
Add 9-11 Victims to Memorial Day Observance

In addition  to honoring the nation's veterans that served and died, those victims of the 9-11 massacre should be added for official observance on Memorial Day.

The nature of war and of service have changed in recent times such that some civilians are regarded as targets for war. The business people of the Twin Towers and the passengers of flight 93 assuredly were targeted by Al Qa'eda as soldiers of war. That is business and research are considered as the equivelent of military activity, for each support the other to a certain extent.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNodh9OlTrQ Donald Trump at 9-11

The nation should never forget those that have sacrificed their lives in American defense, nor the business people that have perished for advancing the American way of life (to the extent that they aren't loyal to global oligarchy).



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjXgbpkKnKo 9-11

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