
Kitty Hawk Flyer; All Electric Ultralight Pontoon 'Copter

Google's Larry Page backed development of an interesting new flying boat. It is an ultra-light and reminds me of a surface effects craft derivative morphed with drone technology. Maybe it flies over land as well as water (about 10 feet in the air apparently). It seems like a practical way to get around in some remote locales, or would be if it has a fuel cell for recharging the battery.

Such an ultra-light vehicle could be adapted to lunar and possibly Martian exploration. Instead of using propellers for lift pushing air, some sort of very lightweight condensed mass could be expelled through nozzles at high speed downward-perhaps lunar regolith or dirt-making refueling inexpensive.

When the made-in-knock-off land version is released in a few years the general public will be able to afford it for somewhat more than a deluxe kite.


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