
Maybe Electric Ships One Day WIth Fuel Cells and Hydrogen

Ocean shipping burns dirty fossil fuel contributing mightily to global warming gasses. If shpping were to transition to electric engines with large hydrogen fuel cells or hydrates and even carbohydrates for hydrogen storage the ocean could become a somewhat cleaner environment. Ships would still be a nuisance and threat to whales though.


wikipedia entry on hydrogen storage in carbohydrates; "Carbohydrates (polymeric C6H10O5) releases H2 in a bioreformer mediated by the enzyme cocktail—cell-free synthetic pathway biotransformation. Carbohydrate provides high hydrogen storage densities as a liquid with mild pressurization and cryogenic constraints: It can also be stored as a solid powder. Carbohydrate is the most abundant renewable bioresource in the world.
In May 2007 biochemical engineers from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and biologists and chemists from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory announced a method of producing high-yield pure hydrogen from starch and water.[20] In 2009, they demonstrated to produce nearly 12 moles of hydrogen per glucose unit from cellulosic materials and water.[21] Thanks to complete conversion and modest reaction conditions, they propose to use carbohydrate as a high energy density hydrogen carrier with a density of 14.8 wt%.[22]" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_storage


Blitz Chess- Muzio Gambit

This was a fve minute time control.

HOT Alternative to ICE on the Border

Inventing alternatives to Immigration and Customs Enforcement all would be expensive. ICE is hated by those that seek easy civil invasion of the United States for the purpose of foreign conquest. Socialists tend to hate the USA when it resists global control and so will protest the existence of ICE and the President's willingness to enforce the laws regarding keeping the border secure. Why, they wonder, should a Chief Executive Officer enforce border security laws?

Getting rid of ICE would require an intermediate power on the border. If ICE is abolished the opportunity exists to create new government agencies arises. A Special Forces black ops division of the military with about 200,000 troops could be established while reducing the size of the Marine Corps 200,000 and shifting downsized Marines of quality to SFBOP. Initially SFBOP would be a civilian agency and would handle customs and immigration enforcement learning much about illegal aliens and disguises, methods of operation that would be useful later in another career as SFBOP soldiers.

A word about SFBOP assignments and qualifications later after their border security role is over and the agency is shifted to DOD gradually while civilians merge into a new Human Operations Tasks (HOT) agency patrolling the border. The 200,000 SFBOP would be an elite force with the skills of  seals and rangers. There task would be as a rapid response force quicker and more numerous than the 82nd Airborne.

Human Operations Tasks would be able to summon law enforcement at state and local level into part-time, local support roles in identifying and arresting persons illegal in the United States. They would wear brown camouflage uniforms except when in urban areas. Urban attire for HOT workers should be custom designed cargo-pocket Levis or Dickeys alternatively with Nehru shirts and optional camouflage bullet proof cloaks with stealth invisibility features if DARPA made those yet.

Plainly the makeover of ICE into two new forces of SFBOP and HOT would be time consuming and expensive. HOT would need new vehicles to patrol a modernized Hadrian's wall on the border-perhaps Elon Musk's Tesla corporation could produce solar-power electronic vehicle to ride along the top of the wall with a solar fuel efficiency.


Why Have Google News Settings That are Ignored?

Every day I select the news feed option of hiding all stories from NPR and the Washington Post yet the settings are ignored apparently for the leftist propaganda just reappears some time later. Instead of naming the option 'hide all stories from the SOBs', Google should choose the more realistic name 'delete the vermin swine pig-dog rants to the deepest level of Hades', and actually honor the preference.

ICE Has 19 of Its 20,000 Agents Call for End of Ice

News agencies have reported the astonishing fact that more than a dozen ICE agents have signed a letter calling for the end of Ice. Nineteen of twenty-thousand agents is quite a high number; even alarming. One would expect 100% loyalty to the way things are in any government agency. Well, at least one or two would expect that,. I wouldn't myself expect that.



What American Socialism is Today

Law enforcement in a democratic society can be a nuisance to socialists. Socialism is a good excuse for supporting any sort of illegal actions that can be construed with populism for someone somewhere including an external proletariat pressuring to illegally occupy the United States. Socialism is a convenient excuse for social irresponsibility so long as one's narrow private self-interests prosper. Socialists need never make any sort of sacrifice personally though they may, if so inclined and without concern for the legality.

Socialists don't need to understand socialism at all. They need only feel good about being social and average. Excellence is OK if one is socialist or is friendly to popular social concerns such as abortion illegal drug use, illegal immigration, equal salaries and board positions for the most rich women and minorities etc. Socialism is o.k if it is racially driven to benefit a large internal proletariat with an external proletariat to reinforce it. Traditionally decadent pursuits are alright if they help break down any sort of traditional virtue or objective and competitive social standards.

Socialism is a way of life that can advance the most rich; billionaires, that support an anti-traditional morality establishment, such as the rush of Corporate powers to support homosexual marriage and terminate the CEOs that acted in opposition to it. For contemporary socialism the means and lifestyle of the means is more important than the end. There is no end goal such as Marxist envisioned of a socialist utopia; instead an evolving corporatism can be named as socialism personified.

That is my take on the way modern socialist work. So the inefficiency of Obamacare that expanded health care at tremendous cost yet left many of the poor out (who must travel routinely to find work) was welcome when more practical solutions and systems designs for health care for the poor were available (I made up a few myself). The trouble with American socialism is that it generally follows corporatism criteria and is like goats eating the grass right down to the roots. It kills off any sort of populist reform movements and political changes of any kind that are ecospherically rational.

Capitalism should be reformed such that wealth is not over-concentrated and all citizens have lifetime opportunities for real economic and existential adequate lifestyle. Economics and capitalism could be reformed and made to serve the world ecospheric health immanently.

Developers are Moving to Gitlab from Github SInce MS Bought It

Apparently there are opportunities for developers to choose other host locations for open source software that formerly was placed at the iconic Github recently nuked with Microsoft money. The vast forced advertising and pop-up video technology of Microsoft must have designs on finding ways to exploit information about open sources operating systems from propriatary ownership rights at Github.


If Microsoft made an operating system more like linux without all the time consuming intrusive features immanent in Windows it might find a place in the lives of normal constructive operating system users that are not there simply to consume. Linux is better for workers with computers rather than consumers that like to spend extra money on things such as system security and have silly AI minders even sticking intrusive email pop ins while playing bullet chess.

https://t.co/hN0ce379SC  Watch Gitlab grow

Alternatives to Github...

- Gitlab
- Bitbucket
- git-ssb (on scuttlebutt)
- Dat (Beaker "repos")

Lebron James Could Lead the Human Endangered Species to Ecosphere Renewal?

The NBA champion San Francisco Warriors were not the only NBA team with a black majority that were motivated by racism to insult the President of the United States and the usual invitation to the White House to celebrate their victory. LeBron James also supported the protest a of white man in the White House movement that followed of course, the exit of a black President from office. The NBA is overwhelmingly a black league; the game lends itself to racial preferences because of the few and odd numbers, and discrimination by whites against blacks is politically unfavored these days, so blacks have the court power largely to themselves.

Though James is a damaged item after his public racism against the white President (well, some Democrats called him somewhat orange during the 2016 campaign and Inspector Mueller should look in to that), his fate is still interesting; will he go to the Lakers with a great young front court pair of guards an be the old man, or not? If the Lakers can find one additional star to go with James somewhere, the Lakers may be able to win a championship. Even if they can't, the team personnel would be rather fascinating to watch as they would have more personality than the robotic Warriors with a star guard who looks like he wears a pacifier (there are more fashionable teeth guards available such as most players use).

LeBron James should take a good look at reports from the White House and the way Presidents have conducted themselves and consider if they are treated fairly by the media. The Starr Report on Bill Clinton said that on numerous occasions he "kissed and fondled the breasts" of a woman other than his wife in the Oval Office. If Donald Trump had done that in office would the media treat him with equal kindness?

LeBron James could be a moral agent of good influence if he works diligently at comprehending that President Trump needs to serve all Americans. Black Americans politically don't seem in the public political arena to care about anything besides racial issues. What about eliminating public debt, securing the borders against illegal immigration and increasing taxes on the rich in order to pay off the public debt?

Lebron James should be a leader in ecosphere protection and no-net-loss of ecosphere habitat. A strong push needs to develop to stop loss of species as there is a great mass extinction going on. The public and especially there political leaders are in some ways largely stupid about the need to change the economy from one that consumes and destroys the ecosphere to one that is more in a symbiotic relationship with it. With some thought beyond the black species political self-interests against other species, James could coalesce leadership of all species (comparing races to species as if they were on equal footing with all of the animal species being destroyed while humans over consume, over-drive fossil fuel cars,build highways and eliminate ecospheric health and sustainability).

U.S. Should Build Advanced Drone and Eco-Research Base in Spratly Islands

Plainly the Spratly Islands should have a U.S. Air Force Drone Base that would support ecospheric habitat conservation efforts in the Spratly Islands. Perhaps Vietnam would help staff the facility and man anti-aircraft positions with Sam missiles in order to provide protection from Chinese anti-environment warriors from a rival base of purpose in the region.

Fish and fowl will be the losers ion the power struggle to exploit resources in the South China Sea without ecospheric supervision on the scene.


Washington Post Says SOCUS Will Fall to Chaos

  I have hit the filter out the Washington Post button numerous times in Google news yet  sensationalist and extremely biased headlines from the Washington Post keep appearing. Well, that may not be so bad since I a few comedy news headlines a day are not a bad thing. This one about chaos rolling in like a fog on little cat's feet over the Supreme Court because of the retirement of Judge Kennedy is a good enough example for government work.


If one were to accept the premise of the headline then plainly extraordinary intervention should be required to bring adult supervision to the playground where the Supreme Court hangs out. Maybe a Special Supervisor Magistracy Office could be established to help out with the food fights and mass confusion.

“There are laws to protect the freedom of the press’s speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.”

 -Mark Twain


Supreme Court Rules Against Gov Unions- What About Gardens?

SOCUS made a right-to-work ruling against unions that allows government workers to opt out of unions and still have a job. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/supreme-court-issues-devastating-ruling-against-labor-unions_us_5af9ec8fe4b09a94524b2ae9

That is great news since it allows the people to run government rather than special interests. Unions could blacklist people and prevent them from working for the government, yet no more.

If the Supremes would have an opportunity to make it illegal to for cities to outlaw growing gardens instead of lawns or from planting fruit trees the nation would be more self-reliant on food and not appear spoilt. 


Supremes Ruled Against Mass Citizen Internment ie Japanese Americans in WW II

The rights of citizenship ought not be attacked from within or without. Mass arrests of citizens because of race or religion during time of war is wrong, and it's right that the court ruled against a law that could be used to mass arrest citizens for some reason or other during peacetime too.


President Trump's desire to stop illegal aliens at the border and return them without full due process rights should be correct too, as millions of illegal aliens given due process of law reduce the quality of due process for citizens-not that that matters to the rich that can afford the best lawyers. Yet for the poor and middle class facing judges with too little time to spend on examining individual cases in detail because they have so many people to process means they may experience  incarceration en mass because judges had to mass produce legal procedures and sentences callously.

The problem with allowing millions of illegal aliens in the United States could, if history repeated itself loosely, might make civil war necessary instead of the mass detention of a few hundred thousand or even a million or two members of an internal proletariat allied with an external proletariat waging war upon the nation. If the rule of law was applied with the courts Korematsu decision prevailing during such a conflict as I wrote above, civil conflict rather than incarceration of a few would be the likeliest historical remedy that would work.

Philippines' Pres is Godless- US Should Close Embassy

Apparently a godless atheist neo-fascist admirer of Communist China, President Duturte of the Philippines has made some silly and crude theological comments disparaging God. It is not surprising that he has moved closer toward communist China since he apparently shares the atheism of the leaders of that nation.

It is important to choose friends carefully. The President of the Philippines is not a friend of God's, and the United States generally tries to be. While Duturte is leading the Philippines the U.S.A. should suspend diplomatic relations.

Perhaps President Duturte would like to be President for Life as is China's Supreme Leader. Even if he reduces the number of drug traffickers that challenge his nation, his godless influence presents a poor example of human decency, faith and understanding of theological questions about the divine to his people.

If the United States is lucky we could close the embassy to the Philippines, and stop reinforcing that nation with its monstrous leadership. It is no wonders that Muslim terrorists are finding it profitable to work in the region, motivated to fight against godlessness. Maybe the Trump administration should allow the Philippines to go to the devil and allow freedom an anti-intellectual license to have its day.

Harley Davidson Started Production Abroad in Obama Era (2014)

Harley Davidson started moving production offshore during the Obama administration in 2014. Street motorcycles to be sold abroad were then planned to be built in India. Harley was just late in getting into the trend toward globalization that has devastated American jobs and wages for decades. https://www.reuters.com/article/harleydavidson-results-offshoring/harley-davidson-a-u-s-icon-highlights-offshorings-perils-idUSL2N0PX1MT20140722

Harley Davidson had planned to build a motorcycle production facility in Thailand years before the recent tariffs President Trump established.. 



The iconic American motorcycle manufacturer has had declining U.S. sales as younger Americans have alternative transport preferences to the Hog. In fact by 2017 at least 40% of Harleys were sold abroad.


In 2016 an article in the Wall Street publication The Street called Harley Davidson stock "a dog" and said that it had nowhere to go but down. Apparently the company was evaluated as having poor customer relations.  https://www.thestreet.com/story/13508474/1/here-s-why-harley-davidson-stock-will-soon-plunge.html


So the new corporate strategy appears to have been to expand overseas.


Design Software to Beat AI at Anything

There is so much progress going on with artificial intelligence. New gpu with thousands of cores and vast left-wing cpus may support tremendous AI learning with portability. Chess algorithm's beat surpassed human players long ago. 
Now https://bgr.com/2018/06/25/openai-dota-2-bot-can-beat-human-players/


It is time that games are designed specifically that would let human players win and artificial intelligence forced to lose. It is possible and might have collateral benefits in the future, who knows? Equally as much work should go into defeating artificial intelligence programming in theoretical research to make real applications as goes into building up artificial intelligence The one-sided line of development doesn't seem especialy bright.


Stopping Illegal Immigrants at Border Must Be Just and Cheaper

Illegal immigrants to the United States are quite costly in tax dollars an in the quality of judicial services for those in the U.S.A. legally. Federal and state judges have a limited budget and for every addition to a court docket the simple facts of economics and quality vs. quantity apply. With the same number of judges and adjudications officers the fewer the number of cases that reach them the better the quality of work they can do on each case. Illegal aliens given the same legal protections as those in the nation lawfully degrade the quality of legal services ordinary people have.


An inner city judge may need to process court cases like fish as the backlog is great. Illegal aliens make that worse. When a judge has too many cases and too little time to spend on each one the justice given tends logically to be more inexact and unable to discover the nuances of each case and individual before him or her at the bench. That is bad.

So President Trump’s will to treat illegal aliens with fewer rights; the equivalent of treating illegal combatants with fewer rights than ordinary prisoners of war is rightly intended if possibly legally incorrect. The U.S. prison city already cost 89 billion dollars a year. The judiciary and law enforcement people cost much, and the cost of adjudicating and sheltering illegal aliens is high. With gangs on the increase in the U.S.A. it is plain that stopping illegal entry with a wall and avoiding all the subsequent social costs is a good intention. Summary deportation for those illegally entering the nation is a law that should be created by the Congress if it does not already exist.

It would be good to think that equal protection of the law actually worked in the United States for those here legally, and that it was a responsive and human justice system rather than one bum rushing citizens about and sometimes to jail for life because it is too busy with illegal aliens to spend so much time as it should on determining the resolution of important issues in the lives of those encountering its condign power, such as freedom, property and life or death.

Harley Davidson Hogs May Be Bred Overseas

The Harley Davidson motorcycle; an American icon, will be made overseas in the future to a certain extent the company said.

Europeans have killed the Hog with tariffs so HD will have to move abroad in quest of cheaper labor. I suggest Japan and Taiwan for new production facilities.

Japanese like Hogs and are excellent workers and great engineers. They may be able to tweak the Hog with some growth hormones that will improve it. HD should have some sort of super-electric motorcycle able to recharge in park in a Phoenix parking lot.

The rising Chinese economy is also a good market for HD. Probably they would be able to produce China-specialized motorcycles cheaper even with sanctions and all the rest; for Chinese consumption. Saudi Arabia may be a good place to sell Hogs since women can now drive on the street legally.

Americans will want to ride American made motorcycles and those in the future might become specialized 3D printed electric motorcycles or designer motorcycles from some specialized HD American Division. Good luck and sayonara Harley Davidson.

Internet News Pages are Cluttered With Too Many Ads

Even with an Intel i5 processor news pages are increasingly a pain to use. There are so many ads and pop up, unwanted videos running as tag-alongs and so forth that it is actually difficult to read many news pages.

Click on a page and it moves up and down like the saccadic eye movements of a drunk lying in the gutter as content continues to be layered on it. Apparently the more ad content there is on each page the greater the revenue is through advertiser sales. It makes it challenging to read in some cases.

Then of course there are the interesting lead stories that have 15 items such as the top fifteen states in supporting foreign government and illegal immigrants that you can only view one item at a time on 15 different pages because they sell more ads that way. Instead of waiting for the page to load and scroll to the bottom on a page that is difficult to scroll because it is a moving target to get to the next page arrow with new junk appearing and the screen display automatically readjusting, I just wipe the page out and never get to page 2.

It becomes even sillier when trying to load certain sports news pages on a somewhat smart phone that would probably require a supercomputer with thousands of cores in gpu and cpu to run because of all of the ads and videos one must endure to find the answer to a simple inquiry such as when the next candidate's tournament in chess will be, exactly. Actually Yahoo sports is the most clean and easy to load of the pages that are the first option.


Press Sect Violates Her Official Gov Twitter Office

Official US Eagle at the Office
A former government ethics guru tweeted that Sarah Sanders' tweeting about eviction from a restaurant was an ethics violation because she used her official government account. I am impressed that the U.S. Government has 'official' Twitter accounts for official twits. That goes a long way in explaining why the U.S. Government public debt is so large.

The ethics Guru said that the press secretary should have used her personal account rather than one with her job title on it. Evidentally her job title conveys an official status to the Twitter account. The Guru said using a twitter account was the same as if an ATF guy pulled out his badge at a restaurant when they want to throw him out. I hadn't previously known that Twitter has badge status and will sure to be more respectful if I ever get a Twitter account.


In a way, the Red Hen expulsion was done for official, though perhaps not rising to official Twitter status, reasons. So it seems reasonable that the press Sect replied within her Official Twitter account. After all Sanders was booted for on-the-job causes. Like Homeland Security Chiefs, A Press Sect Chief never sleeps.

In my opinion the Sanders' report was more like an Army action/observation report where one comments on, what is it? Size, location, unit, number, activity etc. on an official form.

The boss of the Red Hen probably did not even offer to give the Official Twitter-Certified Press Secretary a doggy bag. Sarah Sanders should have just zipped it and ate out back with the rest of the Republicans and rode home in the back of the bus wearing hijab.

The Official Twitter event...

Sarah, I know you don’t care even a tiny little bit about the ethics rules, but using your official account for this is a clear violation of 5 CFR 2635.702(a). It’s the same as if an ATF agent pulled out his badge when a restaurant tried to throw him/her out.

Civilians Trapped in SW Syria Should Move to Iraq via Jordan

The Syrian government attack on Dera (a city and region) with Russian air support has the potential to conclude the southern part of the war. The United States has said it won't support the rebel's last enclave in that part of the nation (it has a lot of ISIS and Al Qaeda personnel there in addition to misc rebels and 800,000 civilians.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9NZSblhqTs Al Jezera article on the topic
CIA Factbook image of Syria and Dara

The United States should work with Jordan to provide logistics for possible civilian refugees that can't remain in Jordan should they flee there, and to truck them to refugee camps in Iraq. Iraq should be able to provide intermediate range support for their Sunni brothers and sisters.

Kurds should be part of any sort of long-term peaceful stabilization of Syria such that they have a portion of Syria annexed onto their semi-autonomous Iraqi confederation. Iraq has a confederation of ethnic and sectarian people can become more of a central stabilizing influence and buffer to the extremists puritanical tribes and religious sects of the Middle East.

When the Nxxt FIDE Candidate's Tourney Is, Isn't Certain

Finding out the date of the next candidate's tournement isn't too easy. It must exist somewhere and not just as a TBA. Why is it important? Former world champ Anand will be 50 in 2020 so it would be interesting to learn if his birthday is before or after the tourney. Many chess players who are over 50 would be rooting for the former champion to qualify or alternatively summit Mt. Chimborazo.


The alternative FIDE logo for the Carlsen-Caruana world championship match looks a little too much like some deranged idea of a homosexual kama sutra. Hopefully it wasn't some sort of a slur at the former world champion's nationality. The former champ has been married (to a female) more than 20 years.

FIDE alt image via wikipedia: 

Ransomware and Public Computers; Why Not Use Open Source Software?

Ransomware attacks on public computer systems are something of an enigma to me? What is so important data-speaking that the public governments pay exorbitant ransoms to criminals to free up the computer systems they are locked out of? Are the computer managers the kind of people that say progrum?

I am not very contemporary on computer systems technology so I am probably about even with managers of computer systems for government on inability to understand all of the stuff needed for state-of-the-art computer security. So why use windows with all of its secret compartment that hackers can subvert and not use an open source operating system such as Debian, Linux in its varieties etc. that have a lot of shareware and are more in keeping with the spirit of open democratic government?  If one eliminates the operating system as a swamp for hackers that leaves just the hardware (or something else like the servers) to attack.  https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php

 Some ransomware did attack Intel cpus and they offered patches for that. Intel is or was designing some kind of new cpu and maybe gpu that doesn't allow its microcode for the chips to be corrupted by the corrupt.

If computer managers back up their data in the cloud a priori they won't lose all of their information if a hacker commanders a John Deer tractor and herds a flock of deer to stomp the city computer system down or whatever (i.e. someone left a window open and rain overnight soaked the system). 


Cities, libraries and other government sites probably buy new computers always instead of used computers. That's o.k., yet if a hacker closes down government computers and the data is backed up in the cloud it's a good moment to upgrade the computer system with faster, more expensive cpus, install the free Linux or Debian operating system and download the backed up data from the cloud. Even the new 18 core, 36 thread intel i9 chip is just $1800 or so. Instead of paying ransom charge of $50,000 for nothing, government managers should just upgrade and buy an equal value amount of state-of-the-art faster chips and some older generation ones that are faster than what they have installed in their imprisoned systems.


Intel Core i9-7980XE Skylake X 18-Core 2.6 GHz LGA 2066 165W BX80673I97980X Desktop Processor  intell i9 Skylake 18 core $1879

Intel Core i7-8700K Coffee Lake 6-Core 3.7 GHz (4.7 GHz Turbo) LGA 1151 (300 Series) 95W BX80684I78700K Desktop Processor Intel UHD Graphics 630    

European Union Perfidy in Subversion and Anti-American Activities

Democrats often attack political targets personally instead of changing things through the ballot box. Former F.B.I. Director Comey's comment's about hiding his US citizenship and pretending to be Canadian seems part of the leftist-corporatist anti-American disposition that works basically for European interests in trying to co-opt or subdue the U.S. Government and use it as a dupe-minion. Canada is part of that axis of evil. James Comey is an unintentional dupe-tool of the ANTIFA axis of Euro-anti-Americanism seeking twin goals of socialism and concentrating wealth in 1/10th of the wealthiest 1%.

Part of the modus operandi is flooding the United States with pliable illegal immigrants and degrading the native born U.S. population so far as possible. The European Union has emboldened some enemies of democracy and brought them to unite with Latin American elements in attempting to subjugate the United States with broadcast media collusion. It is a dangerous trend and a divide and conquer strategy that would co-opt America before crashing Russia and bringing into effect a world economic government centered in Germany.

 The President's press secretary Sarah Sanders was thrown out of a restaurant in Virgina apparently for being female and pro-Trump. If she had been black people would have screamed about racism. Being female she seemed vulnerable apparently and an easy target for Virginia POTUS haters. A male might have been less likely to get the boot for being pro-Trump if known to have skills in mixed martial arts.

It's too bad. Sarah Sanders probably leaves good tips. In the future she should carry a concealed .44 automag as should the Homeland Security Chief that has crowds of intimidators trying to influence her policy through direct force at her home.


Sarah Sanders (via Twitter) "Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so."


Pres Trump Should Give Repreive to an Endangered American Marten

President Trump should balance out the ledger for ecorationality vs eco-destruction for profit a little and reprieve the endangered subspecies of the American marten called the Humboldt Marten. Fewer than 400 of the little critters remain in existence. ther adverse and nvasive species have pushed it to the edge.

President Obama in effect told, the American marten to bite it, and let it wither and possibly dsappear. Maybe he liked invasive species from Indonesia, it's hard to say.

The President could require his people to list the Humboldt Marten as an endangered species and make it illegal to trap as they still do in Oregon. The President could provide a sanctuary where the Humboldt marten could have a chance of remaining alive.


https://www.fws.gov/arcata/es/mammals/HumboldtMarten/humbMarten.html image credit:US Forest Service

Sarah Sanders Given Boot from Virg Restaurant for Being Female & Pro-Trump

 The President's press secretary Sarah Sanders was thrown out of a restaurant in Virgina apparently for being female and pro-Trump. If she had been black people would have screamed about racism. Being female she seemed vulnerable apparently and an easy target for Virginia POTUS haters. A male might have been less likely to get the boot for being pro-Trump if known to have skills in mixed martial arts.

It's too bad. Sarah Sanders probably leaves good tips. In the future she should carry a concealed .44 automag as should the Homeland Security Chief that has crowds of intimidators trying to influence her policy through direct force at her home.


Sarah Sanders (via Twitter) "Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so."


Democrats often attack political targets personally instead of changing things through the ballot box. Former F.B.I. Director Comey's comment's about hiding his US citizenship and pretending to be Canadian seems part of the leftist-corporatist anti-American disposition that works basically for European interests in trying to co-opt or subdue the U.S. Government and U.S. it as a dupe-minion. Comey is an unintentional dupe-tool of the ANTIFA axis of Euro-anti-Americanism.

Part of the modus operandi is flooding the United States with pliable illegal immigrants and degrading the native born U.S. population so far as possible. The European Union has emboldened some enemies of democracy and brought them to unite with Latin American elements in attemptiong to subjugate the United States with broadcast media collusion. It is a dangerous trend and a divide and conquer strategy that would co-opt America before crashing Russia and bringing into effect a world economic government centered in Germany.

EPA Misunderestimates Methane Leaks- What About World's?

Methane is a radical greenhouse gas leaking into the atmosphere from sloppy, dirty, unconcerned resource and fossil fuel managers nationally and worldwide.The EPA may underestimate methane leaks by 60%.  https://insideclimatenews.org/news/21062018/methane-leaks-oil-gas-climate-change-risks-natural-gas-slcp-global-warming-pollution-science-edf-study

With such a bad example by the American energy industry it is likely that places like Africa and Russia have even lower standards of caution. Antarctica is melting 3x faster than was believed until recently, and much of Russia is under 200 feet of elevation above sea level. People really should care more and just insulate better, use more geothermal and solar power quickly. It would also be a good idea to put power line for electric car charging in highways fairly soon to expedite the termination of fossil fuel vehicle use.


President Trump probably could assure re-election on the environmental issue alone if he were to take a leading conservationist stance to restore the ecosphere and eliminate fossil fuel use and point sources of other greenhouse gasses. Voters that find the Democrat Party morality and anti-Americanism onerous would like an alternative platform candidate that doesn't have neo-suicidal  ecospheric policy.


A Note on Socratic Irony

I learned much about Kierkegaard in the course Kierkegaard and Socratic Irony. I read Fear and Trembling and Sickness Unto Death in mid-1977 and hadn't a clue about Socratic irony. I viewed Kierkegaard as a Christian writer somewhat like an isolated individual, maybe something like a westernized Dostoyevsky, though purely philosophically and religiously driven.
It was interesting learning more about the Romantics and Hegel and the way they viewed social reality. Themes in philosophy from the era continued to evolve through various forms, though with the amount of writing people besides professional philosphers, and even many of them, might easily overlook or forget particulars of the content.
The contrast of social viewpoints  of Kierkegaard and Nietzche's philosopher of the eternal recurrence; Zarathustra, are interesting. Without understanding what Socratic irony meant to Kierkegaard and the way he regarded society in its unexamined life of somnulence it would be difficult to contrast that with Nietzche's summary dismissal of the masses as metaphysically unaware sheep in order to see the differences.

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...