
Neither U.S. Party Wants to Change tThe Status Quo

There are all kinds of change a democracy can make. In reference to global ecosphere destruction, neither party really wants to change things much. Each support the Wall Street consumption-expansion ethos with the major difference being that democrats are racists, sexists, homophones and socialists while Republicans seek to concentrate wealth for the most rich.

Both parties support the repression of free speech of actual new and innovative ideas. Democrats control the major social media through homosexuals and other radicals that want to censor anything they believe is politically antipathetic. Republicans of course are Wall Street and admit what Democrats they need to for increased profit. The world may go to ruin but those that are rich will get richer. Democrats can at any rate keep flooding the nation with illegal aliens, develop socialist corporatism and end the U.S.A. transforming it to a globalist socialist-corporatist entity.

Progressives of the Democrat ilk are something more like regressive going back to quasi-Marxism as the fix-all for patching things. Reforming capitalism within Democracy and free enterprise paradigms can repair the ecosphere faster and more efficiently without piling up government debt; that needs direction though. Intelligence is required and lacking in both major parties because they lust for power and wealth in the existing way things are.

Between corporatism and communism the quest for wealth and increased consumption tends to doom the future of the world ecosphere. One imagines that some day in a century a world population of too many billions will just crash down to a billion more or less. Prospects for rational adaptation by society in general are improbable since the most greedy, avaristic kind of people have so many trillions invested in the existing way of doing things.

The green new deal was a socialist ply that addressed just global warming. That is a problem yet so is flooding the U.S.A. with cheap labor immigrants to help raise the population and consumption higher.

The United States facing challenges from enemies within and enemies without. N.A.T.O. is somewhat anachronistic and binds the U.S. to Europolitics too much. Meanwhile the ecosphere declines, population of humans increases and democracy and its advantage of a marketplace of ideas is buried under the power of Wall Street and Beijing's Grand Hall.



The Revelation of John- a comment

The Revelation of John of Patmos was written to Christians of the first century in a very difficult time with persecution past, present and ahead. John needed to code his writing a little because, for instance, if he had used Nero’s name instead of the Beast he would have been executed right away very likely instead of exiled to a prison island.


Martin Luther said that the Revelation of John has ‘a lot of straw’ in it. That reference is to brick making I believe, wherein one may add filler to the brick that isn’t purely necessary.

My opinion is that the apocalypse occurred in the first century with Jesus crucified, the Christians scattered, Apostles such as James and Paul killed, Jerusalem destroyed. This is the era where the Kingdom of God is building up. That will continue until Jesus returns physically. 


The events of the Revelation are not all complete for the Universe still continues obviously. Some people want to sell all sorts of pre-tribulation ideas in churches because it makes for good disaster scenarios and social irresponsibility for the condition of the world. It is something of a cult point of view that I don't share. The subject isn’t simple. 

Jesus will return to judge the quick and the dead. I have written something about eschatology in a book I made of a theology course I took. It is free to download. Page 38 and after has some material explaining something of my opinion.


Three Minute Blitz-Queens-Pawn-Opening-Symmetrical-Variation-3.c4

                                                                                             I played black.

Turkey Declares Enmity With U.S.A.- Boot it From N.A.T.O

Apparently Turkey's P.M. has declared the U.S. to be an enemy for supporting Israel. Turkey has plainly chosen Russia as it's arms supplier and military friend rather than N.A.T.O. The United States should sever diplomatic ties with Turkey and boot it from N.A.T.O.




https://tass.com/economy/1070657 Russia-Turkey Joint Helicopter Production

Turkey is still something like the Ottoman Empire in its attitude toward other nations. It is also a Muslim state with fundamentalist tendencies. Plainly it is an enemy that should not be trusted. The only reason to allow Turkey in N.A.T.O. to start with was its opposition to Soviet Communism. Since Turkey has moved to the Russian side in support of Russian goals for Middle east hegemony through an expanded Sunni presence across the Middle East and North Africa in order to reassert an Ottoman Empire-like presence , that day has long passed. Turkey has long range goals that are in conflict with those of the United States, some of N.A.T.O. and free people lucky  enough to be free of Muslim government.

Actually N.A.T.O. has dubious reason for existence. With the Turkish defection to Russia's sphere of influence, the French neo-neutrality of an historical character during the Cold War, and the pacific and treacherous English stance, not to mention Western European nations that hate any sort of U.S. militarism, N.A.T.O. would be better phased out as a security threat to the United States.

Turkey may buy Russian S-35 fighter jets in the future. They are a very good aircraft. Besides not being a nation with homosexual marriage, Russia is a friend of China; Turkey can buy all the cheap things it needs from China to satisfy its consumers.

European nations should pay entirely for whatever defense they believe they need. Germany should have a chance to rearm and defend itself against Russia if it wants to. With a more active European role with Russia that does not involve the United States the relationship between Russia and Europe might work out better, equalizing to a sustainable balance.

Forming a coalition of the willing to counter global dangers might be more useful than being bogged down in the security leak that is N.A.T.O. If Europe again becomes a threat the United States can deal with that later. If countering Chinese expansion requires multi-state remedies again a coalition of the willing might be more effective.

Allowing Turkey to benefit from allied defense between Europe and the U.S.A. is a mistake. Turkey views the Middle East through Muslim eyes envisioning an Israel that does not exist. It would be far better if Turkey did not exist and Greece reclaimed Constantinople.

Turkey's purchase of Russian air defense missiles plainly was taken as it views N.A.T.O. and the U.S.A. as a threat to its power goals.




Israel is a permanent friend of the  United States. Russia should regard Israel as a friend as well, rather than Muslim states that one day may nuke Moscow in the hope to converting Russia to Islam. The administration in Washington D.C. is not too warlike; rectifying the relationship with Turkey may need to wait until a former General is elected to the White House.


Dealing With the Alaska Ferry Boat Union Strike 2019

It was a terrible time to strike, with the state budget already cut so far. I recall talking with a guy from the Philippines via Las Vegas who had arrived to work on a ferry- he asked for directions in Juneau. The marine 'highway' system has its own interests in mind rather than those of Alaskans.

The Marine Highway union barricade (strike) is equivalent to a state disaster affecting thousands of Americans. The blockage of an international highway should merit federal action to keep it open. It could even be regarded as worthy of FEMA relief management as a disaster caused by a Union.

Is it possible to get Coast Guard or naval reservists to run a few boats while the strike continues in order to not impact everyone's business? What about hiring a private firm to go from Ketchikan to Hollis and use the existing system to Northeast P.O.W. to Wrangell? If there was a permanent shuttle from Wrangell to Mitkov Island that would at least allow most of the southern half of S.E. to be accessible via land and boat.

Then a northern boat from Petersburg to Juneau to Sitka could circle, and a Juneau to Haines-Skagway. Three large boats and three shuttles; not too many to improvise crew for.

Probably there should be one boat to Kodiak from Whittier- so four large boat altogether.

Unions may coordinate with global socialists to do the most damage they can to the Alaska and U.S. economy. The ferry union has international connections. What if there is collusion with China or Canada?

Tighten Up Perfidious Canadian Border Crossings

Canada has fairly loose, importunate standards of immigration. Not that one should care what Canucks do implicitly- it is just that they comprosie a threat to U.S. security.

Canada is something of a shill for British policy initiatives such as homosexuality, drugs, imperialism and destruction of an independent United States. Not only should a wall be built that keeps illegal aliens out of the United States, it would be a good idea to tighten up Canadian entry into the United States in order to secure the back door to the U.S.A. that allows evil to enter from that vector.

Canada has been something of a tradition frenemie status that requires increased vigilance to defend against. Mapleville has very cheesy politics with  loony spin regarding the interests of democracy and ordinary Americans that still want a storage unit of their own free from international terror. Canada is an aloof critic that mocks Americans from a safe haven of incipient socialism.

Irresponsible Canadians media scum sometimes throw mud at Americans that support democracy and nationalism labeling us fascists. They condition their minions for sycophantic speech. No one that takes democracy seriously needs that. I hope the Pentagon has a plan for Canada in the event those neo-Communist imperialists go too far in support of transnational terrorism, evil and alignment with adverse foreign interests.


Rep Cumming's Maryland 7th Congressional District Got $16 Billion from Feds in 2018

Congressman Elijah Cumming's 7th Congressional District in Maryland got $16 billion dollars from the U.S. Government in 1018. That is not a small amount of money. One would think the condition of the 7th district is reasonably well known or the federal Government should not be spending so much upon it.





If there is much illegal drug use, and many derelict houses, garbage strewn about and unsafe streets that most Americans would be uncomfortable walking on after dark, that should be manifestly known to those that investigate the concern. The President is either correct or not in disparaging the home district of one of his most vociferous critics. 

If the district actually is in good repair with a low crime rate, and if the Congressman has brought spending to his district that catalyzed average national employment rates within it, if there are few visible areas with garbage strewn about and illegal drug use is not common then the President owes the Congressman and apology. If it is in a sorry state House Speaker and others owe the President and apology for calling him racist for pointing out the faults of the work of one of his major attackers presently, for he was only speaking the truth.
https://www.nationalgangcenter.gov/Survey-Analysis/Demographics https://www.roadsnacks.net/these-are-the-10-worst-baltimore-neighborhoods/


Foreign Aid is in the Interest of the United States Too

Foreign aid can be a very good thing if administered intelligently. Usually the U.S. Government hasn’t a surfeit of intelligence operating that is dedicated to public service so much as self-service. Funding the U.N. millennium program for example would have benefited much of the poorest regions of Africa, and the U.S. wouldn’t. So China’s financial loans for economic development to Africa have a larger effect, one that might not be much in African or U.S. interests.
Nature abhors a political vacuum. If the United States is so obsessive that it simply builds its own advantage or trades with poor foreign nations and their most powerful and sometimes corrupt political economic members, the development of those nations may not be sympathetic toward democracy and the United States. Good neighbors and friends are actually helpful in hard times. Some operations require community work although the issue is at a distance or over the border.

The Obama administration funded a host of rebel war movements across North Africa and the Middle East that continue to cause harm. That sort of foreign aid may please arms sellers but it can be counterproductive to long-range costs for American interests that need to spend more on defense and defrappe terrorist actions toward the United States. Building stable, peaceful societies rather than allowing nations to fall into non-democratic chaos of repression and or war is cost effective for taxpayers. That requires intelligent foreign aid- and that is the challenge isn’t it?
Another value for aid to foreign nations is in building infrastructure across the globe for ecologically sustainable economic infrastructures and methods of existence, Benefiting human health everywhere can be moved forward through construction of a reformed economic system that has as low of entropy and destruction of the environment as possible and that even recovers damaged planetary ecosystems. The value to Americans is that it will help sustain all life on Earth including people of the U.S.A. That requires substantial intelligence and leadership to accomplish. Foreign aid is a very small portion of the U.S. budget that can bring far more benefits in return than the initial cost.
If good sense and spirit is lacking in leadership, they should at the least consider the parable of the crooked steward from Luke 16;
“1 And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods. 2 And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward. 3 Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed. 4 I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses. 5 So he called every one of his lord's debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord? 6 And he said, An hundred measures of oil. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty. 7 Then said he to another, And how much owest thou? And he said, An hundred measures of wheat. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore. 8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. 9 And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.
10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. 11 If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? 12 And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own? 13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”


Gel Concrete Blocks That Don't Dry Until Uncovered Could Be Useful for Desert Areas

Some kind of pre-formed gel concrete block in a plastic package that wouldn't harden until activated after being put in place- such as in a building foundation ditch, would be useful for construction in very dry areas without water.

Concrete dries with a chemical reaction rather than when exposed to air. Even so some chemist experimenter might have design concepts in mind that would make pre-formed wet concrete blocks available for production and sales in building supply stores.

Concrete blocks can have a high thermal mass. When  mostly solid they can collect solar energy and release it at night warming a building interior and cooling it during the day. With a few layer deep of concrete pre-formed blocks rising from the foundation simple desert buildings that are solid might be easier for individual home builders to piece together.

It might be desirable to be able to readily lock the pre-formed wet concrete block packages together in place to facilitate corner and multi-level installations.

While on the topic, it is worth mentioning that current methods of making concrete produce a substantial portion of human caused Co2 emissions. Redesigning the process to lower that percent could be useful too, synergistically.

Some Welfare is Good for the Economy

Welfare has a very tarnished reputation. In a society with a work ethic it symbolizes urban ghettos and repressed minorities that spend generations in rat-infested public housing projects. The well being of a society does include the standard of living of the worst-off individuals as well as the best. Some theorize that the stimulus of poverty and its negative reinforcement drives the poor to seek work if they don’t have the alternative of living on welfare. The criterion is maladroit.
Political economy lacks sufficient positive mechanisms made through law to enable people to escape poverty readily and work. Without food stamps, some employers would use starvation as a lever for lowering worker wages. It is a social insurance program in that respect to prevent corporations from using starvation as a tool of extortion to force people to work at low wages in harsh conditions. People are not all really wonderful, and would enslave others if they could, if not eat them.
The Democrat Party does not know how to reform a capitalist economy in a democracy. They try to get as many people as they can on some government pay-out in order to implement socialism through the back door. That problem differs a lot from trying to make a free enterprise foundation workable for every citizen. Democrats will even flood the nation with illegal workers in order to subvert the wages and labor-side of employer-worker wage value and negotiations. There is another benefit of flooding the USA with illegal aliens for Democrats; it degrades the ecosphere faster creating environmental emergency and additional Democrat leverage for socialism through government environmental powers.
It would be practical to pass a law that provides tax breaks to employers in relation to hiring and employing people that were out of work longest. Putting the hardest to hire people to work would relieve welfare rolls. Democrats have no interest in that.
American youth had to pay a sort-of-tax for Obamacare. Now the Democrats would like to force youth to pay for Medicare for everyone not presently qualified. Today people over 65 qualify for Medicare. If those under 65 get Medicare too then the worker contribution for that might rise ten or twenty time. Democrats might say they would tax the most rich to pay for that, however the tax if passed- and that would be very hard to get done, would bring money to the general fund and perhaps instead pay for the soon to be trillion dollars of interest bill dues annually for the 22 trillion dollar U.S. Government debt.
Democrats should have expanded the V.A. hospital system and joined it with community hospitals and clinics for the poor and simply provided free direct medical service to those that are screened by the federal Government to actually be too poor to afford medical treatment. Such a non-profit is the least expensive way to bring medical coverage to all citizens. Single payer systems are a further support to enslave the public and bring corporatism and socialism in a world government into being.

Present administration of the V.A. hospital system may be somewhat inefficient at delivering quick, quality health care however reform is always possible. One issue may be the problem of tenured government employees without production incentives. That might be corrected with contractors to provide services in the V.A. equivalent to contractors employed in the military, motivated for production. Some leaders are incapable of improving organizational efficiency and effectiveness while others rise to the challenge.
Reducing the period of patent exclusivity to three years with 10% royalties to inventors after three years when anyone produces profit from using the idea would accelerate economic innovation and progress and give a better chance for poor inventors to profit instead of reinforcing the trickle-up system now in effect. The entire patent process as well as defending it is simply not something a broke, intelligent American can reasonable afford. Poor people often don’t prefer to gamble 300% of their life savings on speculation, yet they may have good ideas.

A Synopsis of Why Russia Fell to Communism

Russia was weakened by war. Its political immune system was suppressed and disease was free to enter the body politic.
The Russian revolution was the first success of several revolutionary movements of the late 19th and 20th centuries seeking to bring about communism. The institution of the Tsar was oppressive. The table of ranks of elites rendered ordinary people nobodies beyond the first 50 ranks. An international movement sought any place available to revolt. The revolutionaries moved about. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and others journeyed from nation to nation as the royal establishment kicked them out or hunted them. Russian royalty made a fatal mistake in the social contest between revolutionaries and aristocrats; it got involved in a war with Germany and the Tsar was not a good military leader. His pre-emptive attack on Germany led to great German advances against Russia. Germans sent Lenin in a sealed train to lead a revolution and sign a treaty with Germany that gave away most of the Ukraine and other land.
Russia had anti-tsarist revolutionary movements for a very long time before the October Revolution. There had been experiments with democracy a little, briefly. It was possible that a constitutional monarchy might have evolved something like that of Britain given enough time, yet the pressure of the first World War that reorganized much of Europe was sufficient to bring more force to the fault lines in Russian leadership.
The Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset wrote a book named The Revolt of the Masses-published in 1929–30 that anticipated the restiveness of European society because in part, of technological changes and mass communication, transport etc. The work anticipated the 2nd World War, though not exactly concise in anticipating the rise of Hitler and the 3rd Reich.
I believe it worthwhile to mention that several nations did join the communist camp through force after the Second World War. War is a traditional means of bringing communist-socialist systems into being. Usually the desire is to remove an oppressive ruling elite. Then at the conclusion of the war the choice of the leadership is for communist dictatorship rather than democracy not only for ideological reasons, but for practical reasons too; suppressing counter-revolutionary werewolves is easier with dictatorship than ballot boxes.
In places like Vietnam and China communism prevailed yet later moderated itself with some evolution toward market political economy. The perennial war of ordinary people to rid itself of oppressive ruling elites never ends. Democracy and free markets seem the best remedy.

U.S. Political Economy and Potential for Collapse; Seriously?

If Democrats retake the House and the Presidency in 2020 there is a good chance recession may follow. Democrat policies concerning the economy are very weird and there are innumerable serious spending plan increases in the party for a variety of programs that would tend to be recessive. Collapse is a strong word though.

The U.S. economy has always grown with brief times of recession or depression occasionally. It always recovers after periods of irrational exuberance, too rapid and unsupportable expansion and collapse and recovery as in the 1929–30 crash. It is because the basic structure and resources of the United States are strong.

When the federal government fails to adapt in time to empirical challenges internationally that can bring about economic problems requiring rectification of means. Several challenges face the United States today that seemingly are not being adequately addressed.

One is too much illegal immigrant population. The U.S.A. has about 320 million people presently. That may be regarded as about 100 million too many for ecospheric health. If another 20 million illegals arrive, and though the population growth rate for American citizens living here is zero, the birth rate increase for the next illegal generation could drive the U.S. population up to 400 million very quickly, and that would require a large increase in the cost of government.

Another challenge is simply globalism and the desire for Democrats to ensnare the U.S. in networks of global treaties for ecological reasons. It would be better and more effective to simple direct U.S. economic policy toward constructive, synergistic environmental economic infrastructure changes.
Global trading competition, global corporations and multinational ownership and finance along with global electronic currencies present challenges that are fairly complex for national political economy to correct. because the majority of Americans have only a small percent of national income and so much goes to the 1%, economic collapses can be regarded as sometimes intentional or acceptable readjustment losses that might harm ordinary Americans but profit the 1%. That is, the nation does not experience economic shocks together. The specialized nature of employment occupations has also reached the economy of the nation. One business on Main Street may close down while another across the street expands. That principle applies to the entire planetary economy now.

U.S. public debt appears to be a problem. At the least it is offensive to those citizens that do not want debt in their personal accounts. Public debt seems to indicate incompetent management in U.S. Government policy. I have no idea what can be done to repair the damage of 22 trillion as it is presently.

When the British financed the revolutionary War defense costs of the battle against the United States their government debt borrowing wasn’t repaid until near the start of the First World War. The effect of financing the debt was to cost the people of England reduced social benefits for a very long time, and taxation to pay for it. The U.S. public debt may have the same effect. It may not bring about an economic collapse. Instead, with global electronic currency and multinational corporations the economy of the United States may with away as global financial systems transcend it. That development would be unfortunate yet should require a decade or so to fructify.

A few good researchers have suggested the carrying capacity of the world is two billion people at the present rate of consumption. The United States seemed good enough when it had 200 million people. With 320 million it seems overpopulated and going through the ecosphere at an alarming rate.
The nation mostly has zero population growth voluntarily except for a few minorities and the notable exception of Hispanics and illegal alien. A few million more illegal aliens with the large birthrate could fairly rapidly drive the national population to 400 million. That seems somewhat crazy, although the new normal phenomenon and brainwashing media would make it seem o.k.

What is of little help is the wrong eschatology theory popular with some fundamentalists that there will be an Armageddon and apocalypse to usher in a new age. The Bible actually, read correctly, in my opinion, provides more evidence for an end-times apocalypse occurred in the first century A.D. as Jesus said it would before the end of that generation. After that the kingdom of God was supposed to slowly increase, and it has with more than a billion believers today. Muslims share the wrong pre-tribulation theory- even Iranians with their Twelvers that believe a hidden Imam that disappeared in a well will reappear after Armageddon.

Establishing sustainable, discrete national economies with zero net loss of biota is a very good idea.


Shouldn’t There Be National Freeways Just for Electric Vehicles?

Electric vehicles are clean. Zero emissions to add to global warming. President Eisenhower began the federal interstate system for defense purposes. A modern President could justify construction of a few Interstate dedicated solely to the use of electric vehicles. Electric power lines for recharging would be embedded in the highways.

Global warming is truly a problem. Humanity puts 37 billion tons of Co2 into the atmosphere every year. Last year- 201, was the worst ever. Making sure that state-of-the-art electric vehicle technology is prioritized would help reduce the expansion of one of the most grave threats to human life; the fossil fuel powered vehicle.

Thee north-south and three east-west freeways designed for electric vehicles would get the new infrastructure started. The highways might be designed to have a high albedo reflecting sunlight back into space. The highways might also convert sunlight into electricity, and even superconductors in liquid hydrogen filled pipes might store electricity not being used.

Electric vehicles including self-driving cars and trucks, should have a system enabling the use of the best features of electric powered platforms including rapid acceleration and cool running high speed.

Both major US political parties present bad choices to voters. Democrats are lunatic globalist neo-treasonous, quasi-socialist queer developer feminists and Republicans appeal to an electorate that is supposed to be stupid as stone, ignorant hillbilly yippies that believe fossil fuel Co2 damage that anyone with a lick of sense knows to be a huge human-caused problem is a fiction made up by Democrats. So the choice voters have is between ignorance or stupidity and corruption. Americans can do better than that, and should. Building a few green highways for electric cars is practical and difficult to f..-up. for pork and odd political derivative spending.

Economic development can be intelligent and not use fossil fuels and greenhouse gases generally. That requires economic leadership rather than government spending, except where government spending on useful programs are just adapted to a purely green ergonomic foundation efficiently. The free market with some direction is the best tool for reforming the economic infrastructure of the United States. Build it and others will follow.

Why Not Open Artemis Moon Program to Outside Investors

I am all for U.S. nationalism generally. On the return to the moon program and build a base I have a different take; allow outside investors including China and Russia, Saudi Arabia etc. to buy into the program to a level that at any time would comprise 49% of the cost.

The United States has a history of hot and cold on manned space missions, as well as converting basically good programs into union pork that go on forever without producing much after the start. A manned lunar research and relaunch base could use input from other nations from the start. It makes little sense for redundant Russia and Chinese programs for the moon with all three nations ending up with smaller bases not well enough funded.

Human efforts to establish permanent and productive manned space colonies within ecologically rational criteria will cost a lot of money, though with the potential of returning orders of magnitude more than the investment over time. A lunar port near the base should be planned for landing commercial spaceships. Maybe it should be named the Trump Space Facility. https://gizmodo.com/spacex-s-starhopper-makes-its-first-free-flying-leap-1836727226

The Democrat Party is likely to cut the guts out of the U.S. Space program in order to have higher wages, Medicare and drivers training for illegal aliens on the Pelosi vineyards plantation and so forth. Investment from Europe, India and etc would keep the moon base sustainable economically.

If the Nadler hearings and impeachment services could redirect some of its work to the new lunar base, in 2024 the first Lunar inquiry into impeaching the President could transpire with exciting video for all on Earth with Rep Nadler starring again.

Democrat's Goon Squad Does Seem Racist

The House of Representatives' Democrat Majority Goon Squad of Four does seem consistently racist. As self-described 'colored women' they represent an external proletariat of Muslims and non-whites that hate the straight white male President for being white and male. The Goon Squad belligerence represents the face of the world to come as a result of Democrat Party politics. The interests of women seeking to expropriate male wages in the United States, the interests of global proletariats and the interests of the most rich that wanted to cap and degrade middle class male wages in the U.S.A. since women got birth control pills and entered the work force in larger numbers have aligned. Saul Alinsky had some theory that has inspired the Democrat party too-


With the Democrace solid in its existential will to sprawl, expropriate, redistribute and empower the future for a few generations probably will be more Orwellian with vague elites of 1%ers in communist and capitalist casheconomic infrastructures manipulating their daily haters from afar with technology.

Space exploration is at least becoming a bright spot once again, with hope not yet occluded even by Muslims of the Goon Squad.


It is funny about the latter. Muslim civilization was the primary rival of western civilization. It was contained in the Iberian Peninsula and driven out in 1492- the same year Columbus discovered America and aboriginals living there. Through the sheer Democrace existential hate of straight white males and global redistributionist theory the Muslim society is being imported into what was founded as a Christian nation of western civilization to become an implicit threat after 500 years. The kind of incompetence that required to get done is breathtaking.



Philosophical Issues With Darwin's Theory

 Philosophical problems with Darwin’s theory might be taken to mean generally that people don’t support the evolution paradigm. Some believe the Bible and Genesis especially are in opposition to evolution. I don’t see it that way having learned science and Christianity together from early youth.

So one might want to explain more fully to people why one can find everything natural- not created by humans, as created by God, in default. God, after all, has lots of time. All of eternity is a lot of time to create a Multiverse or Universe and set it working. If every last atom and quark was foreknown by God, and planned, that would include evolution too.

Really it's quite an interesting topic and the better one is informed of the Bible and of Cosmology the more interesting it becomes. God is a lot smarter than humans. It's good he left the Bible for a guide and sent His Son to the world to help out.

I wrote a lot of brief essays on the topic and published two books- free to download with those essays. They are here…



I have learned more and thought more about cosmology and creation since I wrote those. Maybe sometime I will add a third collection.

I have read the KJV more than a half century and believe God evolved the world, and the apocalypse occurred in the first century A.D. when Jerusalem was destroyed, Christians scattered and martyred, and the building of the Kingdom of God was then new for the passing generation of the old era. Some believe it wise to repeat the pre-tribulation philosophy and to believe their own interpretation of Genesis is infallible. 

 I would say that evolution theory is natural, and God created all natural things. Scientific atheists and some reactionary Christians are just wrong about things. Making a dialectical opposition of evolution and the Bible is wrong- it misleads many souls and government decisions.

A fine-tuned Multiverse is implicitly a little contradictory- every possible Universe that could exist does exist in some form is the theory. Each Universe should be fine-tuned for it to be what it is. That's nearly a principle of identity. The Universe has a built-in Occam's razor compelling it to lack a surfeit of alternative variables and constants. Yet God is spirit and the constants and variables of any given Universe aren't really germaine. They are downstream in a manner of speaking.

G.W.F. Hegel believed the Universe was the world spirit trying to realize itself through history (paraphrase of someone- I cannot recall). He thought the German state of his time was the highest evolution of the intelligence. Dialectical evolution loosely would have been the Universe trying to be and become interacting with itself. 

An analogy might be that the world-spirit began its material paradigm self-awareness program as a tiny seed at the big bang and evolved through interactive change into something larger and more pluralistic with sentience being the highest phase achieved within a government and society that was Germany. That was a practical way for a philosopher to get some approval from the Aristocrats of his nation, though I doubt that Hegel invented the theory just to kiss a of the most rich rulers.

Hegel was rightly called an idealist; all of this dialectical progress was working of Spirit. Hegel wrote a nice, smaller version of The Phenomenology of Mind titled- Realms of Absolute Spirit (in a version I read).

What if Ford and Tesla Merged?

Tesla has been great technically at innovation yet sometimes a little shaky on sales and production. Ford is going increasingly electric and trying to be more forward looking. It would seem like a reasonable opportunity for the two automakers to merge.



The advantage of using Ford showrooms to sell Tesla cars and Ford production experience to produce the all electric tech leading cars more efficiently is apparent enough on the surface at least. Ford could benefit from Tesla quality electric tech insight, and Elon Musk could work more on new innovations and his space x projects and leave much of the mechanics to Ford.

It might be useful for the advance of hypertubes if Tesla and Ford continued to work together to improve various design improvements, if anything were actually going to be built in the U.S.A. in the lifetime of the present generations, instead of being a concept set aside for a half century like the moon landings and Apollo program.



Some Context for 'America Love it or Leave it'

America Love it or Leave it'' was a common 1960s-70s era bumper sticker. Conservatives felt there were communists in the anti-Vietnam war movement back then. There were some communist-Trotskiites associated with the anti-war movement that had an origin in the end of the Stalin era in the Soviet Union and the decision of following Soviet leaders to resume a global policy of support for communist insurgent movements everywhere possible. Stalin before had supported just a 'communism in one country' policy (the Soviet Union). The North Vietnamese Army were heavily subsidized by the post-Stalin Soviet Union.
image credit US Army

Because the communists were atheists, some Baptist church pastors were especially inclined to support the pro-capitalist side of the United States, of which they were citizens anyway. It was easy to have a fairly consistent patriotic, pro-American policy in that era. Today, alternatively, shamefully, the left have tried to associate pro-America with racism, disingenuously. Today, not only are globalism socialism and communism a recrudescent threat, some U.S. politicians appear to be too happy to be associated with a benevolent attitude to foreign terrorist organizations.
A democracy is a nation of laws- civil laws, and sovereignty of ordinary people. Many today seem to take democracy for granted and support bum-rushing of the borders illegally with race as a justification. Their work reinforces globalist concentration of wealth and elite imperialists, corporatists, plutocrats and communists. Even (U.S.) federal courts have caseload backlogs that are not helped with expenses that need go to adjudicating legal matters of millions of illegal aliens. Federal courts are required for inter-state dispute resolution, and that includes civil matters. So good luck in trying to get a court date to resolve civil affairs for compensation from convicted interstate criminals.  


Democrat Investigation of Trump Proved Vladimir Putin Really Won 2016 Election (satire)

The monumental, precedent shattering Mueller Investigation Intifada of the Democrat Party and allied mainstream media has come to an end; at least phase one. President Trump has failed to prove his innocence once more, thus he is by default and Democrat demand, guilty, of letting Russia win the 2016 election.




Before Democrats made the point plain with three years of public education reform, the nation had forgotten the legal principal that everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Some future Democrat Congress may overcome onerous rules of habeas corpus that prevent locking up Republicans on sound moral principals for beating Democrats in elections too often.

President Trump has been a puppet of Russian marionette Vladimir Putin and hops to every whim of Moscow's bagpipers and different drummers. Democrats; thanks to their interminable conviction and actions to prove that Vladimir Putin the Elector is the real leader of America and President Trump just a figurehead representing Russian control of Wall Street and all red things in the White House and across the heartland brought America to focus on election stuff for three years instead of other stuff. Who knew Russia ruled the rubes so easily? 


Democrats have shown the way that Russia will again win the White House and after 2021's January inauguration force the American East coast to drown in Sky and Stolichnaya vodka on the rocks in celebration.

Luckily for the nation, Democrats can be counted on to inform the nation of what's what when it counts- year after year.

Google and Google Blogspot is Too Large for Easy Takeover by Corporate Censors

Of the numerous web sites that were also social media locations with free writing venues I have posted at, Google blog-spot is the sole survivor. Virtually any place I wrote and posted sometimes politically contentious material eventually was closed down(or I was banned).* Even Google blogspot originally was Geocities that Google bought. Geocities before it was taken over by Geocities was also named something else. Corporatism and the Democratic left cadre infiltrating internet sites greedily marginalize or close down outlets for free speech they believe don't support their proprietary interests. So I am concerned about A.G. Barr's anti-trust targeting of Google, Facebook and not so much about Amazon since I prefer to use e-bay for looking for used stuff.

Corporatism has taken over the democracy of the United States. Its managers are simply intolerant of non-corporate agenda writing on its venues. They find some pretext to marginalize, ban or otherwise censor free speech consistently. It is true that Google is very large, however without some kind of public Internet writing forum that last through political vicissitudes and the capacity of the 1% to buy out, take over and shut down web-sites where antipathetic free speech occurs, Google is about it. In the case of free speech Google's capitalization is the best factor for independent writing remaining.

* If you look at my archive history you would see the 400% increase in the number of posts I made for the year 2010. That was a result of being banned from Helium after a Democrat was elected to the White House in 2008 and sworn in January 2009. On Dec. 24th I was banned from a no-longer existing for-profit website for writers and so brought my articles over to blogspot.

A Comment on Omniscience

 I tend toward belief in God's omnipotence and omniscience. For instance, in the Mathematical Universe paradigm of Tegmark's with a level 4 multiverse, IMO, the entire construct is actualized thought of God in which human subroutine's experience what God wills. Evil in the Bible is natural disaster while wickedness i human malevolence to others. The capacity of God exceeds human understanding- humans are contingent being, wot.

Plotinus' Enneads (Plotinus was a neo-Platonist) illustrates some of the mystery of The One (God). Being omniscient he has no questions to answer or choices to make...those are temporal phenomena of contingent beings that do not know the past present and future of everything including every possible actualized form of multiverse.

Omniscience is not like temporal phenomenon including sentient minds. Everything that exists is temporal, God is more than that of course. All human or theoretical sentience of contingent beings is less than a fraction of everything that is God. Sentient besides God that wants more knowledge has questions, needs to learn etc. It is endemic to the criterion of temporal, thermodynamic being. God is more than everything he creates including Multiverse(s). There is much temporal language not well suited to describe the non-temporal, eternal that yet encompasses the appearance of temporal, thermodynamic change that contingent beings experience.

To answer the second paragraph first; God said; "I am". He does not need to prove His own existence. That would seem somewhat neurotic from a human point of view.

It is interesting that he encompasses temporality yet is eternal. God is spirit. The temporal thermodynamic, physical Universe is always in change. It seems to be made of quarks and strings. Strings have one dimension- points have zero dimensions. Leibniz believed that one-dimensional monads were the primary element of matter.

However one regards the smallest component, particle-wave pieces of matter, it is built up from basic, very basic field components of some unknown kind and the protocols add up to form the steady state of matter and energy comprising the Universe. Pure spiritual foundation in the mind of God is challenging to understand, yet the size or scale is relative unto God and His own being.

Tegmark's book is worth reading- The Mathematical Universe. He does not intend for it to be a theological paradigm at all; simply math. He believes math makes up the Multiverse at the fundamental level. A Multiverse may be fully actualized (it is very large), yet static; mind travels through the Multiverse and each though one has switches a mind through it to another Universe with the correct corresponding structure for the thought. Thought is all that moves. Heraclitus and Parmenides-two pre-Socratics, commented on what change is and how it might be viewed relativistically

There are innumerable ways to have a purely spiritual Universe and Multiverse. It may appear from some perspectives to grow and expand, and from other perhaps not. People are familiar with the paradoxes of general and special relativity, so one should be able to imagine what scale and how a Multiverse might be just a thought of God’s within his other non-temporal stuff.

If humans are comparable to real numbers, and to a small fraction between zero and one, at a virtually infinite level of reduction between those numbers- a set of some arbitrarily small number repeated equal to the population of the Earth, and are unaware they are of that scale and made of spirit set aside by God, they have a challenge before them in understanding all numbers and number theory that could possibly exist to its infinite scale. And the numbers and math are just a single aspect of God’s nature.

No Sites of Multiverse Available (poem)

Nothing of the sense of temporal change
evincing broken waves

Multiverse's configurations variable
just one variable enough
forethought of plurality

Sentience, omnisentience, partitions
of necessity constant
being and nothingness

Zeros and ones simulation
of all allegiance contingent being
thankful for the Creator

Quanta of a snow field filled
crystals melt and flow
all of the hydrogen and oxygen unto each soul.
NASA-Chandra-Center of Milky Way Galaxy


Virtue Signaling = Affirmative Action for Dems in Showbiz

Buzz words tend to be annoying. Virtue signaling is a contemporary pop phrase for show biz. People that ordinarily would be typical Democrat Party voters are portrayed in Hero of the Soviet Union kinds of roles in acting. They expropriate traditional Republican straight white male roles and replace them with women, LGBLTQs and non-white race actors and actresses.

That people besides Republicans that are straight and white males want to star in Hollywood is understandable. Even so it is wrong to describe the drive to make the change to Democrat party characters as virtue for-itself. Not being an archetypal Republican does not make an actor or actress virtuous by default.

I find the politicization of virtue annoying, for the Democrat Party isn't much for classical or Christian virtue. They redefine virtue as meaning something like beyond good and evil- annoying. Super-powers or excellence in killing do not signal the presence of virtue. Doing the wrong things for virtuous reasons reduces the virtue rating by at least 50%. Socrates might have pondered that sort of thing.

Classical Platonic virtue isn't obvious to others. Aretaic ethics are the essence of classical virtue and the contemporary Democrat Party isn't anything like that. Ordinary people probably are not specially virtuous for being prosperous, spending and consuming a lot while following contemporary trends, fashions and language use-conforming consumerism and conspicuous consumption. Aborting 60 million babies since Rowe vs Wade, watching television networks and mainstream media owned by the 1%, acquiessing in 22 trillion dollars of debt, a society that pays soldiers mercenary wages instead of fielding volunteers serving motivated with patriotic public service as guardians of the state, allowing the democracy to be transformed into corporatism and marriage to morph into the meaninglessness of multiple-divorce and homosexuality are not examples of virtue at all. It is Orwellian takeover signaling-not virtue signaling.

It is fine to signal political preferences yet wrong to couple that with the word virtue unless one intends to debase the meaning of virtue. I have no idea how politicians and Hollywood without good ideas that could actually make society work better, imagine they are virtuous or are capable of signaling virtue. A high court that reinforces  social standards of godless swinishness isn't a good source for social instruction for virtue- much less Hollywood types.

If Hollywood portrays characters that do not support democracy, the reform of capitalism within democratic parameters, Christian ethics, honesty, philosophical learning, faith, courage in adversity, individualism, sobriety, temperance, ecological economics, space exploration, efficiency in technology and the elimination of poverty and oppression by others in the state or simply in society, inventiveness, excellence and Aretaic ethics it just isn't virtue. Sorry Hollywood.



Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...