading to passing a state bar exam. Legal trainees may be able to learn and try to pass law exams at home before taking the official test in order to learn where they need to strengthen upan reinforce weak areas.

One should someday be able to purchase a complete, quality law degree training course for five easy payments of $19.95. Presently even on-line degrees may cost tens of thousands of dollars.


Global Economy Ahead; Collapse or Expansion

My opinion about the global economy is that it will change rather than collapse. A philosophical paradigm for economics would be a better criterion for speculating about global economics for me since I am not an economist.

A Petri dish with a growth medium given bacteria tends to grow its economy of being until it consumes all the resources before collapse. Some politicians have more intelligence than some bacteria so one might expect them to have a political economic management style that is more thoughtful of the limits to certain kinds of growth.

For human economics there are extraneous factors that affect policy and practice not within the political control of a sovereign nation. That might be foreign invasion or foreign dumping of product, collapse of foreign sourced materials, competition and so forth. In a global economy there are several economic regulatory agencies with varying degrees of efficiency or lack of. That was a fundamental point I wanted to make concerning management of global economics through regulation rather than exhaustion of resources; regulation that is counterproductive, countercyclical or ineffective may be a cause or stimulus for economic well-being or failure. If regulations lead to economic collapse then reform of economic regulation follows. And if economics falter under the existing state of regulation then the regulations tend to be modified.

Economic cycles have certain courses that occur in relation to growth. Thomas Piketty wrote about the history of those in the well worth reading book Capital in the Twenty First Century. Sometimes economic managers aren’t aware of historical economic relationships perhaps and work against them, as if one was trying to build a sand castle near the water’s edge on an incoming rather than an outgoing tide.

Sometimes economic managers of regulation need to look ahead, such as building a moon base for advanced materials and technical research and support for commercial activity, yet the future isn’t a panacea for present deficiencies in economic method- only a vector of opportunity.



US-Soviet Russia WW II Alliance

Stalin was a sub-optimal military leader and the Soviet dictatorship was cold-blooded in war. If Stalin had not made an agreement with Hitler to take Finland in exchange for neutrality it is possible Hitler might not have started the war. As it was Hitler invaded Poland and so did Stalin in 1939. Then the Soviets captured Finland in the winter war. When the two serpents turned upon one another, the Hitler-Stalin agreement was terminated. War in Leningrad was to develop in 1941-42, by which time Field Marshall Rommel and his Panzer edge was being blunted by the British at El Alemein
If 70% of the storm troopers were not former socialists that believed that Hitler would purge the aristocracy if in power, Hitler might not have taken power in Germany and the war might not have occurred. As it was Hitler declared war on the United States in 1941, after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the U.S. declared war on Japan. The United States had to fight a world war on two broad fronts it didn’t want.
The United States had kept England in the fight after western Europe was lost with lend lease and other material support until entering the war itself. Stalin had purged his military of high ranking officers in his paranoia before the war. The Red Army was in a less than optimal condition when Operation Barbarossa was launched upon the Soviet Union.
Hitler had some allies in the Ukraine as well as in other Eastern European nations who would act as fifth columnists in the fight against the Soviets. Eisenhower wanted to directly invade France to attack, yet Roosevelt forestalled that. Rommel and the Panzers in North Africa needed to be addressed. When the Brits and Americans wound up the Wehrmacht, Italy was an obvious place to flow the war. A general pincers attack on two European fronts along with Soviets engaging in a third on the east presented tactical complications for the former corporal.
Britain was able to supply the Soviets with about 700 tanks in 1941 and together with the U.S.A., about 5000 tanks in 1942. During the entire war the Soviet produced about 350,000 wheeled vehicles while the United States supplied more than 500,000. The U.S.A. provided most of the armored troop vehicles the Soviets had for they produced none during the war. U.S. and Britain built 40% of the Soviet Air Force.
There is no question about the value of the Soviet war contribution to defeating Germany and the axis powers. Most Americans do not learn Soviet history- just western history, and learn of their own national contribution in that regard. The allies were a team, rather like the super band Cream that played together for just two years, that accomplished a lot working together.
Questions like; Could the Soviet Union have survived the Nazi invasion if the other allies had not been in the war?, or Could the allies have won the war without Soviet participation? are interesting, yet unrealistic historical speculation or war gaming practice for war theorists. Stalin was about as lethal to Soviet subjects before the war as Hitler was during the war. The kulakization policy alone killed I believe, twenty million people. Red Army soldiers fought well, yet the peasant soldier sleeping on the frozen ground in a greatcoat was a tradition reaching far, far back in Russian history under the Tsars. They were badly used during the Second World War by the communists.

Opportunity Rover Was Partly to Blame for New Zealand Shooting

When the Mars Opportunity Rover died and transmitted its last image with all of the pathos of the Martian landscape there is no telling what effect it had on the psyche of the New Zealand shooter. When the final images from Mars went blank and the brave little rover was defeated with barely a squeak in the oppressive cold and dirt flung around that inhospitable world marginalized people faced the loss of opportunity and hope. Thus the way of the gun may have presented as a last chance to relive the memories of the good times and lost world.




Alternatively it may have been the prsence of the Opportunity Rover on Mars that enraged the New Zealand shooter and iit last gasp emboldened the shooter to take the headlines for himself. If democrats had financed a manned lunar base with a mass driver constructed to fling supply off world the shooter might have been stifled into peaceful contemplation of the Green New Deal.

Opportunity Catches its Shadow
image credit NASA- Opportunity Rover 


President Obama Was Far More Aggressive Abroad Than President Trump

President Obama stimulated wars across North Africa and the Middle East. The Syrian war was easily avoidable yet he kept puffing it up with support for revolutionary-guerrilla terrorists that led to more than a million casualties. He ordered a U.S. war on Libya that made room for Al Qaeda and Isis in the wake.

President Obama drove relations with Russia downward to the realm of a new Cold War. His policies were aggressive in support of Europe’s will to annex as much of the former Soviet Union lands as possible, and to create more sales for the defense establishment. Conflict in the Ukraine grew as a possibility. He supplied weapons and intelligence to a region that could have been peacefully joined in prosperous, amicable relations.

President Obama made the Bush II tax cuts permanent when all he needed to do was to let them expire. The tax cuts for the most rich enabled a globe of investments for the 1%ers and Chinese partners too.

President Trump has yet to start a foreign war, increased taxes only moderately (they were already too low), has added just a trillion and a half to the public debt (it should have decreased yet the increase was modest compared to President Obama’s.

President Obama traveled to more foreign countries than President Trump. President Trump has sought to normalize relations with the difficult communist leadership of North Korea. President Obama signed foreign accords such as that of Paris on global warming remediation, while President Trump has not (he should have unilaterally surpassed the Paris accords with innovation).

In my opinion President Obama was far more aggressive.

Quantitative Comparison of White vs Non-White Terrorism Shows Non-Whites WIning

A quantitative analysis and comparison of the numbers of terrorist incidents around the world on a racial basis would have non-whites- mostly Muslims, winning by miles and miles. The United States has fewer Muslim terrorists than it would if it had not spent billions and billions on Homeland Security. That obnoxious airport screening if removed would perhaps allow an airliner to be blow up at least annually if not more often over American skies.

The corporatist media finds white nationalists are the problem though.


White Nationalism vs White Y Gene Extinction

I don't like the term white nationalism that is popular in the corporate media, pejoratively. There are numerous derivative and collateral connotations associated with it as well as assumptions of what remedies and courses for it are. One must also stipulate that it exists as an actual problem or thing for-itself rather than as a fictitious media creation for political and demographic sales purposes.


The term in the United States flows from a continuum of pejorative ideas from the old south before the elimination of convict labor rentals to companies and Jim Crow segregation. With the liberation of non-whites and other poor from the old style exploitation the concept of legal compensation appeared as well as affirmative action politics to compensate those exploited previously. All white culture was regarded as an oppressive class instead of just whites of the old south. All male whites except for the most queer liberals were lumped into the class of oppressors by their opponents. Empirically women boosted themselves up and joined with the progeny of former slaves, children of illegal immigrants and Asians in Affirmative Action and a slew of litigation that compelled equal pay for equal government work.

Eventually straight white males were regarded as being an  undeserving 
insider class of inherited privileges oppressive to affirmative action classes. Support for illegal immigration and any policies that downgraded straight white males so they would be nothing more than proles among equals was accepted as right and proper politics for the left. The grave ecospheric threats that presented including global warming were regarded as arising and continuing because of white corporate activities and culture. The party line went that if women and former minorities were in charge, even with socialism, the result would be a swift return to a decent world where exploitation was gone and nationalism no longer let males wage battles for resources and power over women and non-whites everywhere.

Some extremist white males were traditionalists regarding history and viewed racial life as competition. Such competition has existed for the entire history of human culture and isn't appropriate for addressing the ecospheric challenges facing all humans on Earth. There are of course additional elements that drive societies, races, cultures and imperial aristocrats to battle or subjugate others that are not gone from the world, even nearly. It is ironic that godless evolutionists only that cannot comprehend how theology could incorporate modern physical cosmology tend to divide society and support wars for religious reasons themselves even from within an antipathetic role.

Another irony is purely biological as those passing on just x genes in the U.S.A. are working to exterminate European-American y gene culture. Y genes do not pass on through women. Historically flooding a land area with external, non original cultural y genes has driven out or exterminated the native y gene culture.

Recently a scientific study found that the y gene culture of Iberia in 4500 b.c.- dark haired and blue-eyed farmers, was extirpated over time by an influx of Eastern Europeans. While the female x gene culture could pass on, it was the foreign origin male y gene culture that replaced the former y gene culture that was more native. A similar process is slowly occurring in the United States, and resistance to y gene cultural genocide is a legitimate basis for white nationalism to exist (besides the reasonable desire to keep the founding culture alive so far a possible).

What kept the aboriginal American y gene culture from being entirely exterminated was segregation on reservations. Cultural segregation is requisite for viable continuity of minority y gene culture amidst a very large majority.

The issue of if a racial group of y genes is better than another, or even significantly different, is far beyond by knowledge. It is unfortunate that such issues arise at a time in history when every culture should be doing better where it is to conserve ecospheric resources and ecospheric health while advancing the quality of human life and the technology. Those are challenges that cannot be well addressed by a drunken like mad bull forward rush by men or women of any culture, as they seek to overcome and dominate any polity where they happened to be. Exploitation is bad for humanity in all its forms.

Nations also support political diversity and experimentation that does not exist in one with a solitary world government. Competition is generally good and productive more so than a large village commune under one dictatorship might allow. White culture in the United States has had some strong points in that it supported liberation of oppressed people it regarded as equal. All men are created equal was a basic political idea regarding worth. That idea is not present invariably in white nationalist approaches. White nationalism also creates fear of immoral forms of white assertion such as that of Nazi Germany, and those are reasonable though not well measured fears today. Those fears tend to drive proletariats in U.S. politics toward extermination of white culture, and white y gene culture, that created the concepts that were presented and actualized during the foundation of the United States.

The strong points of white y gene culture might be science and technology, Christianity and constitutional principles of equality of human worth as individuals. Some of those points are absent from racist y gene culture and non-white y gene and xx cultures. The drive to eliminate any genetic culture isn’t in keeping with the strong points of white y gene culture. A greater irony is that the most strong element- Christian faith, is a gift from God to all people equally.

Complicating the issue are underlying extra motivations by numerous actors to degrade the United States intentionally and unintentionally. Corporations for one, seek more market share and product sales, so expanding sales and consumerism to non-white cultures was a practice of white owned and led corporations. Corporations are also usually protrans-nationalism and work too degrade national sovereignty and political power everywhere. Ads on television are leading agents of social change with interracial couples and homosexuals being placed or featured these days. As in the slavery era of the antebellum south, individuals pursue their own immediate, narrow economic interests before those of culture. Corporations, slavers, political leaders and the most rich still tend to pursue their own immediate self interests and regard cultural issues as externalities.

Nationalism is being morphed by the 1%  super rich owned media to equate to white nationalism and thus terrorism. One media writer seemed to think the President of the United States should work to get rid of nationalism.


That would be too convenient for global corporatism, communism and misc. totalitarians.

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...