
A Note on Truth Assignments

Truth assignments are a tool from propositional logic wherein certain constant values are stipulated to be true. Theologians tend to differ in truth assignments to literal values of word-concepts from the Bible, as do critics. Relational operators between literals would I think be regarded as constants in meaning for-themselves. The possible degrees of relational operators tend to be viewed in terms of n-dimensional spacetime. Thus conventional logical operators in sentences representing various structures could be made inaccurate in assigning truth value, even theoretically, to quantum mechanical topologies.

In a Stanford Intro to logic course (free) there is a sentence I will quote; "Note that, for a propositional language with n proposition constants, there are n columns in the truth table and 2n rows."

I like the idea of Cantor's trans-finite sets criterion of some infinite sets being greater than others (e.g. the set of all natural numbers is greater than the set of all odd natural numbers) being applied to truth tables. Spatio-temporal thinking, descriptions of truth assignments for theoretically real quantum structures of n-dimension quanta and fields.

associative principle in group theory:     For all ab and c in G, (a • b) • c = a • (b • c).
Symmetry of a dihedral group: r1 (rotation by 90° right) att.Timothy Rias-publlic domain

So one gets to mathematical formulae used for topology, string and brane theory, indexes and M-Theory wherein group structures can be cloned representationally or models

"a topological invariant g associates to each surface a number" http://www.bourbaphy.fr/dijkgraaf.pdf

                                                       g: {surfaces} Z  >= 0                                 

Index(D) = dim Ker(D) − dim Ker(D*) = Tr(etD*D) − Tr(etDD*)


{particles} {branes} {strings}

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