
Republican Health Care Bill D.O.A.-Victimizes the Poor, Weak, and Old Yearning for Pain Relief

Republicans need to get real with a good health care paradigm that isn't just a crooks ideal transformation of Obama-Corporate-Burocratocare into cheap-o-care for the benefit of the rich.


The sole affordable health care would be for the government to invest in upgrading and expanding existing V.A. hospitals and poor peoples public health clinics...I will modestly name that Trump-Care. Every poor American would be eligible free treatment for walking in.

The government should offer very low-interest short and moderate term health care loans for people that need some sort of blue-moon surgery or emergency treatment yet have jobs and solid annual income since money is so cheap from the Federal Reserve now. The loans would be up to $30,000 with favorable repayment terms.

Pre-existing conditions and chronic illness care should be in another program if insurers are reluctant to cover that.

Its fairly simple to ad hoc and piece together a better coverage paradigm for all Americans-even bringing fuel cell and electric vehicle transportation networks to synergize patient transportation to authorized low-or-no-income treatment outlets. There are numerous ways to delivery free or affordable health care that aren't even considered by the U.S. Government because big corporate and big governemnt are their primary ways of thinking about anything.

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