
Boston Racism and Maslow's Pyramid

Egregious Bostonian racism has hit the news recently. Evidently at least one fan of the hated Boston Red Socks hated on some Baltimore Oriole outfielder throwing speeches of a dissing sort at him. The Orioles won that game yet dissing under the influence took bigger headlines. Thus I shall consider the matter that might in a reasonable world have been left simply to Boston and matters of Bostonia.


Charles Darwin the famous dead naturalist (not the cotton candy salesman of South Beach) was of the opinion that the origin of the species was fro primeval dirt, or molecules or at least very small animals. I mean small in stature rather than spirit in the context. Under the influence of the almighty and the physics of the cosmos (not the one with Carl Sagan or an evolved line of physicists that have followed in his tracks) dirt happened and was thrown all over in a hyper-inflation from a primordial singular zero-dimensional point. The dirt was not actually that advanced to start with.

 Before about 300,000 years after the zero-dimension singularity nothing except hot plasma existed. When it cooled a little and light escaped particle-wave began forming piling up stuff like a garbage pile with complexity and forms. Hydrogen fused and cascaded helium and more complexity grew from the initial zero-dimensional waveform of what I shall  call the word to start. In time (time started with the mess strewn about in the beginning) clumps of particle-waves became stars and physical forces attracting everything to itself (gravity) were moderated by repulsive forces necessary to let orbits exist without immediately contracting back to the singularity.

Orbits of electrons and atoms sometimes were locked down in molecules and isotopic varieties of atoms that were elements. Elements combined and recombined in larger shapes and forms. Some of these were of artistic merit. Piles of metals molded with heat ans shining like bright objects in a gallery sometimes appeared in desert like spaces devoid of live yet with form at that point. When the Universe allowed enough time for stars to grow and die blasting themselves into more star parts of elements of exotic sorts since they had been under such extreme heat, pressure and cooling, planets of such junk formed with gravity and eventually some of the inanimate dirt paradigmata became more complex and reactive to things such as light. The order ‘let there be lamas’ could not have occurred with the prior phrase ‘let there be light’.

In the wild kingdom the species that arose before the invention of monosodium glutamate found themselves challenged by other species to perpetuate themselves often absolving nutrients that were living species. Before any sort of thought about the civil rights of other species arose in multicellular animals, even before the Buddha discovered enlightenment under a tree hit upon the head by a falling apple, animal life regarded other non-species animal life as grocery items for consumption. Homosexuals and the U.S. Government forced same-sex marriage upon the public in order to avoid the challenges of differences that exist in the wild  kingdom and pursue such political policies when they can. 

No matter, this is a comment about the racism in the Bostonia paradigm such that rival baseball teams are sometimes also regarded as rival species. Human beings have followed the wild kingdom practice of eliminating rival species since their earliest times, before they even reached the stage of modern humans. The genetic forebears of human beings were killers of any sort of rival specie for hundreds of thousands of years. In  fact in the wild kingdom there were probably no pacific species.

In Boston some of the species rivalry can still appear, shockingly. Different caress are regarded by some as different species. Same species are generally tolerated (hence the Supreme Court approval of same-sex marriage) while rival species are put down. Evolution has not occurred at the same rate in all human beings, and some prefer the natural kill of rival approach to life that of course leads in time to death.

Those against protection of wildlife and species diversity personify the current state of non-conscientious or subdued  citizenry that regard wildlife as an externality to business or actually as a consumable grocery for business profit. Extrapolating from the pyramid of simplification ala’ Maslow where beginning with a broad base and wild kingdom that was healthy humanity exploits and exterminates its way to the top.

The alpha chem lawn guys with a good check for disbursing poison for exterminating life may dream of being unleashed to wipe out rival and morally inferior species. They may pour chemical nutrients upon grass that would better be replaced with natural local plants. The dream of eliminating rival species to create a shag-carpeted utopia is what some people imagine the true destiny of the race (fill in white, brown black yellow or whatever i appropriate. With) no rival species and they attack themselves with same-sex marriage, nuclear,  chemical or even biological war (what irony!).

Then, after the last human has stopped breathing, there will be no joy in Mudville.


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