
Civil War in Syria Followed Veiled Burka Ban of 2010

Civil War in Syria Followed Veiled Burka Ban of 2010

Post hoc ergo proper hoc need not be always wrong. While causality such as David Hume saw it may be wrong due to complexity and the inexorable march of Universal entropy, Syria’s ban of the face veil may have stimulated conservative wahhabist attacks on the Assad-Alawite government.

Women are worse off in Muslim countries than any other because they are lost without the Lord Jesus Christ. Additionally, Muslim countries are dangerous paces for women to be with 4 to 5 times the violence of non-Muslim nations.


This webpage may be a kind of why Turkey banned wikipedia

Because women are in poor shape in the Muslim world the long range future of those nations isn’t good. First women then homosexuals will subvert their ruling and social elites seeking to become those in-themselves. Women taking the top of the chicken coup rungs might be a improvement over the way it is in the Muslim word arguably.

Hijab head scarves probably made it easier for women to survive in a barbaric warrior and nomadic culture. The sublime porte of the Ottoman Empire was just repressive and opportunistic and putting down women was as easy as being predatory on young boys and making slaves of Europeans. Maybe in a really depraved and corrupt empire women actually niche in a little better than non-insider guys; that’s hard to say.

Maybe the U.S. civil war could have been avoided if Abraham Lincoln had a black ops team capable of rendition of all southern slave leaders secretly and or assassinating them and offering support for candidates to office against nullification; that’s hard to say. One could write a thousand novels with alternative 19th century history where smart politicians found ways of not having civil war. Today the United States seeks to create civil wars to replace leaders that don’t support mandatory burka wearing in some nations evidently, or at least they did during the Obama administration. Even so smart politicians (I know-an oxymoron) could balance the federal budget, not stimulate foreign civil wars, and have full employment with the majority of the people taking the majority income of the gross national product.

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