
Can Alaska be Made "More Respectful and Caring"?

Here is my number of words limited comment  on a news op/ed...

Constant change and cold weather can make Alaska in some respects a tough social environment. Alcohol abuse is as high as it gets. It can be tough to get work in Anchorage. Village women that visit Anchorage can be subject to pressures from weather that others might not in warmer places, and of course the general social level may not be stellar in some cases.

Peter Maas wrote in his book ; Crude World, The Violent, Twilight of Oil, how reliance economically on one natural resource corrupts government and obstructs diversification and independence for ordinary people. Alaska relies on oil and politicians stole the PFD first thing when oil revenues declined and they were demonstrably incapable of running a state budget with intelligence, diversification and good ecological economic policy. The state needs an income tax for a citizen-financed government rather than an oil dominated corporate trophic clave.

Primarily women should pursue political-economic benefits for all people to better society rather than just for themselves. Divide and conquer; defeat in detail; that's how globalist win. Ban NPR.

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