
What's Wrong WIth Trump Transition Como Link to Kremlin Anyway?

What is actually wrong with trying to establish a back-channel line of communication to Moscow that circumvents the bureaucratic and non-secure diplomatic channels or those run by the Obama State Department? Trump might not have had access to the hotline of the Oval Office if such exist, and it may be tapped anyway or cloned by Siberian hackers on the Chicom or Red Army payroll.

The President of the U.S.A. should have as good of practical communications with Russian leadership as possible to help reduce tension and increase profits for Americans as well as Russians.

Since the nation has moved past the McCarthy era inquires a little, becoming linked-in with world leadership is a task the Trump administration needed to accomplish strait-way.



So much classified material was leaked to wikileaks during the Obama administration that official channels were suspect. President Obama even pardoned Chelsea Clinton-Manning the soldier after sex conversion. He-she provided hundreds of thosands of classified emails from officially secure transmissions. I have no idea where Mr. Kushner thought he could find secure 'back-channels' that Democrat Party symps couldn't corrupt or hack. My guess is that it wasn't through the State Department or Google Play.



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