
Von Trump Plan to Cut Food Stamps a Bit Too Much

Finding work for the elderly is difficult. The socialization of youth and cultural insensitivity may preclude an amicable work environment. If reasonable work is actually available few would not prefer to have the cash rather than to subsist on food stamps. And children receiving food stamps don't have opportunities to work in sweatshops 20 hours a day anymore due to oppressive legislation passed in the 1920s.

Even so children and the elderly take half of the food stamp budget and President Trump wants to cut that 25%. Everyone needs to tighten their belts while the 1% get tax cuts and 62% of the national income of course, yet I feel the food stamp program should be reduced no more than 15%.


I worked for a while with a federal jobs program for the elderly 20 hours a week being unable to find any other work. Actually I learned a lot in those 20 hour position working for a while in the State of Alaska archives and in a start up non-profit in Texas. There are interesting things to learn that don't pay anything of course. I finished an M.T.S. program except my thesis wasn't conservative enough for a particular theological seminary so I just let that go. The history and theology was fascinating though. I have found a good course intro in logic via Stanford and a course in Denmark of Soren Kierkegaard for free at 

 My A.A. and B.A. degrees being useless, and an automobile required for work as a painter-if anyone would even hire a 62 year old to climb 24 foot extension ladders and trim buildings. I believe many people have worse time finding employment as they get to be over 55. Millions just struggle on without substantial work as best they can until retirement age because the U.S. Government never had the creative capacity to provide real incentives and tax policies that would prioritize hiring those out of work longest, the most poor and the elderly.

Government doesn't take realistic jobs for citizens seriously enough at all.

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