
Trump E.P.A. Targets Oceanic Fishery Health for Ecocide

President Trumps misguided leadership at the E.P.A. and Department of Energy seems set to make a direct attack upon the nation’s efforts to move toward ecospheric rationality instead of the quick and dirty path to casino profits. While President Trump is immeasurably better than the satanically immoral Democrat Party, as an urbanite and aloof billionaire without good ecospheric sense devoted primarily to the value standard of gold in-itself, he has no competence about the value of Bristol Bay Alaska as one of the very few healthy world fisheries.

The destructive, predatory, globalist Pebble Mine that was started by the Anglo-American company initially though the ownership may have been laundered since, is a neanderthalic quest for the shiny metal and copper valuing those metals more than ecospheric life itself.

The oceans do not need to become a poisoned pond and the land a godless immoral gambling casino with infinite bling for the billionaires.
There probably will be no second term for the Trump administration if the Pebble Mine goes ahead. In case the President is not even thinking about getting that abomination going, I should point out some of the benefits of Mr. Trump being President; he is not Hillary.


It would be unfortunate if a rather talented individual like Mr. Trump who has obviously shared the devil's path with the Clintons in promoting the immorality of gambling with all of the decline in social health that follows, could not appoint a sound alternative and renewable energy leader to the Department of Energy and a good ecological economist to lead the E.P.A. Some day as people look back on the decline of the world's ecospheric health they may  judge white leaders that were incapable of having any sort of social responsibility for making the ecosphere recover even while humanity increases its enjoyment of it as simply stupid and greedy. Failing to comprehend value theory and why people use money or why people are alive at all and what they need material for is a common characteristic of a lemming and rat-like conditioned response social environment where people consider money the greatest good, better than dog biscuits for dogs. They must have an unlimited stockpile of biscuits to convert the entire world into biscuits. 

Good government governs economic activity too in so far as it sets parameters where it is safe to proceed. People don't allow dynamite sales in convenience stores for some reason, for example, and intelligent people don't want the nation's and world ecosphere corrupted and progressively degraded either. THe corrupt and stupid don't get it.

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