
Will President Trump Stimulate Russia's Renewable Energy Sector

Russia's alternative energy infrastructure is in pitiful shape. The adverse bilateral relations of the Obama years did nothing to help Russia move to diversify its energy infrastructure (nor Alaska’s). Sen. McCain has called Russia "a gas station run by a mafia that is masquerading as a country”.  That needs to change if the high Arctic is to be spared some of its worst destructive problems of global atmospheric warming and methane gas releases from sea-floor and tundra.
Russia like China requires that the majority of its technical material be manufactured or owned by Russians (or Chinese respectively) in order not to become a vassal state owned by wealth globalists. The Trump administration could provide help in getting U.S. companies to build wind generator and fuel cell manufacturing plants in Russia.
Because a nation largely financed with oil has trouble developing competitive technical and consumer economics across a wide spectrum because of turf concerns about who owns the oil and political power, and since that affects international relations, the west cannot afford to let Russia fall behind in the one legitimate global need to upgrade its energy infrastructure away from reliance on fossil fuels. Russia has great scientists yet economic reality can stagnate numerous areas of any economy wherein aparatchicks and the 1% are no more that oil producers-consumer-loyalists.

Wind power for Russia might largely be limited to the Urals (I don't know). Yet there are vast sunny spaces good for solar cells, many smart Russian scientists and the possibility of creating fuel cell technology and power plants able to light and warm up Russian homes in the long, cold winter nights.

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