
Sen. McCain's Views of Vlad Putin and ISIS are Tough to Understand

Senator McCain has a different point of view about Russian leader Vladimir Putin and ISIS. He feels that Mr. Putin is a greater threat than ISIS and is nervous about back-channel communication with Moscow. May one infer that he believes it safer to build back-channel commo links with ISIS?

ISIS and Islam are direct threats to the American way of life and seek to increase by cutting off heads, establishing Islamic law and occasionally blowing up tall office buildings with Americans in them when the opportunity arises. ISIS is seeking recruits, Russia isn't doing any of that sort of thing so far as I know, yet what do I know in comparison to Washington insiders? Maybe a Russian adviser tortured John McCain in Hanoi as in that Rambo movie and he dreams; 'I'm coming for you Vlad.'

Ukraine was Russia for half a millennium before Columbus discovered some friendlies and hostiles in America. Crimea was part of Russia longer than the United States has existed. It isn't reasonable to equate Russia with ISIS so far as invasion go. Nor would it be reasonable to compare U.S. occupation of Vietnam with Russian occupation of Crimea. General Westmoreland was trying to defeat communist expansion, yet the U.S. had never had Vietnam as a state or even trust territory at the time.

It would seem as if increasing communication with President Putin by the American President is a good thing, as would increasing business, trade, tourism and environmental mediation cooperative ventures. With ISIS alternatively, less is probably better.

The opinions of people in D.C. can be somewhat mind-boggling.

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