
On; Does God Still Visit Churches

While watching a good blitz chess game some poster commented that 'God does not visit churches'. That made me think about modern unbelief and the meaning of church.

A traveller to the Soviet Union mentioned that when she asked about a large church and why it was now a museum she was told; churches don't work anymore. With the secularization of church doctrine and a clergy comitted to be a separate class of Christian receiving 10% of any church goer's income some churches in the U.S.A. seem not to work very well
Yet the only church that means anything is that belonging to Jesus Christ. I suppose that is coincident with the kingdom of God; it isn't a building or a denomination at all. The church is the people of God saved by the Lord.

I suppose the poster believed a church is the building where Christian services occur on Sunday including the people that go there. Maybe one needs to be a theologian to develop enough depth to understand what the church is adequately to just be less wrong about it than the poster, if one includes the idea of God visiting it.

God is omnipresent for one thing. Everything that exists was in his mind plans (modge panc -old English) before the Universe existed. God is always true because nothing that he has made could be in contradistinction to his will. Human will can be wrong and has original sin (wrongness) implicitly, though the church inherently by virtue of being saved is without that problem. God is omnipresent in the life of believers. How else could it be so? Even when people are not aware. The kingdom of God is within you.

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